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Statement by Dr. John Howard commemorating 20 years since September 11th, 2001
Twenty years after the tragic events of September 11th, 2001, we mourn the many family, friends, and loved ones lost on that fateful day. We also honor the responders who answered the call to help that day and afterwards, as well as the many survivors who soon after 9/11 returned to their homes, schools, and workplaces in the New York City disaster area.
9/11 continues to have a significant impact on the health of responders and survivors, even after two decades. Many still suffer both physically and mentally from conditions related to their exposures at or near Ground Zero and at the Pentagon and Shanksville sites. Sadly, some have been lost due to illnesses related to 9/11 exposure. Some are just experiencing their first related condition now.
The mission of the World Trade Center Health Program is to provide no-cost medical monitoring and treatment of World Trade Center-related conditions to help these responders and survivors, and to provide a high standard of compassionate care until the year 2090. On behalf of the World Trade Center Health Program, it is an honor for us to serve the 9/11 community.
With thousands of new members enrolled this past year alone, the need for the World Trade Center Health Program is as important now as ever. There are many who are a part of the 9/11 community who are not aware of this Program and the benefits available to them. If you or someone you know was there on 9/11 or in the months afterwards, please visit our website at or call 1-888-982-4748 to learn more about the World Trade Center Health Program eligibility and how to apply.
We are here to help, and we will never forget.
John Howard, M.D.
Administrator, World Trade Center Health Program
Need help applying?
If you have questions about the World Trade Center Health Program eligibility criteria, application, or enrollment process, the following organizations provide outreach and education assistance to potential members:
- (Survivors)
- (Survivors)
- (Responders)
- (Responders)