What to know

Mine and mine worker charts
The are interactive graphs, maps, and tables for the U.S. mining industry that show data over multiple or single years. Users can select a variety of breakdowns for statistics, including number of active mines in each sector by year; number of employees and employee hours worked by sector; fatal and nonfatal injury counts and rates by sector and accident class.
All charts and maps can be saved in PDF, SVG, or PNG format for inclusion in other documents.
Economic Analysis
This suite of tools assesses the economic cost of accidents and injuries. The goal is to illustrate how improving safety can help improve the bottom line.
- Safety Pays in Mining: A web application to show the cost of worker injuries and provide suggestions for ways the savings might be reinvested.
- Fatalities Cost in Mining: A web application that estimates the societal cost (burden) of an individual fatality based on key characteristics of the fatally injured miner.
Historical Mine Disasters
are incidents with 5 or more fatalities. Data tables (1839 through present) and graphs (1900 through 2016) by mining sector are provided.
Background and Statistical Methodology
The Data and Statistics pages provide analyzable data files and summary statistics for the U.S. mining industry. The information presented here is generated using employment, accident, and injury data collected by the Mine Safety and Health Administration () under , among other sources, and prepared by the NIOSH Mining Program following a standard statistical methodology.