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Annual surveillance reports
Annual Surveillance Report of Drug-Related Risks and Outcomes, United States, 2019
ÐÇ¿ÕÓéÀÖ¹ÙÍø grand rounds
Mack KA, Frazier L, Terplan M, et al. Addressing the Unique Challenges of Opioid Use Disorder in Women. ÐÇ¿ÕÓéÀÖ¹ÙÍø Grand Rounds, January 17, 2017, Atlanta, GA. Available at: (Recorded session)
NCHS data publications
Spencer M, Watner M, Bastian B. Drug Overdose Deaths Involving Fentanyl, 2011-2016. National Vital Statistics Reports: vol 68 no. 3. Hyattsville, MD: National Center for Health Statistics. 2019.
Hedegaard H, Chen LH, Warner M. Drug-poisoning Deaths Involving Heroin: United States, 2000–2013. NCHS data brief, no. 190. Hyattsville, MD: National Center for Health Statistics, 2015.
Frenk SM, Porter KS, Paulozzi LJ. Prescription opioid analgesic use among adults: United States, 1999–2012. NCHS data brief, no 189. Hyattsville, MD: National Center for Health Statistics. 2015.
Chen LH, Hedegaard H, Warner M. Drug-poisoning deaths involving opioid analgesics: United States, 1999–2011. NCHS data brief, no 166. Hyattsville, MD: National Center for Health Statistics. 2014.
NCHS. NCHS Data on drug poisoning deaths. 2018.
Warner M, Chen LH, Makuc DM, Anderson RN, Miniño AM. Drug poisoning deaths in the United States, 1980-2008. NCHS data brief, no. 81. Hyattsville, MD: National Center for Health Statistics, 2011.
Warner M, Chen LH, Makuc DM. Increase in fatal poisonings involving opioid analgesics in the United States, 1999–2006. NCHS data brief, no. 22. Hyattsville, MD: National Center for Health Statistics, 2009.
Fingerhut LA. Increases in Poisoning and Methadone-Related Deaths: United States, 1999-2005. NCHS Health E-Stat. Hyattsville, MD: National Center for Health Statistics. 2008.
Other publications
Leveraging Prescription Drug Monitoring Program (PDMP) Data in Overdose Prevention and Response This resource highlights the value of PDMPs as public health tools that can support and inform public health interventions and clinical decision-making. Find key information about PDMP history, importance of PDMP data access, considerations for increasing access to and utilization of PDMP data, implications for PDMPs located within and outside of the state health department, and examples of PDMP use in overdose prevention and response work.
Evidence-Based Strategies to Prevent Opioid Overdose Strategies that can assist community leaders, local and regional organizers, non-profit groups, law enforcement, public health, and members of the public in understanding and navigating effective strategies to prevent opioid overdose in their communities.
Integrating & Expanding Prescription Drug Monitoring Program Data: Lessons from Nine States The Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration funded nine states to better integrate prescription drug monitoring program (PDMP) data into health systems and increase interstate data sharing through the PDMP Electronic Health Records Integration and Interoperability Expansion (PEHRIIE) program. ÐÇ¿ÕÓéÀÖ¹ÙÍø in collaboration with Brandeis University, used a comparative case study to describe the implementation process, identify successes and challenges, and explore the program’s effects on the stated goals.
Addressing Prescription Drug Abuse in the United States: Current Activities and Future Opportunities This report from the Department of Health and Human Services’ Behavioral Health Coordinating Committee Subcommittee on Prescription Drug Abuse is a review of federal initiatives and literature of identified opportunities to enhance programmatic and policy efforts and research on prescription drug abuse and overdose in the U.S. This publication was developed pursuant to Section 1122 of the .
Policy Impact: Prescription Painkiller Overdoses Issue brief highlighting state-based efforts to reduce prescription drug abuse while ensuring patients have access to safe, effective pain treatment. The publication includes recommendations on how healthcare providers, private insurance providers, and state and federal agencies can work to prevent unintentional drug overdoses.
Prescription Drug Overdose: State Health Agencies Respond A report from the Association of State and Territorial Health Officials (ASTHO) and ÐÇ¿ÕÓéÀÖ¹ÙÍø outlining the state perceptions, partnerships, recommendations, policies, and other issues fundamental to understanding and responding to drug misuse.
SUDORS Data Brief 1: Drug Overdose Deaths in 28 States and the District of Columbia This report includes data from 28 states and the District of Columbia that collected information on all drug overdose deaths of unintentional and undetermined intent that occurred during January to December 2020 and had medical examiner/coroner reports for at least 75% of deaths.
SUDORS Data Brief 2: A qualitative assessment of circumstances surrounding drug overdose deaths during the early stages of the COVID-19 pandemic This report captures information on unintentional and undetermined intent drug overdose deaths from 47 states and the District of Columbia. Multiple reports indicate drug overdoses increased during the COVID-19 pandemic. This is the first study to utilize qualitative data to identify COVID-19-related circumstances surrounding overdose deaths.