National Vital Statistics System

Instructions for Classification of Underlying and Multiple Causes of Death – Section III – 2019


Selection of the underlying cause is based on selecting a single condition on the lowest used line in Part I since this condition is presumed to indicate the certifier’s opinion about the sequence of events leading to the immediate cause of death. However, it is recognized that certifiers do not always report a single condition on the lowest used line, nor do they always enter the related conditions in a proper order of sequence. Therefore, it is necessary to edit the conditions reported during the selection process. For this reason, standardized rules and guides are set forth in this manual.

The international coding guides are provided in this section. Also included are instructions for use in the United States designed to bring assignments resulting from reporting practices particular to the United States into closer alignment with the intent of the International Classification procedures.

The interpretations and instructions in this section are general in nature and are to be used whenever applicable. Those in Section IV apply to specific categories.

A. Guides for the determination of the probability of sequence

  1. Assumption of intervening cause. Frequently on the medical certificate, one condition is indicated as due to another, but the first one is not a direct consequence of the second one. For example, hematemesis may be stated as due to cirrhosis of the liver, instead of being reported as the final event of the sequence, liver cirrhosis portal hypertension ruptured esophageal varices hematemesis.

The assumption of an intervening cause in Part I is permissible in accepting a sequence as reported, but it must not be used to modify the coding.

                                                                                                Codes for Record

            I    (a) Cerebral hemorrhage                                   I619

                 (b) Chronic nephritis                                         N039

Code to chronic nephritis (N03.9). It is necessary to assume hypertension as a condition intervening between cerebral hemorrhage and the underlying cause, chronic nephritis.

                                                                                                Codes for Record

            I    (a) Mental retardation                                        F79

                 (b) Premature separation                                   P021

                 (c) of placenta

Code to premature separation of placenta affecting fetus or newborn (P02.1). It is necessary to assume birth trauma, anoxia or hypoxia as a condition intervening between mental retardation and the underlying cause, premature separation of placenta.

  1. Interpretation of “highly improbable.” The expression “highly improbable” has been used since the Sixth Revision of the ICD to indicate an unacceptable causal relationship. As a guide to the acceptability of sequences in the application of the General Principle and the selection rules, the following relationships should be regarded as “highly improbable”:
  2. an infectious or parasitic disease (A00-B99) reported as “due to” any disease outside this chapter, except that:
  • septicemia (A40-A41, B94.8)
  • erysipelas (A46, B94.8)
  • gas gangrene (A48.0, B94.8)       May be accepted as
  • bacteremia (A49.0-A49.9, B94.8)   “due to” any other
  • Vincent angina (A69.1, B94.8)     disease
  • mycoses (B35-B49, B94.8)
  • any infectious disease may be accepted as “due to” disorders of the immune mechanism such as human immunodeficiency virus [HIV] disease or AIDS
  • any infectious disease may be accepted as “due to” immunosuppression by chemicals (chemotherapy) and radiation
  • any infectious disease classified to A000-A090, A162-B199 or B250-B64 reported as “due to” a malignant neoplasm will also be an acceptable sequence
  • varicella and zoster infections (B01-B02) may be accepted as “due to” diabetes, tuberculosis and lymphoproliferative neoplasms;
  1. a malignant neoplasm reported as “due to” any other disease, except human immunodeficiency virus [HIV] disease;
  2. hemophilia (D66, D67, D68.0-D68.2) reported as “due to” any other disease;
  3. diabetes (E10-E14) reported as “due to” any other disease except:
  • hemochromatosis (E83.1),
  • diseases of pancreas (K85-K86),
  • pancreatic neoplasms (C25.-, D13.6, D13.7, D37.7),
  • malnutrition (E40-E46);
  1. rheumatic fever (I00-I02) or rheumatic heart disease (I05-I09) reported as “due to” any disease other than scarlet fever (A38), streptococcal septicemia (A40.-), streptococcal sore throat (J02.0) and acute tonsillitis (J03.-);
  2. any hypertensive condition reported as “due to” any neoplasm except:
  • endocrine neoplasms,
  • renal neoplasms,
  • carcinoid tumors;
  1. chronic ischemic heart disease (I20, I25) reported as “due to” any neoplasm;
  2. (1)     cerebrovascular diseases (I60-I69) reported as “due to” a disease of the digestive system (K00-K92), except Cerebral hemorrhage (I61.-) due to Diseases of liver (K70-K76);

(2)     cerebral infarction due to thrombosis of precerebral arteries (I63.0)

cerebral infarction due to unspecified occlusion of precerebral arteries (I63.2)

cerebral infarction due to thrombosis of cerebral arteries (I63.3)

cerebral infarction due to unspecified occlusion of cerebral arteries (I63.5)

cerebral infarction due to cerebral venous thrombosis, nonpyogenic (I63.6)

other cerebral infarction (I63.8)

cerebral infarction, unspecified (I63.9)

stroke, not specified as hemorrhage or infarction (I64)

other cerebrovascular disease (I67)

sequela of stroke, not specified as hemorrhage or infarction (I69.4)

sequela of other and unspecified cerebrovascular diseases (I69.8)

          reported as “due to” endocarditis (I05-I08, I09.1, I33-I38);

(3)     occlusion and stenosis of precerebral arteries, not resulting in cerebral infarction (I65), except embolism occlusion and stenosis of cerebral arteries, not resulting in cerebral infarction (I66) except embolism sequela of cerebral infarction (I69.3), except embolism reported as “due to” endocarditis (I05-I08, I09.1, I33-I38);

  1. i.   any condition described as arteriosclerotic [atherosclerotic] reported as “due to” any neoplasm;
  2. influenza (J09-J11) reported as “due to” any other disease;
  3. a congenital anomaly (Q00-Q99) reported as “due to” any other disease of the individual, except for:
  • a congenital anomaly reported as “due to” a chromosome abnormality or a congenital malformation syndrome
  • pulmonary hypoplasia reported as “due to” a congenital anomaly
  1. a condition of stated date of onset “X” reported as “due to” a condition of stated date of onset “Y,” when “X” predates “Y”;
  2. any accident (V01-X59) reported as “due to” any other cause outside this chapter except:

(1) any accident (V01-X59) reported as due to epilepsy (G40-G41)

(2) a fall (W00-W19) due to a disorder of bone density (M80-M85)

(3) a fall (W00-W19) due to a (pathological) fracture caused by a disorder of bone density

(4) asphyxia reported as due to aspiration of mucus, blood (W80) or vomitus (W78) as a result of disease conditions

(5) aspiration of food (liquid or solid) of any kind (W79) reported as due to a disease which affects the ability to swallow

  1. suicide (X60-X84) reported as “due to” any other cause.

The preceding list does not cover all “highly improbable” sequences, but in other cases the General Principle should be followed unless otherwise indicated.

Acute or terminal circulatory diseases reported as “due to” malignant neoplasm, diabetes or asthma should be accepted as possible sequences in Part I of the certificate. The following conditions are regarded as acute or terminal circulatory diseases:

I21-I22     Acute myocardial infarction

I24.-       Other acute ischemic heart diseases

I26.-       Pulmonary embolism

I30.-       Acute pericarditis

I33.-       Acute and subacute endocarditis

I40.-       Acute myocarditis

I44.-       Atrioventricular and left bundle-branch block

I45.-       Other conduction disorders

I46.-       Cardiac arrest

I47.-       Paroxysmal tachycardia

I48         Atrial fibrillation and flutter

I49.-       Other cardiac arrhythmias

I50.-       Heart failure

I51.8       Other ill-defined heart diseases

I60-I68     Cerebrovascular diseases except I67.0-I67.5 and I67.9

B. Diagnostic entities

  1. One-term entity: A one-term entity is a diagnostic entity that is classifiable to a single ICD-10 code.
  2. A diagnostic term that contains one of the following adjectival modifiers indicates the condition modified has undergone certain changes and is considered to be a one-term entity.

adenomatous   embolic       hypoxemic      necrotic

anoxic        erosive       hypoxic        obstructed

congestive    gangrenous    inflammatory   obstructive

cystic        hemorrhagic   ischemic       ruptured

(Apply this instruction to these adjectival modifiers only)

For code assignment, apply the following criteria in the order stated.

(1)    If the modifier and lead term are indexed together, code as indexed.

                                                                                                Code for Record

            I    (a) Embolic nephritis                                        N058

Code to embolic nephritis (N058). The adjectival modifier “embolic” is indexed under Nephritis.

(2)    If the modifier is not indexed under the lead term, but “specified” is, use the code for specified (usually .8)

                                                                                                Code for Record

            I    (a) Obstructive cystitis                                      N308

Code to cystitis, specified NEC (N308). The adjectival modifier “obstructive” is not indexed under Cystitis, but “specified NEC” is indexed.

(3)      If neither the modifier nor “specified” is indexed under the lead term, refer to Volume 1 under the NOS code for the lead term and look for a specified fourth character category.

                                                                                                Code for Record

            I    (a) Hemorrhagic cardiomyopathy                       I428

Code to the category for other cardiomyopathies (I428). “Hemorrhagic” is not indexed under cardiomyopathy, neither is cardiomyopathy, specified, NEC indexed. The Classification does provide a code, I428, for “Other cardiomyopathies” in Volume 1.

(4)      If neither (1), (2) nor (3) apply, code the lead term without the modifier.

                                                                                                Code for Record

            I    (a) Adenomatous bronchiectasis                         J47

Code to bronchiectasis NOS (J47). “Adenomatous” is not an index term qualifying bronchiectasis. Code bronchiectasis only, since there is no provision in the Classification for coding “other bronchiectasis.”

  1. Alzheimer dementia: Consider the following terms as one term entities and code as indicated:

When reported as:                                                                     Code

Endstage Alzheimer, senile dementia

Senile dementia, Alzheimer                  G301

Senile dementia, Alzheimer type

Senile dementia of the Alzheimer

When reported as:                                                                     Code

Alzheimer, dementia

Alzheimer; dementia

Alzheimer disease (dementia)

Dementia Alzheimer

Dementia, Alzheimer

Dementia – Alzheimer                        G309

Dementia, Alzheimer type

Dementia of Alzheimer

Dementia – Alzheimer type

Dementia; Alzheimer type

Dementia, probable Alzheimer (disease)

Dementia syndrome, Alzheimer type

Endstage dementia (Alzheimer)

  1. Multiple one-term entity: A multiple one-term entity is a diagnostic entity consisting of two or more contiguous words on a line for which the Classification does not provide a single code for the entire entity but does provide a single code for each of the components of the diagnostic entity. Consider as a multiple one-term entity if each of the components can be considered as separate one-term entities, i.e., they can stand alone as separate diagnoses.

                                                                                                Codes for Record

            I    (a) Hypertensive arteriosclerosis                        I10 I709

Code to hypertension (I10). The complete term is not indexed as a one-term entity. Code “hypertensive” and “arteriosclerosis” as separate one-term entities.

EXCEPTION: When any condition classifiable to I20-I25 (except I250) or I60-I69 is qualified as “hypertensive,” code to I20-I25 or I60-I69 only.

                                                                                                Code for Record

            I    (a) Hypertensive myocardial ischemia                 I259

Code to myocardial ischemia (I259). Disregard “hypertensive” since it is modifying an ischemic heart condition.

C. Adjective reported at the end of a diagnostic entity

Code an adjective reported at the end of a diagnostic entity as if it preceded the entity. This applies whether reported in Part I or Part II.

                                                                                                Codes for Record

            I    (a) Arteriosclerosis, hypertensive                       I10 I709

Code to hypertension (I10). The complete term is not indexed as a one-term entity. “Hypertensive” is an adjectival modifier; code as if it preceded the arteriosclerosis.

D. Adjectival modifier reported with multiple conditions

  1. If an adjectival modifier is reported with more than one condition, modify only the first condition.

                                                                                                Codes for Record

            I    (a) Arteriosclerotic nephritis and cardiomyopathy I129 I429

Code to arteriosclerotic nephritis (I129). The modifier is applied only to the first condition.

  1. If an adjectival modifier is reported with one condition and more than one site is reported, modify all sites.

                                                                                                Codes for Record

            I    (a) Arteriosclerotic cardiovascular and

                       cerebrovascular disease                              I250 I672

Code to arteriosclerotic cardiovascular disease (I250). The modifier is applied to both conditions, but in this case the selected cause is not modified by the other condition on the record.

  1. When an adjectival modifier precedes two different diseases that are reported with a connecting term, modify only the first disease.

                                                                                                Codes for Record

            I    (a) Arteriosclerotic cardiovascular disease

                       and cerebrovascular disease                        I250 I679

Code to arteriosclerotic cardiovascular disease (I250). The modifier is applied only to the first condition.

E. Parenthetical entries

  1. When one medical entity is reported followed by another complete medical entity enclosed in parenthesis, disregard the parenthesis and code as separate terms.

                                                                                                Codes for Record

            I    (a) Heart dropsy                                              I500

                 (b) Renal failure (CVRD)                                   N19 I139


Code to hypertensive heart and renal disease (I132). Consider line (b) as two separate terms, both of which are complete medical entities.

  1. When the adjectival form of words or qualifiers are reported in parenthesis, use these adjectives to modify the term preceding it.

                                                                                                Codes for Record

            I    (a) Collapse of heart                                         I509

                 (b) Heart disease (rheumatic)                            I099

Code to rheumatic heart disease (I099). Use “rheumatic” as a modifier.

  1. If the term in parenthesis is not a complete term and is not a modifier, consider as part of the preceding term.

                                                                                                Code for Record

            I    (a) Metastatic carcinoma (ovarian)                     C56

Code to primary ovarian carcinoma (C56).

F. Plural form of disease

Do not use the plural form of a disease or the plural form of a site to indicate multiple.

                                                                                                Codes for Record

            I    (a) Cardiac arrest                                             I469

                 (b) Congenital defects                                       Q899

Code to congenital defect (Q899); do not code as multiple (Q897).

G. Implied disease

When an adjective or noun form of a site is entered as a separate diagnosis, i.e., it is not part of an entry immediately preceding or following it, assume the word “disease” after the site and code accordingly.

                                                                                                Code for Record

            I    (a) Myocardial                                                  I515



Code to myocardial disease (I515).

                                                                                                Codes for Record

            I    (a) Coronary                                                   I251

                 (b) Hypertension                                              I10


Code to coronary disease (I251). Line I(a) is coded as coronary disease since coronary hypertension is not indexed.

            I    (a) Renal                                                         I129

                 (b) Hypertension

Code to renal hypertension (I129). Consider the site, renal, to be a part of the condition that immediately follows it on line b, since Hypertension, renal is indexed.

H. Non-traumatic conditions

Consider conditions that are usually but not always traumatic in origin to be qualified as non-traumatic when reported due to or on the same line with a disease.

            I    (a) Fat embolism                                              I749

                 (b) Pathological fracture                                    M844

Code line I(a) as non-traumatic since reported due to a disease.

I. Relating and modifying

Certain conditions are classified in the ICD-10 according to the site affected, e.g.

atrophy           enlargement                obstruction

calcification     failure                    perforation

calculus          fibrosis                   rupture

congestion        gangrene                   stenosis

degeneration      hypertrophy                stones

dilatation        insufficiency necrosis     stricture


(This list is not all inclusive)

Occasionally, these conditions are reported without specification of site. Relate conditions such as these for which the Classification does not provide an NOS code and conditions which are usually reported of a site. Generally, it may be assumed that such a condition was of the same site as another condition if the Classification provides for coding the condition of unspecified site to the site of the other condition. These coding principles apply whether or not there are other conditions reported on other lines in Part I. Use the following generalizations as a guide in assuming a site:

  1. General instructions for implied site of a disease
  2. Conditions of unspecified site reported on thesame line

(1)   When conditions are reported on the same line with or without a connecting term that implies a due to relationship, assume the condition of unspecified site was of the same site as the condition of a specified site.

                                                                                                Codes for Record

            I    (a) Aspiration pneumonia                                  J690

                 (b) Cerebrovascular accident due to                    I64

                 (c) thrombosis                                                  I633

Code to cerebral thrombosis (I633). Since thrombosis (of unspecified site) is reported on the same line with a condition of a specified site, relate to the specified site.

(2)   When conditions of different sites are reported on the same line with the condition of unspecified site, assume the condition of unspecified site was of the same site as the condition immediately preceding it.

                                                                                                Codes for Record

            I    (a) ASHD, infarction, CVA                                 I251 I219 I64


Code to heart infarction (I219). Since infarction (of unspecified site) is reported on same line with two conditions of specified sites, relate to the specified site immediately preceding the condition. ASHD links (LMP) with heart infarction.

  1. Conditions of unspecified site reported on aseparate line

(1)   If there is only one condition of a specified site reported on the line above or below it, code to this site.

                                                                                                Codes for Record

            I    (a) Cholecystitis                                               K819

                 (b) Calculus                                                     K802

Code to calculus of gallbladder with other cholecystitis (K801). Calculus of an unspecified site is reported on line (b). The condition on the line above is of a stated site (gallbladder). Therefore, consider line (b) as calculus of gallbladder (K802). This code links (LMC) with cholecystitis.

(2)   If there are conditions of different specified sites on the lines above and below it and the Classification provides for coding the condition of unspecified site to only one of these sites, code to that site.

                                                                                                Codes for Record

            I    (a) Intestinal fistula                                          K632

                 (b) Obstruction                                                K566

                 (c) Adhesions of peritoneum                             K660

Code to intestinal adhesions with obstruction (K565). Since the Classification does not provide a code for obstruction of the peritoneum, relate to the site reported on the line above (intestinal). Adhesions of peritoneum links (LMC) with intestinal obstruction.

(3)   If there are conditions of different specified sites on the lines above and below and the Classification provides for coding the condition of unspecified site to both of these sites, code the condition unspecified as to site.

                                                                                                Codes for Record

            I    (a) CVA                                                           I64

                 (b) Thrombosis                                                I829

                 (c) ASHD                                                         I251

Code to ASHD (I251). Since the thrombosis is classified to both sites (reported above and below), do not relate.

(4)   Do not relate conditions which are not reported in the first position on a line to the line above. It is acceptable to relate conditions not reported as the first condition on a line to the line below.

                                                                                                Codes for Record

            I    (a) Kidney failure                                              N19

                 (b) Vascular insufficiency with thrombosis           I99 I219

                 (c) ASHD                                                         I251

Code to cardiac thrombosis (I219). Relate thrombosis to line below.      ASHD links (LMP) with heart thrombosis.

  1. Relating specific categories
  2. When ulcer, site unspecified or peptic ulcer NOS is reported causing, due to, or on the same line with gastrointestinal hemorrhage, code peptic ulcer NOS (K279).

                                                                                                Codes for Record

            I    (a) Gastrointestinal hemorrhage                         K922

                 (b) Peptic ulcer                                                 K279

Code to peptic ulcer with hemorrhage (K274). Do not relate peptic ulcer to gastrointestinal. Peptic ulcer links (LMC) with gastrointestinal hemorrhage.

  1. When ulcer NOS (L984) is reported causing, due to, or on the same line with diseases classifiable to K20-K22, K30-K31, and K65, code peptic ulcer NOS (K279).

                                                                                                Codes for Record

            I    (a) Peritonitis                                                   K659

                 (b) Ulcer                                                          K279

Code to peptic ulcer (K279).

  1. When hernia (K40-K46) is reported with disease(s) of unspecified site(s), relate the disease of unspecified site to the intestine.

                                                                                                Codes for Record

            I    (a) Hernia with obstruction                               K469 K566

Code to hernia with obstruction (K460). Relate obstruction to intestine. Hernia links (LMC) with intestinal obstruction.

  1. When calculus NOS or stones NOS is reported with pyelonephritis, code to N209 (urinary calculus).

                                                                                                Codes for Record

            I    (a) Calculus with pyelonephritis                         N209 N12

Code to urinary calculus (N209).

