Risk Adjustment Factors Included in the SIR

Surgical Site Infections

Colon (COLO) Procedures, Complex 30-Day Model

The number of predicted SSI events under the 2022 baseline is calculated using a logistic regression model and is risk adjusted based on the following variables found to be statistically significant predictors of SSIs. Information about the statistical properties of NHSN risk adjustment models, including how the number of predicted events is calculated, is available in NHSN’s Guide to the SIR (2022 baseline).

Table 1. Colon (COLO) Procedures, Complex 30-Day Model
Parameter Parameter Estimate Standard Error P-value
Intercept -5.5134 0.1039 <.0001
Scope: No 0.6402 0.0271 <.0001
Procedure duration: 67-107 (Min) 0.2344 0.0521 <.0001
Procedure duration: 108-145 (Min) 0.3900 0.0515 <.0001
Procedure duration: 146-232 (Min) 0.5221 0.0490 <.0001
Procedure duration: 233-296 (Min) 0.6950 0.0556 <.0001
Procedure duration: ≥297 (Min) 0.8690 0.0541 <.0001
Procedure duration: ≤66 (Min) REFERENT
Trauma: Yes 0.3607 0.0520 <.0001
ASA score: 3/4/5 0.3089 0.0281 <.0001
ASA score: 1/2 REFERENT
Patient’s age: 18-39 years 0.5080 0.0532 <.0001
Patient’s age: 40-62 years 0.3765 0.0443 <.0001
Patient’s age: 63-79 years 0.1970 0.0438 <.0001
Patient’s age: 80-109 years REFERENT
Surgical wound class: Contaminated/Dirty 0.1707 0.0245 <.0001
Surgical wound class: Clean-Contaminated REFERENT
Total number of beds1: ≥319 beds 0.0958 0.0248 0.0001
Total number of beds1: <319 beds REFERENT
Emergency: Yes 0.1097 0.0300 0.0003
Emergency: No REFERENT
Medical School Affiliation1: Major 0.0723 0.0259 0.0052
Medical School Affiliation1:


 Sex: Male 0.1212 0.0231 <.0001
 Sex: Female REFERENT
BMI: ≥40 0.1111 0.0427 0.0093
Oncology Hospital2: Yes 0.3658 0.0831 <.0001
Oncology Hospital2: No REFERENT
Anesthesia: Yes 0.1708 0.0823 0.0380
Anesthesia: No REFERENT


1 Total number of beds and medical school affiliation are reported on the Annual Hospital Survey.
2 Based on NHSN enrollment as HOSP-ONC.