ÐÇ¿ÕÓéÀÖ¹ÙÍø-RFA-DP-23-0019: Building Capacity to Reduce the Burden of Menthol and Other Flavored Commercial Tobacco Products in Communities that Experience Health Disparities

What to know

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (ÐÇ¿ÕÓéÀÖ¹ÙÍø) announces the availability of funds for ÐÇ¿ÕÓéÀÖ¹ÙÍø-RFA-DP-23-0019: Building Capacity to Reduce the Burden of Menthol and Other Flavored Commercial Tobacco Products in Communities that Experience Health Disparities. Funds for this budget period will be awarded to the recipients currently funded under the National and State Tobacco Control Program, ÐÇ¿ÕÓéÀÖ¹ÙÍø-RFA-DP-23-0019. Get important dates, funding opportunity goals, and links to resources.

Important dates


Applications are due Wednesday, May 1, 2024, at 11:59 P.M. ET.

Anticipated start date

Recipients can expect this budget period to start on September 30, 2024.


This Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO) seeks to advance health equity through strategic partnerships and community engagement by addressing disparities caused by the marketing and use of menthol and other flavored tobacco product. This collaboration will:

  1. Promote and support social, economic, and community change.
  2. Educate the public, community leaders, partners, and decision makers on policies, systems, and environmental changes that can prevent and reduce menthol tobacco use.
  3. Implement culturally appropriate interventions tailored for community needs.
  4. Use research, surveillance, and evaluation to measure progress and inform public health action.

Over a five year period, this NOFO aims to achieve the following community-based outcomes:

  • Increased participation, engagement, and mobilization among inclusive and diverse multi-level/multi-sector partners in promoting social, economic, and community changes.
  • Increased knowledge of how menthol and other flavored tobacco use harms youth and populations experiencing tobacco-related disparities.
  • Increased public support for evidence-based tobacco control interventions.
  • Increased awareness of cessation services and coverage options among populations experiencing tobacco-related disparities.
  • Increased equitable adoption, implementation, and enforcement of policies prohibiting the sale of menthol and other flavored tobacco products, including menthol cigarettes.


These funds will be awarded to the recipients currently funded under the National and State Tobacco Control Program, ÐÇ¿ÕÓéÀÖ¹ÙÍø-RFA-DP-23-0019.

Frequently asked questions

Can you send a copy of the APR guidance document for 23-0019?

You can find the continuation guidance in GrantSolutions. Please visit for instructions. Please contact your Grants Management Specialist (GMS) if you have additional questions on how to access the guidance in GrantSolutions or how to submit your applications.

Does the total application page count of 45 include the budget narrative, or will that be a separate document?

Please upload each item from the checklist as separate documents. The page limit is for the Performance Narrative and Additional Program Requirements, if applicable. Administrative documents are excluded from the page limit. Administrative documents include the PPMR, SF-424A and budget narrative, indirect cost rate agreement, lobbying disclosure, and interim FFR.

May NIH biosketches be submitted in lieu of CVs/resumes of the listed Key Personnel?

The NOFO requires applicants to submit CVs/resumes.

Is the minimum of 10% devoted to evaluation activities 10% of direct costs or 10% of the overall project budget including indirect costs?

On page 30 of the NOFO, under the section "Budget Narrative" it states that ÐÇ¿ÕÓéÀÖ¹ÙÍø recommends that applicants allocate a minimum of 10% of funding to implement evaluation activities. This is 10% of the overall project budget.

Should we include Years 2-5 in the work plan table or would paragraphs in the narrative sufficient?

On page 17 of the NOFO, under section the "Work Plan" it states applicants must submit a detailed work plan for Year 1 of the award. Additionally, applicants must provide a general summary of work plan strategies and activities for Years 2-5 in narrative form. The Work Plan is part of the 20-page limit allowed for the Project Narrative.

The work plan for year 2–5 can be submitted in a narrative form.

Is a Data Management and Sharing Plan a required component in this application?

On page 39 of the NOFO, under section the "Reporting" is states the Data Management Plan is required six months into the award. The Data Management Plan is not a component of the application.

The work plan template says to use the evaluation and performance measurement section to find outcome and process measures. However, those measures are not stated in that section. What measures should we put in those sections?