  1. When arthritis (any type) is reported with
  • Contracture       code contracture of the site
  • Deformity code deformity acquired of the site

If no site is reported or if site is not indexed, code contracture or deformity, joint.

                                                                                                Codes for Record

            I    (a) Phlebitis                                                     I809

                 (b) Deformities                                                 M219

                 (c) Osteoarthritis lower limbs                             M199

Code to osteoarthritis lower limbs (M199).

  1. When embolism, infarction, occlusion, thrombosis NOS is reported
  • from a specified site code the condition of the site reported
  • of a site from a specified site code the condition to both sites reported

                                                                                                Codes for Record

            I    (a) Congestive heart failure                               I500

                 (b) Embolism from heart                                  I2190

                 (c) Arteriosclerosis                                           I709

Code to cardiac embolism (I219). Relate embolism to site reported.

  1. Relate a condition of unspecified site to the complete term of a multiple site entity. If it is not indexed together, relate the condition to the site of the complete indexed term.

                                                                                                Codes for Record

            I    (a) Cardiorespiratory arrest with                        I469 I509

                 (b) insufficiency

Code to heart failure (I509). Since cardiorespiratory arrest is indexed to a heart condition, relate insufficiency to heart.

  1. When vasculitis NOS is reported, apply the general instructions for relating and modifying.

                                                                                                Codes for Record

            I    (a) Renal failure                                               N19

                 (b) Vasculitis                                                    I778

Code Vasculitis, kidney (I778). Relate vasculitis to the site reported on line I (a).

  1. Exceptions to relating and modifying instructions:
  2. Do not relate the following conditions:


Congenital anomaly NOS


Infection NOS (refer to Section III, Part K, #6)



Vascular disease NOS

                                                                                                Codes for Record

            I    (a) Cardiac arrest                                             I469

                 (b) Congenital anomaly                                    Q899

Code to congenital anomaly NOS (Q899). Do not relate to cardiac.

  1. Do not relate hemorrhage when causing a condition of a specified site. Relate hemorrhage to site of disease reported onsame line or line below only.

                                                                                                Codes for Record

            I    (a) Respiratory failure                                       J969

                 (b) Hemorrhage                                               R5800

Code to hemorrhage NOS (R58). Do not relate to respiratory.

  1. Do not relate conditions classified to R00-R99 except:

Gangrene and necrosis               R02
Hemorrhage                              R5800
Stricture and stenosis                 R688

                                                                                                Codes for Record

            I    (a) Pneumonia with gangrene                            J189 J850

Code to gangrene of lung (J850). Relate gangrene to pulmonary, the site of the disease reported on the same line, since gangrene is one of the exceptions. Pneumonia is a direct sequel (DS) of pulmonary gangrene.

  1. Do not relate a disease condition that, by the name of the disease, implies a disease of a specified site unless it is obviously an erroneous code. If not certain, refer to supervisor.

                                                                                                Codes for Record

            I    (a) Encephalopathy, cirrhosis                             G934 K746

Code to encephalopathy (G934). Do not relate encephalopathy to liver since the name of the disease implies a disease of a specific site, brain.

J. Coding conditions classified to injuries as disease conditions

  1. Some conditions (such as injury, hematoma or laceration) of a specified organ are indexed directly to a traumatic category but may not always be traumatic in origin. Consider these types of conditions to be qualified as nontraumatic and code as nontraumatic when reported:
  • due to or on the same line with a disease
  • due to: drug poisoning drug therapy

If there is provision in the Classification for coding the condition that is considered to be qualified as nontraumatic as such, code accordingly. Otherwise, code to the category that has been provided for “Other” diseases of the organ (usually .8).

                                                                                                Codes for Record

            I    (a) Laceration heart                                          I518

                 (b) Myocardial infarction                                   I219


Code to myocardial infarction (I219) selected by General Principle. Since laceration heart is reported due to myocardial infarction, consider the laceration to be nontraumatic.

                                                                                                Codes for Record

            I    (a) Subdural hematoma                                     I620

                 (b) CVA                                                           I64


Code to nontraumatic subdural hematoma (I620) since reported due to CVA. Cerebrovascular accident, selected by the General Principle, is considered a general term and nontraumatic subdural hematoma is preferred as the more informative term by application of Rule D (SMP).

                                                                                                Codes for Record

            I    (a) Cardiorespiratory failure                               R092

                 (b) Intracerebral hemorrhage                             I619

                 (c) Subdural hematoma, cerebral meningioma     I620 D320

Code to cerebral meningioma (D320). Subdural hematoma is considered to be nontraumatic since it is reported on the same line with cerebral meningioma. The nontraumatic subdural hematoma selected by Rule 1 is a direct sequel (Rule 3) to cerebral meningioma.

  1. Some conditions are indexed directly to a traumatic category but the Classification also provides a nontraumatic category. When these conditions are reported due to or with a disease and an external cause is reported on the record or theManner of Death box is checked as Accident, Homicide, Suicide, Pending Investigation or Could not be determined, consider the condition as traumatic.

                                                                                                Codes for Record

            I    (a) Subdural hematoma                                     S065

                 (b) CVA                                                           I64


            II                                                                         W18

Accident       Fell while walking

Code to other fall on the same level (W18). Subdural hematoma is considered to be traumatic as indexed since “accident” is reported in the Manner of Death box.

                                                                                                Codes for Record

            I    (a) Cerebral hematoma with                              S068 I672

                 (b) cerebral arteriosclerosis


            II                                                                        X599


Code to accident NOS (X599). Cerebral hematoma is considered traumatic as indexed since “accident” is reported in the Manner of Death box.

  1. Some conditions are indexed directly to a traumatic category, but the Classification also provides a nontraumatic category. When these conditions are reported and the Manner of Death box is checked as Natural, consider these conditions as nontraumatic unless the condition is reported due to or on the same line with an injury or external cause. This instruction applies only to conditions with the term “nontraumatic” in the Index.

                                                                                                Code for Record

            I    (a) Subdural hematoma                                     I620




Code to nontraumatic subdural hematoma (I620). The subdural hematoma is considered to be nontraumatic since “Natural” is reported in the Manner of Death box and is selected by application of General Principle.

                                                                                                Codes for Record

            I    (a) Subdural hematoma                                    I620



            II  Fracture hip                                                      S720 W19

Natural        Fell in hospital

Code to nontraumatic subdural hematoma (I620). The subdural hematoma is considered to be nontraumatic since “Natural” is reported in the Manner of Death box and is selected by application of General Principle.

                                                                                                Codes for Record

            I    (a) Subdural hematoma                                    S065

                 (b) Open wound of head                                   S019

            II  Fell in hospital                                                  W19


Code to unspecified fall (W19). Even though Natural is reported in the Manner of Death box, the subdural hematoma is reported due to an injury.

K. Intent of certifier

In order to assign the most appropriate code for a given diagnostic entity, it may be necessary to take other recorded information and the order in which the information is reported into account. It is important to interpret this information properly so the meaning intended by the certifier is correctly conveyed. The following instructions help to determine the intent of the certifier. Apply Intent of Certifier instructions to “See also” terms in the Index and to any synonymous sites or terms as well.

For the following conditions, use the causation tables to determine if the NOS code from the title or the alternative code listed below the title should be used in determining a sequence. If the alternative code forms an acceptable sequence with the condition reported below it, then that sequence should be accepted.

1. Other and unspecified gastroenteritis and colitis of unspecified origin (A099)

  1. Code A090 (Gastroenteritis and colitis of infectious origin)

When reported due to:






                                                                                                Codes for Record

            I    (a) Enteritis                                                     A090

                 (b) Listeriosis                                                   A329

Code I(a) gastroenteritis and colitis of infectious origin, A090, since enteritis is reported due to a condition classified to A329.

EXCEPTION: When the enteritis is reported due to another infectious condition or an organism classified to A49 or B34, refer to Section III,
7. Organisms and Infections.

  1. Code K529 (Noninfective gastroenteritis and colitis, unspecified) when reported due to conditions listed in the causation table under address code K529.

                                                                                                Codes for Record

            I    (a) Enteritis                                                     K529

                 (b) Abscess of intestine                                     K630

Code to K630. The code K630 is listed as a subaddress to K529 in the causation table, so this sequence is accepted.

2. Cavitation of lung (A162)

Code J984 (Nontuberculous cavitation of lung):

When reported due to:


                                                                                                Codes for Record

            I    (a) Cavitary lung disease                                   J984

                 (b) COPD                                                         J449


Code I(a) nontuberculous cavitation of lung, J984, since cavitary lung disease is reported due to a condition classified to J449.

                                                                                                Codes for Record

            I    (a) Respiratory failure                                       J969

                 (b) Cardiogenic shock                                       R570

                 (c) Cavitation of lung                                        A162

Code I(c) cavitation of lung, A162, since it is not reported due to any other conditions.

3. Spinal Abscess (A180)

 Vertebral Abscess (A180)

Code M462 (Nontuberculous spinal abscess):

When reported due to:

A400-A419      H650-H669      M910-M939

A500           H950-H959      M960-M969

A509           J00-J399       N10-N12

A527           J950-J959      N136

A539           K650-K659      N151

B200-B24       K910-K919      N159

B89            L00-L089       N288

B99            M000-M1990     N340-N343

C412           M320-M351      N390

C760           M359           N700-N768

C795           M420-M429      N990-N999

C810-C969      M45-M519       R75

D160-D169      M600           S000-T983

D480           M860-M889

D550-D589      M894

                                                                                                Codes for Record

            I    (a) Spinal Abscess                                            M462

                 (b) Staphylococcal septicemia                            A412

Code I(b) A412, staphylococcal septicemia. The code A412 is listed as a subaddress to M462 in the causation table; therefore, this sequence is accepted.

4. Charcot Arthropathy (A521)

Code G98 (Arthropathy, neurogenic, neuropathic (Charcot), nonsyphilitic):

When reported due to:

A30       Leprosy

E10-E14   Diabetes mellitus

E538      Subacute combined degeneration (of spinal cord)

F101      Alcohol abuse

F102      Alcoholism

G600      Hypertrophic interstitial neuropathy

G600      Peroneal muscular atrophy

G608      Hereditary sensory neuropathy

G901      Familial dysautonomia

G950      Syringomyelia

Q059      Spina bifida, unspecified

Y453      Indomethacin

Y453      Phenylbutazone

Y427      Corticosteroids

                                                                                                Codes for Record

            I    (a) Charcot arthropathy                                    G98

                 (b) Diabetes                                                     E149

Code to diabetes with other specified complications (E146). Since the E149 is listed as a subaddress under G98 in the Causation Table, use G98 for the Charcot arthropathy. The diabetes selected by general principle links (LDC) with Charcot arthropathy.

5. General Paresis (A521)

  1. Code G839 (Paralysis) when reported due to or on the same line with conditions listed in the causation table under G839.

                                                                                                Codes for Record

            I    (a) General paresis and CVA                              G839 I64



Code to CVA (I64). Since I64 is listed as a subaddress to G839 in the causation table, use G839 as the code for general paresis. The paresis selected by Rule 2 is a direct sequel (DS) to CVA.

  1. Code T144 (Paralysis, traumatic) when reported due to or on the same line with a nature of injury or external cause.

                                                                                                Codes for Record

            I    (a) General paresis                                           T144

                 (b) Brain injury                                                 S069


            II  Auto accident                                                    V499

Code to auto accident (V499). General paresis due to S069 is coded as traumatic. The codes S00-T98 are invalid for underlying cause so the external cause code is selected.

6. Viral Hepatitis (B161, B169, B171-B179)



 For Viral Hepatitis in    Chronic Viral

 Categories                Hepatitis


 B161                      B180


 B169                      B181


 B171                      B182


 B172                      B188


 B178                      B188


 B179                      B189


When reported as causing liver conditions in:

K721, K7210



                                                                                                Codes for Record

            I    (a) Cirrhosis of liver                                          K746

                 (b) Viral hepatitis B                                           B181

Code to chronic viral hepatitis B (B181). Code I(b) as chronic viral hepatitis B, since reported as causing a condition classified to K746.

7. Organisms and Infections NOS (B99)

To code organisms and infections correctly, it is necessary to recognize organisms and infectious conditions. In order to apply the correct instruction, it is also necessary to know how the organisms are classified. There are separate instructions depending on whether the organism is bacterial, viral or other organisms. Listed below are examples of organisms and infectious conditions.



 Baterial organisms      Viral organisms      Organisms classified

 classified to A49.-     classified to B34.-  other than A49.- or B34.-


 Escherichia coli        Adenovirus           Aspergillus

 Haemophilus influenzae  Coronavirus          Candida

 Pneumococcal            Coxsackie            Cytomegalovirus

 Staphylococcal          Enterovirus          Fungus

 Streptococcal           Parvovirus           Meningococcal


Infectious conditions

Abscess        Infection     Sepsis, Septicemia

Bacteremia     Pneumonia     Septic shock

Empyema        Pyemia        Words ending in “itis”

These lists are NOT all inclusive. Use them as a guide.

In order to arrive at the correct underlying cause, the medical entities must first be coded correctly. The following instructions demonstrate how to assign the codes for the record when dealing with infectious conditions. Once the codes for the record are assigned, the selection and modification rules are applied to determine the underlying cause.

In order to determine which infection instruction to use, refer to the Index under the named organism or under Infection, named organism.

  1. Bacterial organisms and infections classified to A49 and Viral organisms and infections classified to B34

(1) When an infectious or inflammatory condition is reported and

(a)  Is preceded or followed by a condition classified to A49 or B34 or

(b)  A condition classifiable to A49 or B34 is reported as the only entry or the first entry on the next lower line or

(c)  Is followed by a condition classified to A49 or B34 separated by a connecting term not indicating a due to relationship

(i)  If a single code is provided for the infectious or inflammatory condition modified by the condition classified to A49 or B34, use this code. Do not assign a separate code for the condition classifiable to A49 or B34. It may be necessary to use “due to” or “in” in the Index to assign the appropriate code.

                                                                                                Code for Record

            I    (a) E. Coli diarrhea                                           A044

Code to other intestinal E. coli infections (A044). Code as indexed under Diarrhea, due to, Escherichia coli.

                                                                                                Code for Record

            I    (a) Pneumonia                                                 J129

                 (b) Viral infection

Code to viral pneumonia, unspecified (J129). Code as indexed under Pneumonia, viral.

                                                                                                Codes for Record

            I    (a) Meningitis and sepsis                                   G000 A413

                 (b) H. Influenzae

Code to Haemophilus meningitis (G000). Assign the codes for the record following the Index under Meningitis, Haemophilus (influenzae) and Septicemia, Haemophilus influenzae.

                                                                                                Code for Record

            I    (a) Sepsis with staph                                        A412

Code to septicemia due to unspecified staphylococcus (A412). Code as indexed under Septicemia, staphylococcus.

                                                                                                Code for Record

            I    (a) Pneumonia c MRSA                                     J152

Code to pneumonia due to staphylococcus (J152). Code as indexed under Pneumonia, MRSA (methicillin resistant staphylococcus aureus).

(ii) If (i) does not apply, and the Index provides a code for the infectious or inflammatory condition qualified as “bacterial,” “infectious,” “infective” or “viral,” assign the appropriate code based on the reported type of organism. Do not assign a separate code for the condition classified to A49 or B34.

                                                                                                Code for Record

            I    (a) Coxsackie virus pneumonia                           J128

Code to other viral pneumonia (J128). Since Coxsackie virus is not specifically listed under pneumonia, code as indexed under Pneumonia, viral, specified NEC.

                                                                                                Code for Record

            I    (a) Peritonitis                                                  K650

                 (b) Campylobacter

Code to acute peritonitis (K650). Since Campylobacter is not specifically listed under peritonitis, code as indexed under Peritonitis, bacterial.

                                                                                                Code for Record

            I    (a) Pneumonia with coxsackie virus                    J128

Code to other viral pneumonia (J128). Since coxsackie virus is not specifically listed under pneumonia, code as indexed under Pneumonia, viral, specified NEC.

(iii)          If (i) and (ii) do not apply, assign the NOS code for the infectious or inflammatory condition. Do not assign a separate code for the condition classified to A49 or B34.

                                                                                                Code for Record

            I    (a) Klebsiella urinary tract infection                    N390

Code to urinary tract infection (N390). The Index does not provide a code for Infection, urinary tract specified as bacterial, infectious, infective, or Klebsiella; therefore, code as indexed under Infection, urinary tract.

                                                                                                Code for Record

            I    (a) Pyelonephritis                                             N12

                 (b) Staphylococcus

Code to pyelonephritis, unspecified (N12). The Index does not provide a code for pyelonephritis specified as bacterial, infectious, infective, or staphylococcal; therefore, code pyelonephritis NOS.

                                                                                                Code for Record

            I    (a) Pyelonephritis and pseudomonas                  N12

Code to pyelonephritis, unspecified (N12). The index does not provide a code for pyelonephritis specified as bacterial, infectious, infective, or pseudomonas; therefore, code to pyelonephritis NOS.

  1. Organisms and infections classified to categories other than A49 and B34

(1) When an infectious or inflammatory condition is reported and

(a)  Is preceded by a condition classifiable to Chapter I other than A49 or B34

(i)  Refer to the Index under the infectious or inflammatory condition. If a single code is provided for this condition, modified by the condition from Chapter I, use this code. It may be necessary to use “due to” or “in” in the Index to assign the appropriate code.

                                                                                                Code for Record

            I    (a) Cytomegaloviral pneumonia                          B250

Code to cytomegaloviral pneumonitis (B250). Code as indexed under Pneumonia, cytomegaloviral.

(ii) If (i) does not apply, refer to Volume 1, Chapter I to determine if the Classification provides an appropriate fourth character. Indications of appropriate fourth characters for sites would be “of other sites,” “other specified organs,” or “other organ involvement.”

                                                                                                Code for Record

            I    (a) Candidiasis peritonitis                                  B378

Code to candidiasis of other sites (B378). Since this term is not indexed together, refer to Volume 1 and select the fourth character .8, candidiasis of other sites.

(iii)          If (i) and (ii) does not apply, code as two separate conditions.

                                                                                                Codes for Record

            I    (a) Mononucleosis pharyngitis                            B279 J029

Code to infectious mononucleosis, unspecified (B279). To assign the codes for the record, note that this term is not indexed together and Volume 1 does not provide an appropriate fourth character under B27.-; therefore, consider as two separate conditions.

(b)  A condition from Chapter I other than A49 or B34 is reported as the only entry or the first entry on the next lower line

(i)  Code each condition as indexed where reported.

                                                                                                Codes for Record

            I    (a) Peritonitis                                                   K659

                 (b) Candidiasis                                                 B379

Code to candidiasis of other sites (B378). Candidiasis is selected by the General Principle, and is a (SDC) with peritonitis. To assign the codes for the record, note that candidiasis is classified to a condition other than A49 or B34.

(c)  A condition from Chapter I other than A49 or B34 is reported separated by a connecting term not indicating a due to relationship

(i)  Code each condition as indexed where reported.

                                                                                                Codes for Record

            I    (a) Pneumonia with candidiasis                          J189 B379

Code to candidiasis, unspecified (B379). Pneumonia, selected by Rule 2 is a direct sequel (DS) of the candidiasis. To assign codes for the record, note that candidiasis is classified to a condition other than A49 or B34.

  1. Do not use HIV or AIDS to modify an infectious or inflammatory condition.

Consider as two separate conditions.

                                                                                                Codes for Record

            I    (a) HIV pneumonia                                           B24 J189

Code to HIV disease with other infectious and parasitic diseases (B208). HIV, selected by Rule 2, links (LMC) with pneumonia into a combination code of B208.

  1. When an infectious or inflammatory condition is reported and

(1) Infection NOS is reported as the only entry or the first entry on the next lower line

  • Code the infectious or inflammatory condition where it is entered on the certificate and do not enter a code for infection NOS, but take into account if it modifies the infectious condition.

