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Administrative Manual Updates
February 27, 2023
The following updates have been made to the World Trade Center (WTC) Health Program Administrative Manual.
- Added chapter 3.8 Part D Certification of Deceased Members: language stating that the WTC Health Program does not certify health conditions for deceased members.
- Please note: For information on September 11th Victim Compensation Fund (VCF) claims for deceased individuals, visit the page or call the VCF at 1-855-885-1555.
- Updated chapter 3.11 Appendices: Updated WTC-3 form now available.
- Added chapter 4.1 Acupuncture Services: information on coverage of acupuncture services in the WTC Health Program. (also see: Program Updates - Acupuncture)
- Added chapter 4.2 Coverage of Conditions Outside the United States: language stating the WTC Health Program only covers care in the United States and its territories.
- Added chapter 4.17 Uterine Cancer: information on coverage of uterine cancer in the WTC Health Program. (also see: Program Updates � Uterine Cancer)
About the Administrative Manual
The WTC Health Program Administrative Manual serves as a formal, in-depth look into Program policies, procedures, and operations. Some of the language is technical. The Administrative Manual is the basis for the WTC Health Program Member Handbook. The handbook aims to explain parts of the Administrative Manual in clear language for members.