Key points
- Research shows that EMS clinicians have high rates of injuries and fatalities.
- Job hazards include lifting, exposure to illnesses and hazardous substances, and transport in emergency vehicles.

Emergency Medical Services (EMS) clinicians provide pre-hospital emergency care and include emergency medical responders, emergency medical technicians, and paramedics. They may be paid workers or volunteers.
EMS can be provided by:
- Private ambulance companies
- Fire or police departments
- Public EMS agencies
- Hospitals
The reported a total of 1,030,760 licensed EMS clinicians in the United States. This estimate includes paid and volunteer EMS workers.
The 2022 for the number of employed EMTs and paramedics was 248,000. This estimate is limited to paid EMS clinicians.
Safety risks
EMS workers are vital to disaster response. Their duties create an inherent risk for on-the-job injuries and illnesses. EMS workers face many safety risks, including:
- Lifting patients and equipment
- Treating patients with infectious illnesses
- Handling hazardous chemical and body substances
- Participating in emergency transport of patients in ground and air vehicles
- Potentially violent patients
EMS clinicians should:
- Practice safe lifting
- Use personal protective equipment (PPE)
- Wear slip-resistant footwear
- Use seatbelts in ambulances
- Practice de-escalation techniques for potentially violent scenarios
EMS employers should establish policies, offer training, and provide needed equipment to:
- Promote safe patient-handling techniques
- Protect workers from blood and body fluid exposures
- Prevent slips, trips, and falls
- Improve motor vehicle safety
- Implement workplace violence prevention programs
- EMS Providers: How to stay safe on the job NIOSH Infographic
- Emergency Medical Services Workers: How Employers Can Prevent Injuries and Exposures NIOSH Publication No. 2017-194
- Fentanyl: Preventing Emergency Responders' Exposures to Illicit Drugs
- NHTSA Office of EMS: