Total Worker Health? Toolkit

At a glance

These resources can help your organization create and sustain a workplace culture aligned with the Total Worker Health approach. Use these tools to plan, assess, and evaluate workplace programs, policies, and practices.

four people sitting in an office talking to each other

How to use this toolkit

Consider multiple resources when developing solutions specific to the needs of your organization. These tools can help:

  • Provide guidelines and strategies to help develop integrated health protection efforts
  • Establish a baseline of workplace safety and health for organizations to improve worker well-being
  • Provide decision-makers with evidence to support necessary changes
  • Monitor progress and make informed decisions about how to proceed


The NIOSH WellBQ measures worker well-being as a holistic construct rather than simply work-related well-being. The NIOSH WellBQ can help you:

  • Understand the well-being of workers
  • Target interventions to improve worker well-being
  • Evaluate progress of interventions over time

This workbook helps users create new initiatives or better align existing workplace interventions with the Total Worker Health approach. This workbook uses five defining elements to:

  • Provide organizations with a baseline "snapshot"
  • Identify initial steps to improve workforce well-being
  • Help you measure your organization's progress

Workplace Solutions are short, easy-to-use documents that offer practical solutions to occupational safety and health problems. Use Total Worker Health concepts to:

The scorecard helps employers assess their worksites. The tool can help users:

  • Determine if they have implemented evidence-based interventions
  • Identify gaps in health, well-being, and safety programs
  • Prioritize high-impact strategies for worksite programs

The NHWP Health and Safety Climate Survey (INPUTS™) can help you develop a healthy worksite culture. It is a short survey to assess employee perceptions of:

  • The work environment
  • Working conditions
  • Attitudes towards supervisors and coworker