Vital and Health Statistics Series

Paper copies may be available at a or a health sciences library near you. Highest numbers are most recent publications.

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Active Series

Series 1. Programs and Collection Procedures

Reports describe the programs and data systems of the National Center for Health Statistics, and the data collection and survey methods used. Series 1 reports also include definitions, survey design, estimation, and other material necessary for understanding and analyzing the data.

Series 2. Data Evaluation and Methods Research

Reports present new statistical methodology including experimental tests of new survey methods, studies of vital and health statistics collection methods, new analytical techniques, objective evaluations of reliability of collected data, and objective evaluations of reliability of collected data, and contributions to statistical theory. Reports also include comparison of U.S. methodology with those of other countries.

Series 3. Analytical and Epidemiological Studies

Reports present data analyses, epidemiological studies, and descriptive statistics based on national surveys and data descriptive statistics based on national surveys and data systems. As of 2015, Series 3 includes reports that would have previously been published in Series 5, 10-15, and 20-23.

Discontinued Series

  • Series 4. Documents and Committee Reports
  • Series 5. International Vital and Health Statistics Reports
  • Series 6. Cognition and Survey Measurement
  • Series 10. Data From the National Health Interview Survey
  • Series 11. Data From the National Health Examination Survey, the National Health and Nutrition Examination Surveys, and the Hispanic Health and Nutrition Examination Survey
  • Series 12. Data From the Institutionalized Populations Surveys
  • Series 13. Data From the National Health Care Survey
  • Series 14. Data on Health Resources: Manpower and Facilities
  • Series 15. Data From Special Surveys
  • Series 16. Compilations of Advance Data From Vital and Health Statistics
  • Series 20. Data on Mortality
  • Series 21. Data on Natality, Marriage, and Divorce
  • Series 22. Data From the National Mortality and Mortality Natality Surveys
  • Series 23. Data From the National Survey of Family Growth
  • Series 24. Compilations of Data on Natality, Mortality, Marriage, and Divorce