Emergency Medical Services

Emergency Medical Services Clinician Injury Data: An Overview

Key points

  • NIOSH uses the National Electronic Injury Surveillance System occupational supplement (NEISS-Work) to estimate nonfatal, emergency department treated injuries to EMS clinicians.
  • Injury estimates are calculated for demographics and injury characteristics.
  • The most common injuries were sprains and strains.
Somebody uses a laptop with data and a graph overlay.


is a national probability-based sample of U.S. hospital emergency departments that collects data on civilian workers injured on the job. It includes nonfatal injuries to EMS clinicians that occurred during paid or volunteer EMS duties.

Did you know?‎‎

In 2020, there were an estimated 16,900 injuries among EMS clinicians that were treated in U.S. hospital emergency departments.

How it works

EMS clinician injuries treated in the participating hospitals are identified from admission information and emergency department chart review by a records abstractor in each hospital.

A workers' compensation claim is not required for inclusion.

National injury estimates are calculated by summing the statistical weights assigned to each case treated in one of the NEISS-Work hospitals.

EMS clinician injury data‎

Injury data is available from years 2016- 2020.