Joint Outreach Task Group Launches Video Series on EEOICPA and Former Worker Medical Screening Program

April 1, 2014

In 2009, the Department of Energy (DOE) teamed with the Department of Labor (DOL), the Office of the Ombudsman for DOL, the National Institute for Occupational Safety & Health (NIOSH), the Ombudsman to NIOSH, and the DOE funded Former Worker Program (FWP) projects to create the Joint Outreach Task Group (JOTG). In March 2014, JOTG launched a video series that provides an overview of the roles and responsibilities of EEOICPA and FWP. Listed below are links to seven short video segments that explain the different roles and responsibilities of each agency and program.

Summary of the Segments of the Video:

More information on the JOTG video series can be found on .