General Data Issues
This page provides a brief overview of data issues that users of Healthy People 2030 data should be aware of.
Each core (measurable) objective contains a data source and a national baseline value. (Core objectives were referred to as “measurable objectives” in HP2020.) The baseline values use reliable and valid data from currently established and nationally representative data systems. Baseline data provide the point from which a 2030 target is set.
For each core objective, the includes a Data Methodology and Measurement page. Here you can find information about the data source, baseline details (numerator, denominator, and questions used to collect the data), target, target-setting method, history, and other relevant items. If changes are made to the data or any of the components related to assessing progress, the data and Data Methodology and Measurement fields will be updated to reflect the revisions.
Additional information about each data source used in HP2030 is available on the HP2030 website on the page. Here you can find information about the data supplier, the years for which data are available, periodicity of the data, mode of collection, a brief description, population covered, and other relevant items.
This page will be updated to include a more detailed description of data issues in the future. Please check back for an update.