                                                                                                Codes for Record

            I    (a) Cholecystitis & arthritis                                K819 M009

                 (b) Infection

Code to cholecystitis, unspecified (K819). To assign the codes for the record, note that infection is the only condition on (b). Code cholecystitis as indexed. Cholecystitis modified by infection is coded to cholecystitis NOS. Take into account that infection also modifies arthritis and code as indexed under Arthritis, infectious.

                                                                                                Codes for Record

            I    (a) Meningitis                                                  G039

                 (b) Infection & brain tumor                               D432

Code to neoplasm of uncertain or unknown behavior of brain (D432). To assign the codes for the record, note that infection is the first entry on (b). Code meningitis as indexed. Meningitis modified by infection is coded to meningitis NOS.

  1. When any condition is reported and a generalized infection such as bacteremia, fungemia, sepsis, septicemia, systemic infection, viremia is reported on a lower line, do not modify the condition by the generalized infection.

                                                                                                Codes for Record

            I    (a) Bronchopneumonia                                      J180

                 (b) Septicemia                                                  A419

Code to septicemia, unspecified (A419) by General Principle. To assign the codes for the record, note that septicemia is a generalized infection and doesn’t modify the       bronchopneumonia.

8. Eaton-Lambert syndrome (C80)

Code G708 (Eaton-Lambert syndrome unassociated with neoplasm)

When reported on a record without a condition from the following categories also reported:


                      Male, 57 years old                                                 Codes for Record

            I    (a) Aspiration pneumonia                                  J690

                 (b) Eaton-Lambert syndrome                             G708

Code Eaton-Lambert syndrome unassociated with neoplasm (G708) since there is no condition from categories C000 – D489 reported anywhere on the record.

                      Female, 69 years old                                             Codes for Record

            I    (a) Eaton-Lambert syndrome                              C80

                 (b) Small cell lung cancer                                   C349

Code to malignant neoplasm of lung (C349). Code I(a) Eaton-Lambert syndrome (C80) since there is a condition from categories C000-D489 reported on the record.

9. Erythremia (C940)

Code D751 (Secondary erythremia) when reported due to conditions listed in the causation table under address code D751.

                                                                                                Codes for Record

            I    (a) Septicemia                                                 A419

                 (b) Erythremia                                                 D751

                 (c) Polycythemia                                              D45

Code to D45. The code D45 is listed as a subaddress to D751 in the causation table so this sequence is accepted.

10. Polycythemia (D45)

Code D751 (Secondary polycythemia) when reported due to conditions listed in the causation table under address code D751.

                                                                                                Codes for Record

            I    (a) Polycythemia                                              D751

                 (b) Pneumonia                                                 J189

Code to J189. The code J189 is listed as a subaddress to D751 in the causation table so this sequence is accepted.

11. Hemolytic Anemia (D589)

Code D594 (Secondary hemolytic anemia) when reported due to conditions listed in the causation table under address code D594.

                                                                                                Codes for Record

            I    (a) Hemolytic anemia                                        D594

                 (b) Hairy cell leukemia                                       C914


Code to C914. The code C914 is listed as a subaddress to D594 in the causation table so this sequence is accepted.

12. Sideroblastic Anemia (D643)

  1. Code D641 (Secondary sideroblastic anemia due to disease) when reported due to conditions listed in the causation table under address code D641.

                                                                                                Codes for Record

            I    (a) Pneumonia                                                 J189

                 (b) Sideroblastic anemia                                    D641

                 (c) Alcoholic cirrhosis                                       K703

Code to K703. The code K703 is listed as a subaddress to D641 in the causation table so this sequence is accepted.

  1. Code D642 (Secondary sideroblastic anemia due to drugs or toxins) when reported due to conditions listed in the causation table under address code D642.

                                                                                                Codes for Record

            I    (a) CHF                                                           I500

                 (b) Sideroblastic anemia                                    D642

                 (c) Chloramphenicol                                         Y402

Code to D642. The code Y402 is listed as a subaddress to D642 in the causation table so this sequence is accepted. Since the condition being treated is not stated for this drug therapy and the complication is indexed to Chapters I-XVIII, select the complication as the underlying cause.

13. Hemorrhagic Purpura NOS (D693)

Code D690 (Hemorrhagic purpura not due to thrombocytopenia) when reported due to conditions listed in the causation table under address code D690.

                                                                                                Codes for Record

            I    (a) CVA                                                           I64

                 (b) Hemorrhagic purpura                                   D690

                 (c) Leukemia                                                    C959

Code to C959. The code C959 is listed as a subaddress to D690 in the causation table so this sequence is accepted.

14. Thrombocytopenia (D696)

Code D695 (Secondary thrombocytopenia) when reported due to conditions listed in the causation table under address code D695.

                                                                                                Codes for Record

            I    (a) Multiple hemorrhages                                  R5800

                 (b) Thrombocytopenia                                      D695

                 (c) Cancer lung                                                C349

Code to C349. The code C349 is listed as a subaddress to D695 in the causation table so this sequence is accepted.

15. Hyperparathyroidism (E213)

Code E211 (Secondary hyperparathyroidism) when reported due to conditions listed in the causation table under address code E211.

                                                                                                Codes for Record

            I    (a) Hypercalcemia                                             E835

                 (b) Hyperparathyroidism                                    E211

                 (c) Cancer parathyroid gland                              C750

Code to C750. The code C750 is listed as a subaddress to E211 in the causation table so this sequence is accepted.

16. Korsakov Disease, Psychosis or Syndrome (F106)

Code F04 (nonalcoholic Korsakov disease) when reported due to conditions listed in the causation table under address code F04.

                                                                                                Codes for Record

            I    (a) Korsakoff psychosis                                     F04

                 (b) Wernicke encephalopathy                             E512


Code to E512. The code E512 is listed as a subaddress to F04 in the causation table so this sequence is accepted.

17. Psychosis (any F29)

Code F09 (Psychosis, organic NEC) when reported due to or on the same line with conditions listed in the causation table under address code F09.

                                                                                                Codes for Record

            I    (a) Pneumonia                                                 J189

                 (b) Psychosis – cerebrovascular                          F09 I672

                 (c) arteriosclerosis

                 (d) Arteriosclerosis                                           I709

Code to I672. The code I709 is listed as a subaddress to F09 in the causation table so this sequence is accepted. Arteriosclerosis will link (LMP) with cerebrovascular arteriosclerosis in the modification table.

18. Mental Disorder (any F99)

Code F069 (Organic mental disorder)

When reported due to or on the same line with conditions listed in the causation table under address code F069.

                                                                                                Codes for Record

            I    (a) Cardiorespiratory arrest                               I469

                 (b) Heart failure                                               I509

                 (c) Mental disorder                                           F069

                 (d) Multiple sclerosis                                         G35

Code to G35. The code G35 is listed as a subaddress to F069 in the causation table so this sequence is accepted.

19. Parkinson Disease (G20)
Advanced Parkinson Disease (G2000)
Grave Parkinson Disease (G2000)
Severe Parkinson Disease (G2000)

  1. CodeG214 (Vascular parkinsonism) when reported due to conditions listed in the causation table under address code G214.

                                                                                                Codes for Record

  1. I    (a) Parkinsonism                                              G214

                 (b) Arteriosclerosis                                           I709


     Code to G214 (Vascular parkinsonism) when reported due to conditions listed in the causation table under G214.

  1. Code G219 (Secondary parkinsonism) when reported due to:

A170-A179     B060         B949          R75           Y20-Y369

A504-A539     B200-B24     F200-F209     S000-T357     Y600-Y849

A810-A819     B261         G000-G039     T66-T876      Y850-Y872

A870-A89      B375         G041-G09      T900-T982     Y881-Y899

B003          B900         G20-G2000     T983

B010          B902         G218-G219     X50-X599

B021-B022     B91          G300-G309     X70-X84

B051          B941         I950-I959     X91-Y09

                                                                                                Codes for Record

  1. I    (a) Parkinsonism                                              G214

                 (b) Arteriosclerosis                                           I709


Code to G214 (Vascular parkinsonism) when reported due to conditions listed in the causation table under G214.

  1. I    (a) Parkinson disease                                         G219

                 (b) Tuberculous meningitis                                 A170


Code to G219 (Secondary parkinsonism) when reported due to conditions listed in the causation table under G219.

  1. I    (a) Secondary Parkinson disease                          G219



Code to G219 as indexed.

20. Cerebral Sclerosis (G379)

Code I672 (Cerebrovascular atherosclerosis):

  1. When reported due to or on the same line with conditions listed in the causation table under address code I672.

                                                                                                Codes for Record

            I    (a) Cerebral sclerosis                                        I672

                 (b) Diabetes                                                     E149

Code to E149. The code E149 is listed as a subaddress to I672 in the causation table so this sequence is accepted.

  1. When reportedas causing


                                                                                                Codes for Record

            I    (a) Cerebral thrombosis                                    I633

                 (b) Cerebral sclerosis                                        I672

Code to I633. Code (b) as cerebrovascular atherosclerosis since reported as causing a cerebral thrombosis. Cerebrovascular atherosclerosis will link (LMP) with cerebral thrombosis.

21. Myopathy (G729)

Code I429 (Cardiomyopathy) when reported due to:

A150-A1690     E648-E649      R54

A178           E660-E669      R75

A181           E740           T360-T66

A188           E760-E769      T97

B332           E831           X45

B560-B575      E880-E889      X65

B948           I00-I259       Y15

D500-D649      I300-I4290     Y400-Y599

D758           I514-I5150     Y842

E100-E149      I700-I709      Y86-Y872

E40-E519       P200-P220      Y883

E639           P916

E641           R31

                                                                                                Codes for Record

            I    (a) Myopathy                                                   I429

                 (b) ASHD                                                        I251


Code to I251. The code I251 is listed as a subaddress to I429 in the causation table so this sequence is accepted.

22. Paralysis (any G81, G82, or G83 excluding senile paralysis)

Code the paralysis for decedent age 28 days and over to G80 (Infantile cerebral palsy) with appropriate fourth character:

When reported due to:

P000- P969

                      Female, 3 months                                                 Codes for Record

            I    (a) Pneumonia                              1 wk            J189

                 (b) Paraplegia                               3 mos          G808

                 (c) Injury spinal cord                     since birth    P115

Code to P115. Code the paraplegia to infantile cerebral palsy when reported due to a newborn condition.

23. Varices NOS and Bleeding Varices NOS (I839)

  1. Code I859 (Esophageal varices) or
  2. Code I850 (Bleeding esophageal varices):

When reported due to or on same line with:

Alcoholic disease classified to:  F101-F109

Liver diseases classified to:      B150-B199, B251, B942, K700-K769

Toxic effect of alcohol classified to: T510-T519, T97

                                                                                                Codes for Record

            I    (a) Varices                                                       I859

                 (b) Cirrhosis of liver                                          K746

Code to K746. The code K746 is listed as a subaddress to I859 in the causation table; therefore, this sequence is accepted.

24. Pneumoconiosis (J64)

Code J60 (Coalworker pneumoconiosis):

When Occupation is reported as:

Coal miner

Coal worker


                                                                                                Codes for Record

                      Occupation: Coal Miner

            I    (a) Bronchitis                                                   J40

                 (b) Pneumoconiosis                                          J60

Code to J60. Pneumoconiosis becomes coalworker pneumoconiosis when occupation is reported as coal miner.

25. Diaphragmatic Hernia in K44.-

Code Q790 (Congenital diaphragmatic hernia) when reported as causing hypoplasia or dysplasia of lung NOS (Q336).

                                                                                                Codes for Record

            I    (a) Lung dysplasia                                            Q336

                 (b) Diaphragmatic hernia                                   Q790


Code to congenital diaphragmatic hernia (Q790). The code Q790 is listed as a subaddress to Q336 in the causation tables; therefore, this sequence is accepted.

26. Laennec Cirrhosis NOS (K703)

Code K746 (Nonalcoholic Laennec cirrhosis):

When reported due to:


                                                                                                Codes for Record

            I    (a) Cardiac arrest                                             I469

                 (b) Laennec cirrhosis                                        K746

                 (c) Diabetes                                                     E149

Code to E149. The code E149 is listed as a subaddress to K746 in the causation table; therefore, this sequence is accepted.

27. Biliary Cirrhosis NOS (K745)

Code K744 (Secondary biliary cirrhosis):

When reported due to conditions listed in the causation table under address code K744.

                                                                                                Codes for Record

            I    (a) Biliary cirrhosis                                           K744

                 (b) Carcinoma pancreas                                    C259


Code to C259. The code C259 is listed as a subaddress to K744 in the causation table; therefore, this sequence is accepted.

28. Lupus Erythematosus (L930)

Lupus (L930)

Code M321 (Systemic lupus erythematosus with organ or system involvement):

When reported as causing a disease of the following systems:


Circulatory (including cardiovascular, lymph nodes, spleen)






                                                                                                Codes for Record

            I    (a) Nephritis                                                    N059

                 (b) Lupus erythematosus                                  M321


Code to M321. Lupus is reported as causing a disease of the urinary system; therefore, it is coded as systemic lupus erythematosus.

29. Gout (M109)

Code M104 (Secondary gout):

When reported due to conditions listed in the causation table under address code M104.

                                                                                                Codes for Record

            I    (a) Perforated gastric ulcer                                K255

                 (b) Gout                                                          M104

                 (c) Waldenstrom macroglobulinemia                  C880

Code to C880. The code C880 is listed as a subaddress to M104 in the causation table; therefore, this sequence is accepted.

30. Kyphosis (M402)

Code M401 (Secondary kyphosis):

When reported due to conditions listed in the causation table under address code M401.

                                                                                                Codes for Record

            I    (a) COPD                                                        J449

                 (b) Kyphosis                                                    M401

                 (c) Spinal osteoarthritis                                     M479

Code to M479. The code M479 is listed as a subaddress to M401 in the causation table; therefore, this sequence is accepted.

31. Scoliosis (M419)

Code M415 (Secondary scoliosis):

When reported due to conditions listed in the causation table under address code M415.

                                                                                                Codes for Record

            I    (a) Pneumonia                                                 J189

                 (b) Scoliosis                                                     M415

                 (c) Progressive systemic sclerosis                       M340

Code to M340. The code M340 is listed as a subaddress to M415 in the causation table; therefore, this sequence is accepted.

32. Osteonecrosis (M879)

Code M873 (Secondary osteonecrosis):

When reported due to conditions listed in the causation table under address code M873.

                                                                                                Codes for Record

            I    (a) Septicemia                                                  A419

                 (b) Osteonecrosis hip                                        M873

                 (c) Infective myositis                                         M600

Code to M600. The code M600 is listed as a subaddress to M873 in the causation table; therefore, this sequence is accepted.

33. Cesarean Delivery for Inertia Uterus (O622)

Hypotonic Labor (O622)

Hypotonic Uterus Dysfunction (O622)

Inadequate Uterus Contraction (O622)

Uterine Inertia During Labor (O622)

Code O621 (Secondary uterine inertia):

When reported due to conditions listed in the causation table under address code O621.

                                                                                                Codes for Record

            I    (a) Uterine inertia                                            O621

                 (b) Diabetes mellitus of pregnancy                     O249

Code to O249. The code O249 is listed as a subaddress to O621 in the causation table; therefore, this sequence is accepted.

34. Brain Damage, Newborn (P112)

Code P219 (Anoxic brain damage, newborn)

When reported due to:










                    Male, 9 hours                                                         Codes for Record

            I    (a) Brain damage                                              P219

                 (b) Congenital heart disease                              Q249

Code to Q249. The code Q249 is listed as a subaddress to P219 in the causation table; therefore, this sequence can be accepted.

35. Intracranial Nontraumatic Hemorrhage of Fetus and Newborn (P52)

Code P10 (Intracranial laceration and hemorrhage due to birth injury) with the appropriate fourth character:

When reported due to conditions listed in the causation table under address code P10:

                      Male, 9 hours                                                       Codes for Record

            I    (a) Cerebral hemorrhage                                   P101

                 (b) Fractured skull during birth                           P130

Code to P130. The code P130 is listed as a subaddress to P101 in the causation table; therefore, this sequence is accepted.

36. Hypoplasia or Dysplasia of Lung NOS (Q336)

Code P280 (Primary atelectasis of newborn):

When reported anywhere on the record with the following codes and not reported due to diaphragmatic hernia in K44.- or in Q790, and there is no indication that the condition was congenital:

A500-A509     P280

B200-B24      P350-P399

P000-P009     P612

P011-P013     Q600-Q611

P050-P073     Q613-Q649

P220-P229     R75

                                                                                                Codes for Record

            I    (a) Hypoplasia lung                                          P280



            II  Prematurity                                                      P073

Code to primary atelectasis of newborn (P280).

                      Female, 5 hrs.                                                      Codes for Record

            I    (a) Dysplasia of lung                      5 hrs           Q336



            II  Hyaline membrane disease                                 P220

Code to Q336 since the duration and age are the same indicating that the condition was congenital.

37. Fracture (any site) (T142)

Code M844 (Pathological fracture):

  1. When reported due to:

A180          D480           M320-M351     M854-M879     Q799

A500-A509     D489           M359          M893-M895     T810-T819

A521          E210-E215      M420-M429     M898-M939     T840-T849

A527-A539     E550-E559      M45-M519      M941-M949     T870-T889

A666          E896-E899      M600          M960

C000-C399     G120-G129      M843-M851     M966-M969

C430-C794     M000-M1990                   Q770-Q789



  1. When reported due to or on the same line with:

C40-C41     M83

C795        M88


NOTE:        If a fracture qualifies as pathological, code all fractures reported of the same site pathological as well.

                                                                                                Codes for Record

            I    (a) Fracture hip                                                M844

                 (b) Osteoarthritis                                              M199

Code to M199. The code M199 is listed as a subaddress to M844 in the   causation table; therefore, this sequence is accepted.

                                                                                                Codes for Record

            I    (a) Aspiration pneumonia                                  J690

                 (b) Left hip fracture                                          M844

            II  Hip fracture, anemia, osteoporosis                      M844 D649 M819

Code to M809. Hip fracture in Part II is reported on the same line with osteoporosis and is coded as pathological. Since fracture of the same site is reported on (b), it is coded as pathological as well. The sequence is accepted and Rule C is applied.

38. Starvation NOS (T730)

Code E46 (Malnutrition NOS):

When reported due to:

A000-E649     L100-L129      R13           T058

E670-F509     L400-L409      R54           T065-T08

F530-F539     L510-L539      R600-R609     T091-T099

F608-F609     L890-L899      R630          T141

F680-F73      L97            R633-R634     T148-T149

F920          L984           R75           T170-T217

F982-F983     M000-M1990     S010-S099     T270-T329

F989-G98      M300-N459      S110-S199     T360-T659

I00-J80       N700-N768      S210-S299     T800-T889

J82-J989      O000-Q079      S310-S399     T97

K020-K029     Q200-Q824      T019-T021     T983

K040-K069     Q850-Q999      T029          V010-X52

K080-K929     R11            T041          X54-Y05


                                                                                                Codes for Record

            I    (a) Anemia                                                      D649

                 (b) Starvation                                                  E46

                 (c) Cancer of esophagus                                   C159

Code to C159. Code I(b) as malnutrition since reported due to cancer of esophagus.

39. Compartment Syndrome (T796)

Code M622 (Nontraumatic compartment syndrome):

When reported due to conditions listed in the causation table under address code M622.

                                                                                                Codes for Record

            I    (a) Compartment syndrome                              M622

                 (b) Hemorrhagic pancreatitis                             K859

Code to K859. Code I (a) M622 since reported due to pancreatitis.

L. Effect of duration on classification

In evaluating the reported sequence of the direct and antecedent causes, the interval between the onset of the disease or condition and time of death must be considered. This would apply in the interpretation of “highly improbable” relationships (Section III, A, 2) and in Modification Rule F (Sequela).

  1. Duration on a lower line in Part I shorter than that of one reported above it

If a condition in a “due to” position is reported as having a duration which is shorter than that of one above it, the condition on the lower line is not accepted as the cause.