Please refer to the Logic Model on pages 6-10 in the NOFO. For process measures, the applicant can refer to the Short-term Outcomes in the logic model. For Outcome Measures, the applicant can refer to the Intermediate, Long-term and Impact outcomes.

How is the ÐÇ¿ÕÓéÀÖ¹ÙÍø defining outcome measure and process measure?

Process measures are intended to measure whether the program activities have been implemented as intended.

Outcome measures are intended to measure program effects in the target population by assessing progress in the outcomes that the program is to achieve.

Is the fiscal year Sept 1 to Aug. 31?

The fiscal/budget year for this NOFO will be from September to September. The specific start and end dates will be noted in the Notice of Award.

Can you confirm that the award amount is $300-$750k per year, and not for the entire 5 years?

Yes, that is the correct annual amount per year for a project period of 5 years.

Throughout the project period, ÐÇ¿ÕÓéÀÖ¹ÙÍø will continue the award based on the availability of funds, the evidence of satisfactory progress by the recipient (as documented in required reports), and the determination that continued funding is in the best interest of the federal government. This information does not constitute a commitment by the federal government to fund the entire period.

Can you restate the budget period/length?

The budget period is 12 months; the project period is 5 years.

Can funds be used for paid media?

Yes, funds may be used for paid media including social media. We encourage you to read the NOFO carefully, especially Strategies #2 and #3 and their activities. The cost of paid media should be considered carefully as a part of the overall amount of funding available.

Can you clarify the "Collaborations" section; should we propose how we will collaborate with the National Tobacco Control Program and Networking2Save or will ÐÇ¿ÕÓéÀÖ¹ÙÍø initiate those collaborations?

Applicants are responsible for describing how they will collaborate with programs and organizations either internal or external to ÐÇ¿ÕÓéÀÖ¹ÙÍø.

Recipients must collaborate with the National Tobacco Control Program and Networking2Save. In addition, they are encouraged, but not required to collaborate with other ÐÇ¿ÕÓéÀÖ¹ÙÍø funded programs.

The applicant is required to identify and engage with an existing community coalition to create sustainable community-level change and fulfill activities under this NOFO.

Applicants are required to submit a letter of support from the state, territorial or tribal tobacco control program. (If the applicant is a tribe a letter should be submitted from their Tribal Health Organization.) The letter of support should describe how they will collaborate with and/or provide technical assistance to the applicant.

In addition, at least two letters of support from members of the community coalition that include a specific description of their role in the proposed work.

Does the community definition mean that a jurisdiction could cover several counties? And/or cities? Can we start in one county, have lessons learned and build off of the infrastructure and capacity developed and then work in additional counties?

As defined in the NOFO on page 51, a community is a geographical location or setting that can include a city, county, parish, tribe, or jurisdiction/sub-jurisdiction that is a significant enough area to allow for population-wide interventions and measurable results and includes a targeted focus to address disparities resulting from the use of menthol and other flavored tobacco products.

Applicants must submit a detailed work plan for Year 1 of the award. Applicants also must provide a general summary of work plan strategies and activities for years 2-5 in narrative form. An applicant's plan to expand work to other communities would be explained in these sections.

Just to clarify, a community is defined by the applicant and is not limited to county, neighborhood, district etc.?

Correct. As defined in the NOFO on page 51, a community is a geographical location or setting that can include a city, county, parish, tribe or jurisdiction/sub-jurisdiction that is a significant enough area to allow for population-wide interventions and measurable results, and includes a targeted focus to address disparities resulting from the use of menthol and other flavored tobacco products.

Would nicotine replacement therapy (NRT) be an allowed expense with grant funds?

NRT is an expense that will be negotiated during budget negotiations for funded recipients. Any funding of NRT should be appropriate to proposed strategies and activities in the workplan.

How much overlap can there be across activities and strategies?

The applicant has discretion to propose a workplan of activities and strategies that is appropriate to the community. There can be overlap.

Can a national organization apply in partnership with states?

This NOFO is an open competition. There are no restrictions on who can apply. Partnership is encouraged. Applicants must be physically located and operate in the state, tribe, locality, or territory for which the work is proposed. Applicants must provide a statement that identifies the community and state, territory, or tribe in which the applicant will do the proposed work.

