Do I need to purchase new software? 

We recommend using Windows 10 or greater. You may incur a fee to upgrade to Microsoft 10.


Where do we find information on security of the NHSN site and HIPAA information to share with my Information Services department?

The HIPAA Privacy Rule applies to the NHSN under the following:


NHSN is a web-based application and requires no special software. There is no charge for participation in the NHSN.

The following recommended system requirements were developed to ensure the best use of the key features of the NHSN which demand high processor performance, such as Java graphical interface, Internet audio / video streaming, professional 3D graphics, multimedia, data analysis, graphical data visualization.

NOTE: It is the responsibility of the healthcare facility to choose the specific microcomputer brand and model to purchase.


Minimum System Requirements

  • 1 GHz equivalent or greater Intel Pentium IIII processor _
  • 1GB of RAM
  • Windows XP – Service Pack 3 or higher
  • Email account
  • High-speed internet access (greater than 200Kbs)
  • 500 MB available disk space

Alert: Microsoft Windows Users:  Microsoft is moving away from supporting Internet Explorer 11 (IE) in 2021. Do not use Internet Explorer when accessing NHSN. Please use Microsoft Edge or Google Chrome.


Additional System Recommendations


  • 2-4 GHz processor – Intel Pentium IV, or AMD equivalent –
  • 2-4 GB of RAM
  •  Speakers or headphones (optional)


  • 17″ Super VGA (800 X 600) or higher resolution video adapter and monitor

Operating System (OS)

  • Recommended use of Microsoft Windows 10.   Although Microsoft is still supporting Windows 8 and 10, the IE 11 compatibility with older browser versions are no longer supported.


  • Laser Printer


Security for the NHSN is provided through the Secure Data Network (SDN). The SDN provides various controls and user authentication as follows

Physical and environmental controls – The computer room that houses NHSN is physically secure and environmental controls are used to protect NHSN computing resources from system damage or failure.

Network controls – The SDN is located behind a firewall and is protected by a centralized security gateway (proxy server).

User Authentication – All users must authenticate their identities with digital certificates

A digital certificate provides an electronic means of proving a person’s identity in order to securely conduct business with the NHSN. Digital certificates provide the following benefits:

  • Data being sent to the NHSN is encrypted so that only NHSN can read it
  • Assurance to the NHSN that the data has not been changed in transit
  • Verifications that the certificate owner is the individual who actually sent the data.