                                                                                                Codes for Record

            I    (a) Congestive heart failure            2 days          I500

                 (b) Pneumonia                              10 days        J189

                 (c) Cerebral embolism                   3 days          I634

Code to pneumonia (J189), selected by Rule 1. The duration on I(c) prevents the selection of cerebral embolism as the underlying cause of the condition on I(b).

                                                                                                Codes for Record

            I    (a) Congestive heart failure            1-10-99        I500

                 (b) Pneumonia                              2-08-99        J189

                 (c) Cerebral embolism                   1-20-99        I634

Code to congestive heart failure (I500), selected by Rule 2. The stated date for the condition reported on I(a) predates those reported on I(b) and I(c); therefore, neither is accepted as the cause of the condition on I(a).

  1. Two conditions with one duration

When two or more conditions are entered on the same line with one duration, the duration is disregarded since there is no way to establish the condition to which the duration relates.

                                                                                                Codes for Record

            I    (a) Chronic myocarditis                  2 yrs            I514

                 (b) Chronic nephritis                     2 mos           N039 N19

                 (c) with renal failure

Code to chronic nephritis (N039), selected by Rule 1. The duration for the conditions reported on I(b) is disregarded.

                                                                                                Codes for Record

            I    (a) Myocardial ischemia                  2 yrs            I259 I219

                 (b) and myocardial

                 (c) infarction

Code to I219. The duration is disregarded. Myocardial ischemia (I259), selected by Rule 2, links (LMP) with myocardial infarction (I219).

  1. Qualifying conditions as acute or chronic
  2. Usually the interval between onset of a condition and death should not be used to qualify the condition as “acute” or “chronic.” However, when assigning codes to certain conditions classified as “Ischemic heart diseases” the Classification provides the following specific guidelines for classifying a condition with astated duration as acute or chronic:

–    acute or with a stated duration of 4 weeks or less

–    chronic or with a stated duration of over 4 weeks

                                                                                                Code for Record

            I    (a) Nephritis                                 2 years         N059

Code to nephritis, unqualified (N059). Do not use duration to qualify as chronic.

                                                                                                Code for Record

            I    (a) Acute myocardial infarction       3 mos.          I258



Code to infarction, myocardium, acute, with a stated duration of over 4 weeks, I258.

  1. For the purpose of interpreting these instructions:


 Consider these terms:      To mean:


 brief                      4 weeks or less

 days                       or acute








 weeks (few) (several)


 longstanding               over 4 weeks

 1 month                    or chronic


                                                                             Duration       Code for Record

            I    (a) Aneurysm heart                       weeks           I219



Code to aneurysm, heart, with a stated duration of 4 weeks or less, I219. “Weeks” is interpreted to mean 4 weeks or less.

When the interval between onset of a condition and death is stated to be “acute” or “chronic,” consider the condition to be specified as acute or chronic.

                                                                             Duration       Codes for Record

            I    (a) Heart failure                            1 hour          I509

                 (b) Bronchitis                                acute            J209

Code to “acute” bronchitis (J209) since “acute” is reported in the duration block.

  1. Exacerbation

Interpret “exacerbation” as an acute phase of a disease. Code “exacerbation” of a chronic specified disease to the acute and chronic stage of the disease if the Classification provides separate codes for “acute” and “chronic.”

                                                                                                Codes for Record

            I    (a) Exacerbation of chronic

                       obstructive lung disease                             J441 J449

Code to the acute and chronic stages of the specified disease since the Classification provides separate codes for the “acute” and “chronic.” The underlying cause code is J441, selected by Rule 2.

  1. Acute and chronic

Sometimes the terms, acute and chronic, are reported preceding two or more diseases. In these cases, use the term (“acute” or “chronic”) with the condition it immediately precedes.

                                                                                                Codes for Record

            I    (a) Chronic renal and liver failure                       N189 K7290

Code to renal failure, chronic and liver failure NOS. The underlying cause is N189, selected by Rule 2.

  1. Conflict in durations

When conflicting durations are entered for a condition, give preference to the duration entered in the space for interval between onset and death.

                                                                             Duration       Code for Record

            I    (a) Ischemic ht dis – 2 weeks          years            I259

Use the duration in the block to qualify the ischemic heart disease. Code the underlying cause to I259, selected by the General Principle.

  1. Span of dates

Interpret dates entered in the spaces for interval between onset and death that are separated by a slash (/), dash (-), etc., as meaning from the first date to the second date. Disregard such dates if they extend from one line to another and there is a condition reported on both of these lines since the span of dates could apply to either condition.

                      Date of death 10-6-98                       Duration                 Codes for Record

            I    (a) MI                                          10/1/98 –               I219

                 (b) Ischemic heart disease              10/6/98                 I259

Disregard duration and code each condition as indexed since the dates extend from I(a) to I(b). Code the underlying cause to I219. Ischemic heart disease (I259), selected by the General Principle, links (LMP) with myocardial infarction (I219).

                      Date of death 10-6-98                       Duration                 Codes for Record

            I    (a) Aneurysm of heart                    10/1/98 – 10/6/98   I219


Since there is only one condition reported, apply the duration to this condition. The underlying cause is aneurysm, heart, acute or with a stated duration of 4 weeks or less, I219.

                      Date of death 10-6-98                       Duration                 Codes for Record

            I    (a) Ischemic heart disease              10/1/98 – 10/6/98   I249

                 (b) Arteriosclerosis                                                     I709

Apply the duration to I(a). The underlying cause is I249. Arteriosclerosis, I709,       selected by General Principle, links (LMP) with ischemic heart disease (I249).

  1. Congenital malformations

Conditions classified as congenital malformations, deformations and chromosomal abnormalities (Q00-Q99), even when not specified as congenital on the death certificate, should be coded as such if the interval between onset and death and the age of the decedent indicate the condition existed from birth.

                      Female, 45 years                              Duration                 Codes for Record

            I    (a) Heart failure                                                         I509

                 (b) Stricture of aortic                                                  Q230

                 (c) valve                                     45 years

Code to congenital aortic stricture (Q230) because the interval between onset and death and the age of the decedent indicates the condition existed from birth.

  1. Congenital conditions

When a sequence is reported involving a condition specified as congenital due to another condition not so specified, both conditions may be considered as having existed from birth provided the sequence is a probable one.

                                                                                                Codes for Record

            I    (a) Renal failure since birth                                P960

                 (b) Hydronephrosis                                           Q620

Code to congenital hydronephrosis (Q620) since this condition resulted in a condition reported as existing since birth.

Do not use the interval between onset and death to qualify conditions classified to categories Q00-Q99, congenital anomalies, as acquired.

                                                                             Duration       Codes for Record

            I    (a) Renal failure                            3 months      N19

                 (b) Pulmonary stenosis                  5 years         Q256

Code to Q256, Stenosis, pulmonary. Do not use the duration to qualify the pulmonary stenosis as acquired.

  1. Sequela

See Modification Rule F.

  1. Subacute

In general, where ICD provides for acute forms of a disease but not for subacute, the subacute forms are classified as for acute. For example, subacute renal failure is coded to acute renal failure (N179).

  1. Maternal conditions

Categories O95 (Obstetric death of unspecified cause), O960-O969 (Death from any obstetric cause occurring more than 42 days but less than one year after delivery), and O970-O979 (Death from sequela of obstetric causes) classify obstetric deaths according to the time elapsed between the obstetric event and the death of the woman.

Category O95 is to be used when a woman dies during pregnancy, labor, delivery, or the puerperium and the only information provided is “maternal” or “obstetric” death. If the obstetric cause of death is specified, code to the appropriate category. Category O960-O969 is used to classify deaths from direct or indirect obstetric causes that occur more than 42 days but less than a year after termination of the pregnancy. Category O970-O979 is used to classify deaths from direct or indirect obstetric causes which occur one year or more after termination of the pregnancy.

M. Effect of “age of decedent” on classification

  1. Age of the decedent should always be noted at the time the cause of death is being coded. Certain groups of categories are provided for certain age groups. There are many conditions within certain categories which cannot be properly classified unless the age is taken into consideration.

Generally the following definitions will apply to age at time of death:

Newborn, Neonatal, Neonatorum -less than 28 days, even though death may   have occurred later

Infant or Infantile -less than 1 year

Child -less than 18 years

                      Male, 27 days                                                       Code for Record

            I    (a) G.I. hemorrhage                                         P543

Code to gastrointestinal hemorrhage of newborn (P543).

  1. Congenital malformations

Age at the time of death may be used for certain conditions to consider them congenital in origin. Assume the following conditions are congenital provided there is no indication that they were acquired after birth:

If the age of the decedent is:

  1. Less than 28 days:

heart disease NOS

hydrocephalus NOS

                      Female, 27 days                                                    Codes for Record

            I    (a) Cerebral edema                                           P524

                 (b) Hydrocephalus                                            Q039

Code to congenital hydrocephalus (Q039) since the age of decedent is less than 28 days.

  1. Less than l year:

aneurysm (aorta, aortic) (brain) (cerebral) (circle of Willis) (coronary) (peripheral) (racemose) (retina) (venous)
aortic stenosis
atrophy of brain
cyst of brain
displacement of organ
ectopia of organ
hypoplasia of organ
pulmonary stenosis
valvular heart disease (any valve)

                      Male, 2 months                                                     Codes for Record

            I    (a) Cardiac failure                                             I509

                 (b) Aortic stenosis                                            Q230

Code to congenital aortic stenosis (Q230) since the age of decedent is less than 1 year.

N. Sex and age limitations

Where the underlying cause of death is inconsistent with the sex or appears to be inconsistent with the age, the accuracy of the underlying cause of death should be re-examined and the age and/or sex should be verified.

If the sex and cause are inconsistent, the certificate is examined to determine if the medical and demographic data are accurately coded based on reporting.  If the sex is determined to be incorrect, correct the data record. If the sex entry is correct but not consistent with the underlying cause of death, the death should be coded to the minimum necessary to be acceptable for either sex.

