Key points
- Pertussis remains one of the leading causes of vaccine-preventable deaths worldwide.
- Pertussis rates are highest among young children in countries that have lower vaccination coverage.

Global impact
Pertussis remains one of the leading causes of vaccine-preventable deaths worldwide, despite overall high vaccination coverage.
Most pertussis deaths occur in young babies who are either unvaccinated or incompletely vaccinated.
In 2018, the (WHO) reported 151,074 pertussis cases globally. Based on 2008 data WHO estimated that there were 89,000 deaths.
A 2014 publication estimated 24.1 million pertussis cases and 160,700 deaths in children younger than 5 years worldwide.
For international travel
Low vaccination coverage
The incidence of pertussis is highest among young children in countries where vaccination coverage is low, primarily in the developing world.
In developed countries, the incidence of pertussis is highest among unvaccinated babies and increases again among teens.