These resources provide firefighters information about personal protective equipment (PPE) to help keep them safe. NIOSH supports firefighters by approving the respirators they use and conducting research on firefighter PPE. NIOSH also evaluates self-contained breathing apparatus (SCBAs) worn during incidents investigated by the NIOSH Fire Fighter Fatality Investigation and Prevention Program.

PPE Case Reports
NIOSH staff with expertise in PPE assist with the Fire Fighter Fatality Investigation and Prevention Program investigations. They evaluate NIOSH Approved® SCBAs that may have contributed to a firefighter fatal event. The also test to determine if the SCBA unit meet the applicable regulations while worn during the incident.
Below is a collection of completed evaluations, called PPE Case Reports, of SCBAs for potential contribution to an event.
- Kansas City, Missouri Fire Department - NIOSH Task Number 20619
- Hamilton, Ohio Fire Department – NIOSH Task Number 20731
- Houston, Texas Fire Department – NIOSH Task Number 20842
- Valley Springs, South Dakota Fire Department – NIOSH Task Number 20855
- Pineville, North Carolina Fire Department – NIOSH Task Number 20922
- Wilmington Delaware Fire Department – NIOSH Task Number 21198
- San Antonio County Fire Department – NIOSH Task Number 21618
- Howard County Department of Fire and Rescue Services – NIOSH Task Number 22491
- Watertown Fire Department – NIOSH Task Number 22547
- Clinton Fire Department – NIOSH Task Number 22941
- Worcester Fire Department – NIOSH Task Number 22942
- Christopher Illinois Fire Department – NIOSH Task Number 23126
- Worcester Fire Department – NIOSH Task Number 23616
- Watertown Fire Department – NIOSH Task Number 24882
- Frederick County Fire and Rescue – NIOSH Task Number 25250
- Lower Merion Fire Department – NIOSH Task Number 25965
- Indianapolis, Indiana Fire Department – NIOSH Task Number 20931
- Birmingham, Alabama Fire Department – NIOSH Task Number 21002
- Rock Creek, Idaho Fire Department – NIOSH Task Number 21014
- Loudoun County, Virginia Fire Department – NIOSH Task Number 21374
- East Hartford, Connecticut Fire Department – NIOSH Task Number 21971
- Clinton Fire Department – NIOSH Task Number 22941
- Bedford County, Virginia, Fire and Rescue – Task Number 25514 (rev. 10/2022)
Related resources
- Personal Protective Equipment Recommendations for Response to Chemical Suicide Incidents: Provides actions first responders can take to minimize the likelihood of responder exposures, injuries, and fatalities during chemical suicide incidents.
- Training on the Rapid Removal of an Unresponsive Firefighter from Turnout Gear and Self-Contained Breathing Apparatus: Educates workers on the importance of rapidly removing an unresponsive firefighter from turnout gear and SCBA. It also informs workers about the techniques they can train on to accomplish this.
- A Guide to Atmosphere-Supplying Respirators: Provides information on atmosphere-supplying respirators which protect wearers from airborne hazards by providing clean breathing air.
- Recommendations for the Selection and Use of Respirators and Protective Clothing for Protection Against Biological Agents: Provides information on selecting proper PPE for first responders exposed to biological agents.
- Chemical, Biological, Radiological, and Nuclear (CBRN) Respiratory Protection Handbook: Provides information to assist emergency responders with the selection, use, and maintenance of CBRN respirators.
- : Provides information about the PPE-Info database which serves as a compilation of Federal regulations and consensus standards for PPE.
- : Provides information about how facial hair can impact workers ability to wear a tight-fitting respirator.
- : Educates firefighters on proper cleaning practices for turnout gear to decrease their exposure to hazardous contaminants.
- : Provides information on how to identify NIOSH Approved respirators with Chemical, Biological Radiological, and Nuclear (CBRN) protection and ensure they provide the expected level of protection.
- : Provides firefighters tips for properly maintaining their SCBA to ensure it continues to operate efficiently.
- NIOSH Certified Equipment List: Provides the official listing of all NIOSH Approved respirators.
- CBRN Respirator Approval Resources: Provides resources to help properly select, use, and maintain CBRN respirators.
- Respirator User Notices Issued by NIOSH: Informs respirator users about a condition or risk that may exist with a NIOSH Approved respirator.
- Standard Respirator Testing Procedures: Provides a listing of the Standard Testing Procedures NIOSH uses to ensure respirators provide the expected level of protection.
- Guidance Documents for Protecting Emergency Responders: Presents a summary of research, training, and PPE needed to protect emergency responders during acts of terrorism.
- The Respiratory Protection Information Trusted Source: Provides a collection of resources and information to help users identify NIOSH Approved respirators and understand how to use them properly.
- : Provides information on and resources from two research efforts that aim to determine if current or new cleaning procedures adequately remove contaminants from firefighter PPE and other gear.
- : Tested NIOSH's 11 chemical test representative agents for certification testing to determine if they still represent the respiratory CBRN hazards emergency responders are exposed to.
- : Tested if cancer-causing chemicals could be removed from turnout gear and how well current cleaning protocols worked.
- : Investigated the presence of volatile organic compounds and naphthalene on the outside and inside of turnout jackets worn during pre- and post-fire activities.
- NIOSH Approved is a certification mark of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) registered in the United States and several international jurisdictions.