NORA Oil and Gas Extraction Sector Council Spring Health and Safety Summit

What to know

  • The NORA Oil and Gas Extraction Sector Council Health Safety Summit is an annual event highlighting the assessment and control of workplace hazards in the oilfield.
  • The Summit is a free two-day event held virtually with presentations given by a variety of industry leaders.
  • Find details about the yearly event, a link to previous summit presentations, and who to contact if you would like to participate in next year's summit.

Event details

The NORA Oil and Gas Extraction Sector Council hosts an annual Health and Safety Summit every spring. It brings together government, industry, and partners to share state-of-the-art knowledge on assessment and control of workplace hazards in the oilfield. The yearly NORA Oil and Gas Extraction Spring Health and Safety Summit is:

The 2024 event, Spring Health and Safety Summit 2024: Improving Safety Culture and Human Organizational Performance (HOP) in the Oilfield, was held in April. It highlighted state-of-the-art knowledge on improving safety culture and human/organizational performance in the oilfield.

See Also:

Event contact

Contact NIOSH at [email protected] with general summit questions or to participate in or contribute to a future summit.

Continuing education information

Summit attendees receive certificates of attendance for use in obtaining continuing education (CE) credits. The credits are applicable for CIH, CSP, and CRSP certifications.