� Information About Delays for Scheduling Initial Health Evaluations - World Trade Center Health Program


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Information About Delays for Scheduling Initial Health Evaluations

The World Trade Center Health Program (WTC Health Program) provides medical monitoring and treatment for responders to the WTC and related sites in New York City, Pentagon, and Shanksville, PA, and survivors who were in the 9/11 New York City disaster area. Separate from the WTC Health Program, the , administered by the U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ), provides financial compensation for those who were physically harmed or killed and who meet the VCF’s eligibility criteria.

Beginning in mid-2017, the WTC Health Program began to notice an increased number of individuals seeking enrollment in the Program as screening-eligible survivors, and requesting certification of their health conditions as WTC-related. This increased interest in the Program may be due to ongoing outreach efforts by the Program and others, along with the VCF’s new requirement that VCF claimants seek membership in the WTC Health Program, and certification of their health conditions by the Program, to facilitate VCF compensation. The VCF recently shared a message about the change and registering for claims with the VCF, which can be viewed here.

The WTC Health Program is aware of the increased number of individuals, primarily survivors, seeking enrollment and/or certification of their health conditions. The WTC Health Program is taking active steps to address the waiting time for an initial health evaluation for enrolled screening-eligible survivors.

We are looking at options to expand our capacity to provide initial health evaluations and health condition(s) certification to new WTC Health Program members. These options may include increasing the capacity at clinics affiliated with the Program and located in Manhattan.

In the meantime, we thank you for your patience as we work to reduce the wait time you may be experiencing for an initial health evaluation. If you have questions about becoming a member of and/or requesting certification for your health condition(s) from the WTC Health Program, you may find the information below helpful.

Please feel free to check back frequently; we will provide updates on this webpage as we have them.

Questions and Answers about the increased waiting time for initial health evaluations
in the WTC Health Program