Can we apply if our state has already adopted a menthol and flavor ban?


Can pre-exempted states participate in this application since we cannot do anything regarding enacting stronger tobacco laws?


TN is a preemption state, which makes it illegal for lower levels of government to enact stronger tobacco laws. Are we ineligible to apply?

No. All state governments or their bona fide agents are eligible to apply.

Are any states given priority depending on need and high risk/tobacco use?

No. Objective review panels will evaluate complete, eligible applications in accordance with the "Phase II Review" criteria section of the NOFO. Applications will be funded in order by score and rank determined by the review panel. ÐÇ¿ÕÓéÀÖ¹ÙÍø may fund out of rank order in order to ensure geographic diversity.

If we are a state that is part of National Tobacco Control Program (NTCP), can we get a letter of support from our ÐÇ¿ÕÓéÀÖ¹ÙÍø Project Officer/Public Health Advisor?

No, applicants are not allowed to obtain a letter of support from ÐÇ¿ÕÓéÀÖ¹ÙÍø staff.

We are working in a county, should a letter of support still come from the state?

Yes. You should include a letter of support your state's tobacco control program that describes how they will collaborate with and/or provide technical assistance to you.

If state is an applicant with community and state partners as collaborating partners, does the state TCP need to provide a letter of support for themselves?

We recommend you obtain a letter of support from one of the recipients of the Networking2Save cooperative agreement. The link to this NOFO can be found on pages 9-10 of the NOFO.

If a state tobacco control program is applying, is it correct that they would need to obtain only two letters of support: one from their ÐÇ¿ÕÓéÀÖ¹ÙÍø Project Officer to satisfy the National Tobacco Control Program and a second from Networking2Save? Is a letter of support required from National Tobacco Control Program and Networking2Save? Our understanding is that a collaboration is required but not a letter of support.

Applicants are not allowed to obtain a letter of support from ÐÇ¿ÕÓéÀÖ¹ÙÍø staff. We recommend you obtain a letter of support from one of the recipients of the Networking2Save cooperative agreement. The link to this NOFO can be found on pages 9-10 of the NOFO.

Does the community coalition we partner with be the same one we partner with under the Community-based Disparities Requirement for the DP20-2001 grant? Or can it be a different coalition that we partner with?

The community coalitions partnership is a decision of the applicant. If a state tobacco control program is applying, this can be the coalition the state is working with for the Community-based Disparity Requirement for DP20-2001 or it can be a different coalition.

Is there a set amount for funding allocated for states and nonprofit organizations?


Can staff that are partially funded by ÐÇ¿ÕÓéÀÖ¹ÙÍø State Tobacco Control Program be partially dedicated to this project, should funding be awarded?

Funding of Staff should be consistent with the resources necessary to carry out the strategies and activities in the community where activities will take place. This should be included in the budget and budget narrative along with percentage of time to be spent on this NOFO. There is no prohibition if staff are partially funded by other NOFOs and programs.

Are you open to funding more than one application in the same state or locality?

Applications will be funded by score and rank determined by an objective review panel. ÐÇ¿ÕÓéÀÖ¹ÙÍø may fund out of order for geographical diversity. We do not have any restrictions on having more than 1 application from any state or locality; however, we reserve the right to fund out of rank order geographical diversity.

If you have some coalition members in place, can you continue to grow your coalition upon award?


Can we subcontract with another nonprofit organization to support the NOFO strategies?

Yes, subcontracts are allowed in this NOFO and must be specified in the budget and budget narrative.

So this is a 5 year grant renewable each year? Can organizations apply each year or are only the funded organizations in year one apply in years 2-5?

This is a 5-year cooperative agreement. Awarded recipients are selected based on an objective review process of all eligible applications. Following the initial awarding to start Year 1, awarded recipients will submit an annual continuation application for Years 2-5.

Is the Letter of Intent required?

No. It is optional. The purpose of an LOI is to allow ÐÇ¿ÕÓéÀÖ¹ÙÍø program staff to estimate the number of and plan for the review of submitted applications.

Are there other opportunities to ask questions before the application is due?

Yes, you can submit questions to the NOFO FAQs website: DP-23-0019: Building Capacity to Reduce the Burden of Menthol and Other Flavored Commercial Tobacco Products in Communities that Experience Health Disparities. Please review the FAQs site first in case the question has already been answered.

Questions can also be submitted via the mailbox [email protected]

Page 9 of the NOFO says, "Applicants are required to submit a letter of support from the state. The letter of support should describe how the applicant will collaborate with and/or provide technical assistance to the applicant." If the state health department will be the APPLICANT, does state need a letter of support?

If the applicant is the state health department's tobacco control program, the applicant does not need to provide a letter from the state. However, they must submit a letter from a Networking2Save recipient (National Networks).

The NOFO states, "Applicants are required to submit a letter of support from the state, territorial or tribal tobacco control program." Can a letter from a national control program manager be substituted?

Yes. A ÐÇ¿ÕÓéÀÖ¹ÙÍø funded state, territorial or tribal tobacco control program manager can provide a letter of support.

Please confirm that this funding opportunity excludes national technical assistance provider applicants proposing a TA-supported model to advance state and community partners' locally-led efforts to further equity efforts related to menthol/flavored commercial tobacco. If national technical assistance partners are not eligible to apply or are not the intended lead agencies for the RFA, are alternative funding opportunities available or planned to support state and community-led efforts related to this project?

This is NOFO is Open Competition. There are no exclusions of what type of entity can apply. See pages 3, 21, and 22.

The NOFO states that ÐÇ¿ÕÓéÀÖ¹ÙÍø requires a full-time equivalent to serve as the program manager responsible for the day-to-day management of the implementation of activities. : 1) Can the full-time equivalent be split among two or more staff people at the applying organization? 2) Can the full-time equivalent be split among two or more staff members at both the applying and partner organizations?

The program manager for this NOFO should be focused 100% on the day-to-day implementation of the workplan. Other positions, excluding the program manager, may be split between one or more staff. The budget narrative should clearly specify the percentage of times each staff person will be funded from this NOFO.

Are there any guidelines for what should be included in the "Project Management Structure" document? Information on this is lacking in NOFO but appears to be required with the submission.

The Project Management Structure needs to describe how the recipient will implement the Menthol NOFO's strategies and activities. The Project Management Structure should demonstrate adequate infrastructure, structure and workforce capacity, and expert knowledge of the community through inclusion of community members as employees, volunteers, and/or board members. This information is located on page 16 of the Menthol NOFO.

In addition, please refer to the following resources:

Best Practices for Comprehensive Tobacco Control Programs (2014) pages 64-69

Best Practices User Guide: Program Infrastructure

I tried looking for the recording of the Information Conference Call held on May 23, 2023 but was only able to find the FAQs. Is the recording available?

A recording of the informational call is not available. If there are questions regarding the Menthol Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO), please submit them via email at [email protected] or on the Menthol NOFO website.

If a state/territory is applying, I understand that a letter of support is required from one of the eight recipients of the Networking2Save cooperative agreement. Does this mean then only ONE letter of support is required if the state organization applying is the tobacco control program to satisfy the NOFO requirement of two letters of support?

All applicants need a letter of support from the state tobacco control program that describe how they will collaborate with and/or provide technical assistance to the applicant. If the applicant is the state health department's tobacco control program, the applicant does not need to provide a letter from the state. However, they must submit a letter from a Networking2Save recipient (National Networks). Additionally, applicants need at least two letters of support from members of the community coalition that include a specific description of their role in the proposed work.

We know ÐÇ¿ÕÓéÀÖ¹ÙÍø recommends getting one letter of support (LOS) from the Networking2Save cooperative agreement list. We wanted to clarify, if requirement listed on RFA page 11 "A letter of support from a minimum of two members of the community coalition are required for the application and must include a specific description of their role in support of the proposed work." Applies too? Does this mean that one LOS from the Networking 2Save + 2 LOSs from coalition members, would make us meet minimum requirement?

The following is required:

  • Applicants are required to submit a letter of support from the state, territorial or tribal tobacco control program. If the applicant is a tribe, a letter should be submitted from their Tribal Health Organization. If the applicant is the state health department’s tobacco control program, the applicant does not need to provide a letter from the state. However, they must submit a letter from a Networking2Save recipient (National Networks).
  • At least two letters of support from members of the community coalition that include a specific description of their role in the proposed work.