If the age and cause are inconsistent, the age should be verified by subtracting the date of birth from the date of death and the coded entry should be corrected. Care should be exercised in selecting the correct underlying cause of death in terms of age restrictions in ICD.

Detailed ICD category-age-sex cross edits are contained in the NCHS Instruction Manual, Part 11 (Computer Edits for Mortality Data). These edits are carried out through computer applications that provide listings for correcting data records to resolve data inconsistencies. These listings contain both absolute edits for which age-cause and/or sex-cause must be consistent and conditional edits of age-cause which are unlikely but acceptable following reverification of coding accuracy.

O. Interpretation of expressions indicating doubtful diagnoses

  1. Doubtful qualifying expressions

Conditions qualified by expressions such as “apparently,” “presumably,” “?,” “perhaps,” and “possibly” which throw doubt on the statement of cause of death are to be accepted as though no such qualifications were made. The rules for selection will be followed in determining the underlying cause, with no special preference given to conditions which are not qualified by these expressions. When a condition is qualified by “rule out,” “ruled out,” “r/o,” etc., do not assign a code for the condition. When two conditions are reported on one line and both are preceded by one of these doubtful expressions, consider as a statement of either/or.

                                                                                                Codes for Record

            I    (a) Hemorrhage of stomach                               K922

                 (b) Probable ulcers of the stomach                     K259

Code to ulcer of stomach with hemorrhage (K254).

  1. Interpretation of “either…or…”
  2. When the condition is qualified by “either … or …” with respect to anatomical site, assign to the residual category for the group or anatomical system in which the sites are classified.

                                                                                                Code for Record

            I    (a) Cancer of kidney or bladder                          C689

Code to malignant neoplasm of unspecified urinary organs (C689).

  1. When the condition is qualified by “either … or …” with respect to sites in different anatomical systems, assign to the residual category for the disease or condition specified.

                                                                                                Code for Record

            I    (a) Cancer of adrenal or kidney                          C80

Code to malignant neoplasm without specification of site (C80) since adrenal and kidney are in different anatomical systems.

  1. When different diseases or conditions are qualified by “either … or …,” and only one anatomical site/system is involved, assign to the residual category relating to the anatomical site/system.

                                                                                                Code for Record

            I    (a) Tuberculosis or cancer of lung                       J9840

Code to disease of lung (J984). Both conditions involve the lung.

                                                                                                Code for Record

            I    (a) Stroke or heart attack                                  I99

Code to disease, circulatory system (I99). Both conditions are in the circulatory system.

NOTE:     When embolism and thrombosis are qualified by a statement of “either…or…”, code to Clot (I749).

                                                                                                Code for Record

            I    (a) Cardiac thrombosis vs pulmonary embolism   I749

Code to I749, clot (blood). Embolism and thrombosis are both blood clots, and Clot NOS is a more specific category than Disease, circulatory system.

  1. When different diseases or conditions are classifiable to the same three character category with different fourth characters, assign to the three character category with fourth character “9.”

                                                                                                Code for Record

            I    (a) ASCVD or ASHD                                          I259

Code to the residual category for ischemic heart disease (I259).

  1. When different diseases or conditions are classifiable to different three character categories and Volume 1 provides a residual category for the disease in general, assign the residual category.

                                                                                                Code for Record

            I    (a) MI or coronary aneurysm                             I259

Code to the residual category for ischemic heart disease (I259) using Volume 1.

  1. When different diseases or conditions involving different anatomical systems are qualified by “either … or …,” assign to “other specified general symptoms and signs (R688).

                                                                                                Code for Record

            I    (a) Gallbladder colic or                                      R688

                 (b) coronary thrombosis

Code to other specified general symptoms and signs (R688).

  1. When diseases and injuries are qualified by “either … or …,” assign to “other ill-defined and unspecified causes of mortality” (R99).

                                                                                                Code for Record

            I    (a) Coronary occlusion or                                  R99

                 (b) war injuries

Code to other ill-defined and unspecified causes of mortality (R99).

For doubtful diagnosis involving accidentssuicides, and homicides, refer to Section IV, B, Y10-Y34.

P. Interpretation of nonmedical connecting terms used in reporting

The following connecting terms should be interpreted as meaning “due to, or as a consequence of” when the entity immediately preceding and following these terms is a disease condition, nature of injury or an external cause:

after                    induced by

arising in or during     occurred after

as (a) complication of   occurred during

as a result of           occurred in

because of               occurred when

caused by                occurred while

complication(s) of       origin

during                   received from

etiology                 received in

following                resulting from

for                      resulting when

from                     secondary to (2°)

in                       subsequent to

incident to              sustained as

incurred after           sustained by

incurred during          sustained during

incurred in              sustained in

incurred when            sustained when

                         sustained while


The following terms are interpreted to mean that the condition following the term was due to the condition that preceded it:

as a cause of   led to

cause of        manifested by

caused          producing

causing         resulted in

followed by     resulting in

induced         underlying

leading to      with resultant

                with resulting

The following terms are interpreted to mean “or”:



The following terms imply that the conditions are meant to remain on the same line. They are separated by “and” or by another connecting term that does not imply a “due to” relationship:

and (&)             with (c)

accompanied by      precipitated by

also                predisposing (to)

associated with     superimposed on

complicated by


consistent with

Q. Numbering of causes reported in Part I

Where the certifier has numbered all causes or lines in Part I, that is, 1, 2, 3, etc., the originating antecedent is selected by applying Selection Rule 2. In the application of this rule, consideration is given to all causes which are numbered whether or not the numbering is extended into Part II. This provision applies whether or not the “due to” on lines I(b), I(c), and/or I(d) are marked through.

                                                                                                Codes for Record

            I    (a) 1. Coronary occlusion                                  I219 E149 I10 I709 N289 J1110

                 (b) 2. Diabetes, chronic, severe

                 (c) 3. Hypertension and arteriosclerosis

  1. Renal disease

            II       5. Influenza, 1 week

Code to coronary occlusion (I219) by applying Selection Rule 2.

Where part of the causes in Part I are numbered, the interpretation is made on an individual basis.

                                                                                                Codes for Record

            I    (a) Bronchopneumonia                                      J180

                 (b) 1. Cancer of stomach                                   C169 E149

                 (c) 2. Diabetes

Code to cancer of stomach (C169) by applying Selection Rule 1. The conditions numbered 1. and 2. are considered as if they were reported on I(b).

R. Terms that stop the sequence


Cause not found                    Immediate cause unknown

Cause unknown                      No specific etiology identified

Cause undetermined                 No specific known causes

Could not be determined            Nonspecific causes

Etiology never determined          Not known

Etiology not defined               Obscure etiology

Etiology uncertain                 Undetermined

Etiology unexplained               Uncertain

Etiology unknown                   Unclear

Etiology undetermined              Unexplained cause

Etiology unspecified               Unknown

Final event undetermined           ? Cause

Immediate cause not determined     ? Etiology

                                                                                                Codes for Record

            I    (a) Cardiac arrest                                             I469

                 (b) Stroke                                                        I64

                 (c) Cause unknown

                 (d) Diabetes                                                     E149

Code to stroke (I64) using Rule 1. “Cause unknown” on line (c) stops the sequence.

                                                                                                Codes for Record

            I    (a) Pneumonia                                                 J189

                 (b) Intestinal obstruction                                  K566

                 (c) Undetermined

                 (d) Ulcerative colitis                                          K519

Code to ulcerative colitis (K519). “Undetermined” on line (c) stops the sequence. Intestinal obstruction, selected by Rule 1, is considered a direct sequel (DS) of the ulcerative colitis.

                                                                                                Codes for Record

            I    (a) Gastric ulcer, cause unknown                        K259

                 (b) Rheumatoid arthritis

                 (c)                                                                   M069

Code to gastric ulcer (K259). “Cause unknown” on line (a) stops the sequence.

S. Querying cause of death

Because the selection of the underlying cause of death is based on how the physician reports causes of death as well as what he reports, State and local vital statistics offices should query certifying physicians where there is doubt that the manner of reporting reflects the true underlying cause of death. Querying is most valuable when carried out by persons who are thoroughly familiar with mortality medical classifi-cation.

It is possible to choose a presumptive underlying cause for any cause-of-death certification no matter how poorly reported. However, selecting the cause by arbitrary rules (Rules 1-3) is not only difficult and time consuming, but the end results often are not satisfactory. No set of arbitrary procedures can deduce what was in the physician’s mind when he certified the cause of death. Querying can be used to great advantage to inform physicians of the proper method of reporting causes of death. It is hoped that intensive querying and other educational efforts will reduce the necessity of resorting to arbitrary rules, and at the same time improve the quality and completeness of the reporting.

When a certifier is queried about a particular cause or for inadequate or missing information he may or may not have at hand, the query should be specific. It should be worded in such a manner that it requires a minimum amount of the certifier’s time. When the queries are sufficiently specific to elicit specific replies, the final coding should reflect this additional information from the certifier.

The NCHS uses the additional information (AI) filmed following the record or received on a separate supplemental document in assigning the underlying cause of death.

                                                                                                Codes for Record

            I    (a) Congestive heart failure                               I500

                 (b) Renal disease                                             N059

            AI  Renal disease was nephritis

Code to N059, unspecified nephritic syndrome. It is assumed the query was to establish the specific renal disease.

                                                                                                Codes for Record

            I    (a) Congestive heart failure                               I500

                 (b) Hypostatic pneumonia                                 J182

                 (c)                                                                  C349

            AI  Underlying cause was cancer of lung

Code to C349, cancer of lung. It is assumed the query was to establish the cause of the hypostatic pneumonia.

                                                                                                Codes for Record

            I    (a) Pulmonary embolism                                    I269

                 (b) Myocarditis                                                  I514

                 (c) Arteriosclerosis                                             I709

                 (d)                                                                   C269

            AI  Underlying cause was cancer of g.i. tract

Code to I514, myocarditis. The additional information cannot be used to replace the reported underlying cause. The reply alone is not sufficient. If this case was queried, either the question or the circumstances of why the AI was included should also have been reported. If the AI had included “the conditions on (b) and (c) should be in Part II,” the reply would have been self-explanatory.