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New Program Website Enhancements Include Improved Site Navigation and Online Feedback Form
July 17, 2023
The World Trade Center (WTC) Health Program has launched a series of website enhancements. These improvements make information on the Program website easier to find. They also introduce a new way to formally contact the Program with feedback.
More about the website enhancements
9/11 community members helped inform the website improvements, which include:
- A new to formally submit feedback, concerns, compliments, or suggestions for improvement, directly to the Program online,
- Improved site navigation and content grouping by audience. The top menu has been simplified into groups instead of large drop-down lists for better information accessibility,
- Additional resources added to the ‘More Resources� section on the homepage to better organize information by audience/topic,
- A new Program eNews service, which allows anyone to sign up for Program news and information delivered directly to their email inbox,
- The addition of a new Information for Providers page to help doctors, clinicians, and their staffs find Program care information quickly,
- The launch of a new Youth Research Cohort page with more information on that new initiative, and
- A redesigned Program News and Media page.
More about the new feedback form
The Program is pleased to be able to launch this capability in response to frequent member requests. The new will help the Program find trends and opportunities for ongoing improvement. Use of the form is open to everyone, not just members.
A confirmation email with tracking number will be provided upon submission of the form. A formal response from the Program will follow in 3-5 business days.
Please note: A name and email must be provided in order to submit the feedback form.
We are here to help
If you have questions or issues specific to your WTC-related care needs or your enrollment, please reach out to the WTC Health Program Call Center at 1-888-982-4748 or visit the Contact Us page for additional options for reaching the Program directly for support. The WTC Health Program Call Center is open Monday through Friday, 9am to 5pm Eastern.