We are working on planning and writing our application with our partners for DP23-0019 and have a question about the definition of community on page 51. Can the focus of the work start in one community, such as the city or county of Milwaukee and then as we have lessons learned from that work and build capacity; expand the work to other communities such as Racine, Kenosha, and Madison in years 2 through 5?

Yes. As defined in the NOFO on page 51, a community is a geographical location or setting that can include a city, county, parish, tribe, or jurisdiction/sub-jurisdiction that is a significant enough area to allow for population-wide interventions and measurable results and includes a targeted focus to address disparities resulting from the use of menthol and other flavored tobacco products.

An applicant's plan to expand work to other communities would be explained in the proposed work plan. Applicants must submit a detailed work plan for Year 1 of the award. Applicants also must provide a general summary of work plan strategies and activities for years 2-5 in narrative form.

Can school districts apply for this grant?

This NOFO is an open competition. There are no restrictions on who can apply. Applicants must be physically located and operate in the state, tribe, locality, or territory for which the work is proposed. Applicants must provide a statement that identifies the community and state, territory, or tribe in which the applicant will do the proposed work.

On page 47 of the NOFO under the section titled "H. Other information," what is the 'proposed work statement'? I see that the workplan needs to be submitted as a separate document (and is part of the 20-page limit for the Project Narrative) and that the Project Narrative needs to include information on work that will be done in years 2-5 in narrative form, but I do not see anything in the NOFO about the 'proposed work statement.'

As stated on page 22 of the NOFO under "Additional Information on Eligibility", applicants must be physically located and operate in the state, tribe, locality, or territory for which the work is proposed. Applicants must provide a statement that identifies the community and state, territory, or tribe in which the applicant will do the proposed work. Applicant must provide proof of physical location (e.g., official letterhead, articles of incorporation, business card). This documentation must be labeled "Proposed_Work_Statement" and uploaded to www.grants.gov as a part of their application. See the glossary of this NOFO for the ÐÇ¿ÕÓéÀÖ¹ÙÍø definition of "community".

Can you explain how to describe sub-contractors in the application without violating federal procurement?

According to page 16, recipients are required to have appropriate systems for data collection and evaluation of project performance measures, as well as adequate financial systems to meet federal government procurement requirements and statutes. This includes experience with budget management and administration capacity to establish financial procedures and track, monitor, and report expenditures. In addition, please refer to "Budget Narrative" on page 29 of the NOFO for what should be included in the itemized budget narrative.

If we want to provide funding to our coalition partner for this work, how can we do this while still meeting federal procurement rules? Can we name them as a sole-source vendor? There may be other coalitions working in our state, but we are selecting one coalition as the best partner for addressing the objectives set forth within the RFA.

The awarded recipient's role is to follow their organization's procurement rules to award any sub-contractors or grantees. The recipient should work closely with their financial office to help them understand the goals of this NOFO and to partner with financial office to work through their required mechanism for granting or sub-contracting funding. ÐÇ¿ÕÓéÀÖ¹ÙÍø's role is to review and approve sub-contractors.

Performance measure #5 (see page 15 of the NOFO) states that the "number and reach of comprehensive local (city, county, or tribal) policies that have been adopted, implemented, and/or enforced" will be used to evaluate success. While local policy change is not feasible in states with preemptive policies prohibiting cities and counties from restricting the sale of menthol and other flavored tobacco products, state-level policy change is possible and would bring the added benefit of optimizing the reach and number of communities benefiting from the policy change. Given this: a) Would ÐÇ¿ÕÓéÀÖ¹ÙÍø be satisfied with local efforts inform state-level policy change (instead of local policy change)? b) Would there be any negative impact on the scoring of an applicant proposing efforts to educate state legislators instead of local policy makers? c) Would ÐÇ¿ÕÓéÀÖ¹ÙÍø be satisfied with local efforts inform state-level policy change (removing preemptive language), followed by local policy initiatives if/after preemptive state policies are changed? d) Would there be any negative impact on the scoring of an applicant proposing efforts to educate both state and local policy makers? e) If a recipient demonstrates meaningful work in support of outcome 5 ("Increased equitable adoption, implementation, and enforcement of policies..." as noted on page 15 of the NOFO), but the outcome is not achieved, could there be any negative financial impact on the recipient?

a) Applications will be rated to the extent that applicants address the evaluation criteria in the NOFO including to how the work plan will make progress towards the NOFO's outcomes.

