Healthy People 2010

Progress Review Focus Area 23 – Public Health Infrastructure Presentation

PowerPoint Presentation [PPT – 1 MB]

Slide 1

Focus Area 23:
Public Health Infrastructure
Progress Review

Richard J. Klein
National Center for Health Statistics

April 16, 2008

Picture of slide 1 as described above.

Slide 2

Impact of Public Health Infrastructure

Public Health Infrastructure–the resources needed to deliver essential public health services to every community

Pyramid-shaped graphic with Basic Infrastructure at base (with workforce capacity and competency, information and data systems, and organizational and system capacity) at base. Next level is essential capabilities (with surveillance, laboratory practice, and epidemic investigation) in the middle, and public health response at the peak of the pyramid.

Picture of slide 2 as described above, which also includes a picture of Pyramid-shaped graphic as described above.

Slide 3

Highlighted objectives with colored dots indicating status.

Information and data systems
23-2 Access to information on health indicators, baseline only
23-4 data for all population groups, improving
23-6 objectives tracked at least every three years, little or no progress
23-7 data release within one year of collection, little or no progress

Workforce capacity & competency
23-11 performance standards, improving

Organizational & systems capacity
23-12 health improvement plans
Tribal, no data
State, baseline only
Local, little or no progress
Local linked to State, baseline only

Picture of slide 3 as described above.

Slide 4

Examples of Access to Information on Health Indicators

Logos associated with web sites for federal, tribal, state, and local health indicator data.

Picture of slide 4 as described above, which also includes pictures of the Data 2010 logo, community health profile logo, state health facts dot org logo, and community health status indicators logo

Slide 5

Community Health Status Indicators (CHSI)

  • Mission: provide information on community health
    • More than 200 measures for each of the 3,141 U.S. counties
    • Peer counties based on population density, population size, poverty rate, and age distribution
    • Healthy People 2010 targets shown where applicable
  • Cooperative effort
    • Federal: Health Resources Services Administration, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, National Library of Medicine
    • Foundations: Public Health Foundation and Robert Wood Johnson funds
  • Endorsed broadly
Picture of slide 5 as described above.

Slide 6

CHSI Peer Counties

Map showing counties in the DC area, with Anne Arundel County, MD and Prince William County, VA, highlighted.

Picture of slide 15 as described above, which also includes a picture of Map of the DC area with Anne Arundel County MD and Prince William County VA highlighted

Slide 7

CHSI Peer Counties

U.S. map with peer counties (of Anne Arundel Co, MD) in blue, with graphic showing selected causes of death for Anne Arundel, its peers, the US rate, and the Healthy People target.

Picture of slide 7 as described above, which also includes a picture of map with highlighted counties as described above.

Slide 8

Minimum Template for Population-Based Objectives

Race: American Indian or Alaska Native only
Asian or Pacific Islander only
Asian only
Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander only
Black or African American only
White only
2 or more races
American Indian or Alaska Native; White
Black or African American; White

Hispanic origin and race:
Hispanic or Latino
Not Hispanic or Latino
Black or African American


Socioeconomic Status:
Family Income Level
Near poor
Middle/high income


Education Level
Less than high school
High school graduate
At least some college

Picture of slide 8 as described above.

Slide 9

Data Quality and Completeness

Bar graph showing increase for three measures related to data quality and completeness — data for all pop groups, objectives tracked at least every three years, and data released within one year of data collection.

Picture of slide 9 as described above, which also includes a picture of a bar graph as described above.

Slide 10

Use of National Public Health Performance Standards: State Public Health Systems

Bar chart showing nine states using National Public Health Performance Standards in 2004 and 18 in 2007.

Picture of slide 10 as described above, which also includes a picture of a bar chart as described above.

Slide 11

Use of National Public Health Performance Standards: Local Public Health Systems

Pie charts showing 12% of Local Public Health Systems participating in the PHPS program, and 36% of those meeting the PHPS in 2004. For 2007, 20% of LPHS participating, 46% of those meeting.

Picture of slide 11 as described above, which also includes pictures of pie charts, as described above.

Slide 12

Implementation of a Health Improvement Plan: State and Local Health Agencies

Bar chart showing 56% of States have a Health Improvement in 2007, 54% of Local agencies have a Health Improvement Plan, and 37% have local plans linked with the State Health Improvement plan.

Picture of slide 12 as described above, which also includes a picture of a bar chart as described above.

Slide 13

Graphic showing the status of the non-highlighted PHI objectives.

Picture of slide 13 as described above.

Slide 14


  • All retained objectives are at least partially measurable
  • Access to information on health indicators available at national, Tribal, state, and county level
  • Data timeliness and completeness improved
  • Participation in the National Public Health Performance Standards Program improved for state and local public health systems.
  • Tribal data collection improving – challenges remain
  • Future: Developing and refining PHI measurement in Healthy People 2020
Picture of slide 14 as described above.

Slide 15


Tamyra Carroll Garcia
Public Health Analyst
ÐÇ¿ÕÓéÀÖ¹ÙÍø/National Center for Health Statistics
[email protected]

Susan Schneider
Public Health Analyst
ÐÇ¿ÕÓéÀÖ¹ÙÍø/National Center for Health Statistics
[email protected]

Contributors: Nakki Price, ÐÇ¿ÕÓéÀÖ¹ÙÍø/OCPHP
Beverly Smith, HRSA
Liza Corso, ÐÇ¿ÕÓéÀÖ¹ÙÍø/OCPHP
Christopher Barrett, HHS/ODPHP
Joan Cioffi, ÐÇ¿ÕÓéÀÖ¹ÙÍø/OWCD
Ellis Davis, HHS/ODPHP
Elizabeth Jackson, ÐÇ¿ÕÓéÀÖ¹ÙÍø/NCHS
Jeff Pearcy, ÐÇ¿ÕÓéÀÖ¹ÙÍø/NCHS

Picture of slide 15 as described above.

Slide 16

Progress review data and slides are available on the web at the Healthy People website.