Modernization Presentations
Catch up on standards-based projects and collaborations that are paving the way for jurisdictions to exchange data with electronic health record (EHR) systems.
Evaluating readiness for secure electronic exchange of birth registration information using IHE and HL7 standards
- Report (4/2014)
- Presentation (4/2014)
- Addendum (8/2015)
Collaborating with Intermountain Healthcare to test sending death information using HL7 V2.5.1 message and HL7 V2.6
- Presentation (4/2014)
Assessing the quality of data automatically populated from a hospital EHR for selected birth certificate items that had implemented Epic’s “Stork” module
Testing and implementation of Death Reporting to improve mortality data (UC Davis Health System and NCHS)
- Report (7/2017)
- Improving Adoption of EHR-based Electronic Death Reporting (7/2017)
Testing and implementation of Birth Reporting (with vendor Genesis)
Testing and implementation of Death Reporting (using Utah DOH Software)
- JASON Report: