Healthy People 2020 Final Review

The Healthy People 2020 (HP2020) Final Review provides a quantitative end-of-decade assessment of the nation’s progress toward achieving the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS)-led HP2020 objectives and goals over the course of the decade. HP2020 included 1,318 objectives that spanned 42 topic areas and used data from about 230 different federal and nonfederal data sources. Of these 1,318 objectives, 1,111 were measurable, meaning they had baseline data. Below are the available HP2020 Final Review products.

For more information on HP2020 data, visit:

Suggested Citation:

National Center for Health Statistics. Healthy People 2020 Final Review. 2021. DOI:


The Healthy People 2020 Final Review would not have been possible without the contributions of many dedicated people. To view the list of acknowledgements, visit: healthy-people-2020-acknowledgements