At a glance
A list of data available on ticks, tick bites, and tickborne diseases.

Available data
Tick bite data
Information on the use of syndromic surveillance data for tickborne disease surveillance.
Tickborne disease data
Tickborne Disease Surveillance Data Summary
Reported cases of selected tickborne diseases in the United States.
Geographic Distribution of Tickborne Disease Cases
Reported cases of selected tickborne diseases by county of residence in the United States.
Tick surveillance data
American Dog Tick Surveillance
Explore county-level surveillance data to see where the American dog tick is found in the U.S.
Explore county-level surveillance data to see where the blacklegged tick is found in the U.S.
Explore county-level surveillance data to see where the lone star tick is found in the United States...
Western Blacklegged Tick Surveillance
Explore county-level surveillance data to see where the western blacklegged tick is found in the US
Tickborne Pathogen Surveillance
Reported distribution of where blacklegged ticks with select pathogens have been found in the U.S.
Tick surveillance data sets used to develop data dashboards.