We are taking steps to continue to modernize and secure our data, applications, and systems. We completed the first phase and restored many of the functions put on pause in May 2021. Now that the first phase is complete, work will resume at a slower pace but will speed up as new systems and applications are brought online. For more information and updates, please visit our Cybersecurity Modernization Initiative web page.
Public Docket for 42 CFR 81 (Probability of Causation)
Public Comments – In Order of Received
Comments from Rhonda Bogard. NIOSH Comments, 3 pp. Received on March 1, 2002. [123 KB (3 pages)]
Comments from Private Citizen. Causation, 1 pg. Received on January 23, 2002.[12 KB (1 page)]
Comments from Private Citizen, 3 pp. Received on December 3, 2001.[77 KB (3 pages)]
Comments from Charles Land, NCI. IREP, 2 pp. Received on November 26, 2001.[110 KB (2 pages)]
Comments from Richard Wilson. IREP, 2 pp. Received on November 25, 2001.[100 2KB (2 pages)]
Comments from Roger Shaw. Information Request, 1 pg. Received on November 2, 2001.[27 KB (1 page)]
Subject Matter Expert Reviews of NIOSH-IREP
Comments from Richard Hornung, University of Cincinnati, 4 pp.[157 KB (4 pages)]
Comments from David Richardson, Department of Epidemiology, School of Public Health, University of North Carolina, 6 pp.[52 KB (6 pages)
Revised on 2/11/02
Subject Matter Expert Reviews of Proposed Radiation Weighting Factors
Meeting Reports
Stakeholder Correspondence
Comments with enclosure from G Bell (04/17/2001), 5 pp.[208 KB (5 pages)]
Comments with enclosure from WJ Klemm (04/25/2001), 9 pp.[436 KB (9 pages)]
Comments from PL Ziemer of Purdue University (04/30/2001), 4 pp.[157 KB (4 pages)]
Comments from WK Sinclair of NCRP (05/01/2001), 2 pp.[57 KB (2 pages)]
Comments from PS Rohwer of the Health Physics Society (05/02/2001), 17 pp.[760 KB (17 pages)]
Comments from JE Till of the Risk Assessment Corporation (05/07/2001), 2 pp.[105 KB (2 pages)]
Comments from R Wilson of Harvard University (05/24/2001), 4 pp.[79 KB (4 pages)]
Comments from AC Thadani of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (05/31/2001), 4 pp.[171 KB (4 pages)]
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