Who to Contact for Help with SEC Petitions

NIOSH is aware that the SEC petition process can sometimes seem complex and confusing. NIOSH provides guidance to SEC petitioners throughout the petition process. Both an Ombudsman to NIOSH and an SEC Petition Counselor are available to help petitioners understand the requirements and information needed to file an SEC petition. They will discuss the petition with the petitioner, clarify the information submitted, and discuss deficiencies in the petition, if any.

Mr. Josh Kinman works with petitioners in overcoming any frustrations or confusion that they may feel when submitting an SEC petition. He is available to help individuals interested in the petition process to add classes of employees to the SEC.

You may contact Mr. Kinman by calling him at 513-533-6831 or by email at [email protected].

Information on filing an SEC petition can also be found on the How to Submit an SEC Petition page of our website.

How the SEC Petition Counselor Helps Claimants:
  • SEC Petitions: Mr. Kinman helps the petitioner(s) understand:
    • What information an individual needs to submit an SEC petition
    • How to submit an SEC petition
    • What happens to the petition once it is received by NIOSH
    • What it means if the petition qualifies for further evaluation
    • What the petitioner can do if the petition does not qualify for further evaluation
    • What happens when the petition is presented to the Advisory Board
    • What happens to the petition after the Advisory Board has talked about the petition
    • What happens when there is a recommendation that is sent to Congress
    • What happens when a class of employees is added to the SEC/
  • Outreach Meetings: Mr. Kinman conducts SEC outreach meetings at various locations across the country. The goal of an SEC outreach meeting is to help individuals understand the SEC and the SEC petition process. These meetings are open to the public.

    Please note that the decision to hold an outreach meeting is based on:

    • the availability of NIOSH personnel,
    • the number of requests received, and
    • public interest in a geographical area.

    If your request is approved, then you will be contacted with further details.

    If you are interested in having an outreach meeting for your facility or location, please contact Mr. Kinman with your request:

    Phone: 513-533-6831

    Email: [email protected]

Ombudsman to NIOSH

Denise Brock is the Ombudsman to NIOSH under the Act/EEOICPA. She helps individuals with a variety of issues about the SEC petition process and the dose reconstruction process.

Ms. Brock has built a strong working relationship with the Department of Labor’s Ombudsman’s Office, District Offices, and National Office in an effort to help the claimant community.

You may contact Ms. Brock by email at [email protected].

Ms. Brock has been an outspoken and effective advocate for workers for many years. She is the daughter of former uranium workers from the Mallinckrodt Chemical Plant in St. Louis, Missouri. She was the Founder/Director of The United Nuclear Weapons Workers advocacy group.

Ms. Brock has extensive experience and expertise in preparing and filing SEC petitions for classes of workers. In fact, the SEC petition Ms. Brock filed on behalf of workers at the Mallinckrodt Chemical Plant led to the first class of workers being added to the SEC. Ms. Brock was a strong force in organizing former workers and providing necessary information to the Advisory Board to push forward the SEC petition.

Ms. Brock has acted as not only a worker advocate but as a consultant to several law firms which helped The Act claimants. She has been recognized for her experience and was asked to testify before the Judiciary Committee on Immigration, Border Security and Claims, U.S. House of Representatives, Hearing on Implementation of The Act in an effort to bring forward ideas to help change the program to better serve the needs of the Workers.

How the Ombudsman to NIOSH under EEOICPA Helps Claimants:
  • Dose Reconstructions: In some cases when a claimant has problems with the dose reconstruction process, NIOSH will ask Ms. Brock to help the claimant. Claimants also contact her for help in reviewing their case, even if previously denied. Ms. Brock will review the entire case file, including the Department of Labor initial case file, the NIOSH dose reconstruction report, and the medical records.

  • SEC Petitions: Ms. Brock directly helps petitioners gather the materials, information, and documents needed to file an SEC petition. She also helps petitioners prepare and present comments to the Advisory Board. Ms. Brock also helps petitioners who may be having problems with their current petition.

  • Outreach Meetings: Ms. Brock conducts outreach meetings and workshops for claimants, advocates, consultants, and the public in order to promote a better understanding of The Act and the claims process.

    Please note that the decision to hold an outreach meeting is based on:

    • the availability of NIOSH personnel,

    • the number of requests received, and

    • public interest in a geographical area.

    If your request is approved, then you will be contacted with further details.

    If you are interested in having an outreach meeting for your facility or location, please contact Ms. Brock with your request:

    Email: [email protected]

Requests for SEC Outreach Meetings

NIOSH conducts SEC outreach meetings at various locations across the country. The goal of an SEC outreach meeting is to help individuals understand the SEC and the SEC petition process. These meetings are open to the public and last approximately half a day.

Please note that NIOSH will consider all requests for outreach meetings but may not be able to honor all requests. The decision to hold an outreach meeting is based on:

  • the availability of NIOSH personnel,

  • the number of requests received, and

  • public interest in a geographical area.

If your request is approved, then you will be contacted with further details.

If you are interested in having an SEC outreach meeting for your facility or location, please contact either Josh Kinman or Denise Brock with your request: