Investigation Publications

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Environmental assessments are an important part of outbreak investigations. Explore our publications related to these investigations.

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Angelo KM, Nisler AL, Hall AJ, Brown LG, Gould LH. Epidemiol Infect. 2016;Oct 18:1-12.

Brown L. . [commentary] J Environ Health. 2024;87(2):32-4.

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Cryptosporidiosis outbreak at a summer camp — North Carolina, 2009. MMWR. 2011;60(27)918-22. (Radke V)

Freeland AL, Masters M, Nicholas D, Kramer A, Brown LG. J Environ Health;2019;81(8):24-8.

Gelting RJ, Baloch M. Aquatic Procedia 1. 2013;130-7.

Gelting RJ, Baloch MA, Zarate-Bermudez M, Hajmeer MN, Yee JC, Brown T, et al. Agric Water Manage. 2015;150:111-8.

Gelting RJ, Baloch MA, Zarate-Bermudez MA, Selman C. Agric Wat Manag. 2011;98(9):1395-1402.

Hedberg CW, Palazzi-Churas KL, Radke VJ, Selman CA, Tauxe RV. Epidemiol Infect. 2008;136(1):65-72. Epub 2007 Mar 5.

Hedberg CW, Smith SJ, Kirkland E, Radke V, Jones TF, Selman CA, et al. . J Food Prot. 2006;69(11):2697-702.

Holst MM, Kramer A, Hoover ER, Dewey-Mattia D, Mack J, Hawkins T, et al. . Epidemiol Infect Epub 20 Mar 2023. (Brown LG)

Holst MM, Salinas S, Tellier WT, Wittry BC. . J Food Prot. In press.

Hoover ER, Hedeen N, Freeland A, Kambhampati A, Dewey-Mattia D, Scott K-W, et al. . J Food Prot. 2020;83(9):1607-18. (Brown LG)

Kambhampati A, Shioda K, Gould LH, Sharp D, Brown LG, Parashar UD, et al. J Food Prot. 2016;79(9):1527–36.

Kim TN, Wildey L, Gleason G, Bleser J, Firestone MJ, Bare G, et al. J Food Prot. 2022;85(7):1000-7. (Brown LG)

Kramer A, Byrne M, Curtiss E. [commentary] J Environ Health. 2018;80(7):30–2.

Lipcsei LE, Brown LG, Coleman EW, Kramer A, Masters M, Wittry BC, et al. Foodborne illness outbreaks at retail establishments—National Environmental Assessment Reporting System, 16 state and local health departments, 2014-2016. MMWR Surveill Summ. 2019;68(SS1):1-20. (Reed K, Radke VJ)

Mody RK, Greene SA, Gaul L, Sever A, Pichette S, Zambrana I, et al. PLoS ONE 6(2): e16579. (Delea K)

Moritz ED, Ebrahim-Zadeh SD, Wittry B, Holst MM, Daise B, Zern Z, et al. Foodborne illness outbreaks at retail food establishments — National Environmental Assessment Reporting System, 25 state and local health departments, 2017–2019. MMWR Surveill Summ 2023;72(No. SS-6):1–11. (Kramer A, Brown LG)

Rispens JR, Freeland A, Wittry B, Kramer A, Barclay L, Vinjé J, et al. Notes from the field: Multiple cruise ship outbreaks of norovirus associated with frozen fruits and berries—United States, 2019. MMWR. 2020;69(16):501-2. (Treffiletti A, Houston K)

Selman CA, Guzewich JJ. Public health measures: environmental assessment in outbreak investigations. In: Motariemi Y, editor. Encyclopedia of food safety. 1st ed. Waltham, MA: Academic Press; 2014. p. 98-106.

Wittry B, Curtiss E, Byrne M. . [commentary] J Environ Health. 2024;86(6):28-30.

Wittry B, Kunz J, Curtiss E. [commentary] J Environ Health. 2021;84(2):42-5.

Wittry B, Nicolas D. . [commentary] J Environ Health. 2020;83(2):40-5.

Wittry BC, Holst MM, Anderberg J, Hedeen N. Foodborne Pathogens Dis. 2022;219(3):209-16.