What to know
The NIOSH Mining Program offers many tools and publications that enhance mining safety and health. These include guides, software, training exercises, workshops, and videos. Many can be downloaded.

Jointly developed by NIOSH and the Mine Safety and Health Administration (MSHA) to offer effective strategies for prevention and recovery from opioid use disorder (OUD).
Fact Sheets and Infographics
This infographic gives 10 practical sleep tips for miners in environment, health, and consumables. It uses icons for each of the 10 sleep tips followed by action-oriented advice.
A set of heat stress fact sheets offering practical information about working in hot mining conditions.
Don't Slip Up infographic with tips for slip prevention.
Windows Software
CMRR windows software for estimating the relative inherent strength of coal mine roof.
DRIFT is Windows software to design perimeter control blast rounds for typical underground drifting applications
FAST is Windows software for performing rapid quartz analysis using a Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) instrument.
Access the NIOSH Hearing Loss Simulator (HLSim) web application.
Keeping Cool is a training module that will help workers recognize the signs of heat-related illness and provide appropriate first aid.
Spanish version of the Keeping Cool training module that will help workers recognize the signs of heat-related illness and provide appropriate first aid.
Information for collaborators in the evolving Virtual Reality Mine Rescue Training platform
S-Pillar Windows software for stone mine pillar design.
The Safety Pays in Mining web application estimates the cost of mining injuries
The Fatalities Cost in Mining web application estimates the cost of mining fatalities
MFIRE is a software simulation of the spread of smoke and other hazardous fire contaminants.