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Youth Research Cohort: Public comment period extended through January 2024
November 2, 2023
The World Trade Center (WTC) Health Program is continuously looking for input on the best ways to recruit and establish a Youth Research Cohort through a . The deadline for the current public comment period has been extended until January 29, 2024.
This Youth Research Cohort will be used to study the mental and physical health, as well as educational impacts, from 9/11 exposure among those who were 21 years old or younger on the day of the attacks. Comments will be published unaltered and available for the public to view, including any personal information.
During this period of public comment, the WTC Health Program has been actively developing ways to involve the 9/11 community in the development of the Youth Research Cohort and creating resources to share updates and information.
The WTC Health Program has developed a Youth Research Cohort Information webpage which will be updated regularly with new information as it becomes available. You can also sign up to receive email updates through this webpage.
Further, the WTC Health Program is working to develop a community website to establish a network of interested community members, providers, and researchers and communicate updates as they become available. More information about this website will be shared as it becomes available.