General Information for Authors
Preventing Chronic Disease publishes articles weekly on Thursdays. We may post articles in advance of official publication.
Executive Orders
星空娱乐官网, as part of the executive branch of the federal government, must ensure that all documents we publish comply with Executive Orders and .
If, in the initial review of a submission, the Editor in Chief identifies potential concerns related to the Executive Orders, the Editor in Chief may contact the corresponding author to jointly determine the appropriate course of action. If you have questions, please contact the Editor in Chief at pcdeditor@cdc.gov.
Fees and charges
There are no fees or charges associated with publishing articles in PCD. The journal is available free of charge.
Types of articles
PCD publishes a variety of article types. Visit the section on Types of Articles for complete descriptions, including guidelines on article length.
The author hereby grants, transfers, and assigns to the United States Government for the full term of copyright and all extensions thereof the full and exclusive rights comprised in the copyright in and to the report, article, or other paper (the “work”) published by PCD and the material and contributions contained therein, any revised editions thereof and all derivative works based thereon, and all other proprietary rights thereto, in all languages and forms, and in all media of expression now known or later developed, throughout the world. The United States Government will commit the work to the public domain and allow it to be used and reproduced by anyone without permission. An author that includes materials that are copyrighted by a third-party agrees to obtain written permission to ensure that the United States Government may place the work, including said material, in the public domain. If the work was funded by an NIH grant, the author and United States Government agree that author retains the rights necessary to provide the manuscript to (and for display by) PubMed Central.
How to submit a manuscript
PCD uses ScholarOne Manuscripts for manuscript submission and tracking. Before submitting your manuscript, however, please consult our Editorial Policy page and read all instructions provided for authors in the following sections: Types of Articles, Manuscript Requirements, and How to Submit a Manuscript. Submit a manuscript by visiting .
Editorial review process
After an article has been accepted for publication, it undergoes a thorough editorial and production process. You will be able to see it at least once (during the proofing stage) before it is published electronically and usually twice (first after an initial edit and second during the proofing stage).
PCD editors review a manuscript in its Word version for organization, clarity, and style. At this point, we adapt the manuscript to conform to our specifications, which rely primarily on the AMA Manual of Style, 11th Edition. We may make minor changes, but we may also make substantive changes. All changes are made toward one purpose: to make all articles as readable and accurate as possible.
The opinions expressed by authors contributing to this journal do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, the Public Health Service, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, or the authors’ affiliated institutions.