The work plan to address performance measure number 5 should focus on community education regarding the evidence-based approach of polices to prohibit the sale of menthol and other flavored tobacco products, including menthol cigarettes.

b) Applicants should review the purpose of this NOFO (on page 7), which states:

This NOFO supports recipients working to address health disparities among populations who use menthol and other flavored tobacco products, through coalitions that will 1) promote and support social, economic and community change; 2) educate the public, community leaders, partners, and decision makers on policy, systems, and environmental changes that can prevent and reduce menthol tobacco use; 3) implement culturally appropriate interventions tailored for community needs; and 4) use research, surveillance, and evaluation to measure progress made and inform public health action.

All applications will be scored based on the review and selection process criteria in Phase II on pages 34 – 36 in the NOFO.

c) Applications will be rated to the extent that applicants address the evaluation criteria in the NOFO including to how the work plan will make progress towards the NOFO's outcomes.

d) Applications will be rated to the extent that applicants address the evaluation criteria in the NOFO including to how the work plan will make progress towards the NOFO's outcomes.

e) As stated on page 20 of the NOFO under budget period length, throughout the project period, ÐÇ¿ÕÓéÀÖ¹ÙÍø will continue the award based on the availability of funds, the evidence of satisfactory progress by the recipient (as documented in required reports), and the determination that continued funding is in the best interest of the federal government.

Is the workplan template document which is to be uploaded as a separate document titled "Work Plan" part of the 20-page limit allowed for the Project Narrative?

As stated in the NOFO on page 17 under "Work Plan", applicants must submit a detailed work plan for Year 1 of the award. Additionally, applicants must provide a general summary of work plan strategies and activities for Years 2-5 in narrative form. The Work Plan is part of the 20-page limit allowed for the Project Narrative. This work plan should include activities listed in section iii. Strategies and Activities. Applicants must name this file "Work_Plan" and upload to with their application.

For another reference point, page 29 of NOFO has information regarding the work plan expressing the work plan is included in the Project Narrative's page limit.

Does the Risk Questionnaire (noted on page 25 of the NOFO) need to be completed prior to submission of our proposal and then uploaded with the proposal, or is it completed after the announcement of award? If so, how should it be submitted. When the link is clicked on provided in the NOFO, it goes to a webpage that does not have any link for submission. We did not see a place to submit this on the Grants.gov application website either. What is the best method to submit the Risk Assessment Questionnaire?

The risk assessment needs to be completed and uploaded with the application.

ÐÇ¿ÕÓéÀÖ¹ÙÍø requires all applicants to complete the Risk Questionnaire, OMB Control Number 0920-1132 annually. The questionnaire, along with supporting documentation, must be submitted with your application by the closing date of the Notice of Funding Opportunity Announcement. If your organization has completed ÐÇ¿ÕÓéÀÖ¹ÙÍø's Risk Questionnaire within the past 12 months of the closing date of this NOFO, then you must submit a copy of that questionnaire, or submit a letter signed by the authorized organization representative to include the original submission date, organization's EIN and UEI.

When uploading supporting documentation for the Risk Questionnaire into this application package, clearly label the documents for easy identification of the type of documentation. For example, a copy of Procurement policy submitted in response to the questionnaire may be labeled using the following format: Risk Questionnaire Supporting Documents _ Procurement Policy.

To whom should the Letters of Support be addressed?

The letter of support can be address to the Office of Smoking and Health, Program Services Branch.

Is it allowable to contract with a 501(c)(4) if the scope of work explicitly outlines the contracted services are for non-lobbying activities?

Applicants will need to comply with their state laws or other applicable restrictions. For additional information regarding lobbying restrictions, see:

Anti-Lobbying Restrictions for ÐÇ¿ÕÓéÀÖ¹ÙÍø Grantees and Additional Requirement – 12 | Grants | ÐÇ¿ÕÓéÀÖ¹ÙÍø.