We are taking steps to continue to modernize and secure our data, applications, and systems. We completed the first phase and restored many of the functions put on pause in May 2021. Now that the first phase is complete, work will resume at a slower pace but will speed up as new systems and applications are brought online. For more information and updates, please visit our Cybersecurity Modernization Initiative web page.
Joslyn Manufacturing and Supply Co.
(Site Profile/Docket Number 256)
Location: Ft. Wayne, Indiana
Also Known As: Joslyn Stainless Steel Co.
Special Exposure Cohort Petition Information
The Special Exposure Cohort (SEC) is a unique category of employees established by the Act (42 CFR Part 83). Claims compensated under the SEC do not have to go through the dose reconstruction process. To qualify for compensation under the SEC, a covered employee must meet specific requirements (e.g., must have at least one of 22 “specified cancers,” and have worked for a specified time period at one of the SEC sites). Classes of employees and work sites can be considered for addition to the SEC through a NIOSH petition process. More information about the Special Exposure Cohort can be found on our Frequently Asked Questions page.
Open/Active SEC Petitions
There are currently no open/active SEC petitions from Joslyn Manufacturing and Supply Co.
Class(es) Added to the SEC
All Atomic Weapons Employees who worked for Joslyn Manufacturing and Supply Co. at the covered facility in Fort Wayne, Indiana, from March 1, 1943, through December 31, 1947, for a number of work days aggregating at least 250 work days, occurring either solely under this employment, or in combination with work days within the parameters established for one or more other classes of employees included in the Special Exposure Cohort.
Note: This class was established from Petition 200
All Atomic Weapons Employees who worked for Joslyn Manufacturing and Supply Company at the covered facility in Fort Wayne, Indiana, from March 1, 1943, through July 31, 1948, for a number of work days aggregating at least 250 work days, occurring either solely under this employment, or in combination with work days within the parameters established for one or more other classes of employees included in the Special Exposure Cohort.
Note: This class was established from Petition 200
Classes Not Added to the SEC
All Atomic Weapons Employees who worked for Joslyn Manufacturing and Supply Co. at the covered facility in Fort Wayne, Indiana, from August 1, 1948, through December 31, 1952.
Note: This class was established from Petition 200
Petitions Qualified for Evaluation
Below is a list of the petitions that qualified for evaluation. Select a petition on the list to view the table for that particular petition.
Worker Outreach Activities
Based on a recommendation from the Advisory Board to provide workers and site experts with opportunities to participate in developing the technical documents used in dose reconstruction, NIOSH established a Worker Outreach Program.
At Worker Outreach Meetings, current and former DOE and AWE employees have opportunities to obtain information about Site Profiles, Technical Basis Documents, and Technical Information Bulletins, and to provide information for consideration and possible use in dose reconstruction. This process is valuable to ensure that the technical documents used in dose reconstruction contain correct and useful information.
Worker Outreach Activities for the Joslyn Manufacturing and Supply Co.:
Wednesday, July 25, 2012
Meeting with Former Workers from Joslyn Manufacturing and Supply Co., Fort Wayne, Indiana
Minutes [137 KB (14 pages)]
Advisory Board Work Group on TBD 6000
This Work Group is responsible for the review of the specified TBDs and the Appendices that apply to specific work sites. The Work Group will also review reports developed by the Board’s contractor (SC&A) pertaining to these TBDs and the Appendices. They will assist NIOSH and SC&A in resolving issues that arise through the review process. The Work Group will make recommendations to the Board in cases where Appendices involve sites with SEC petitions.
Sites currently being considered by the Work Group include:
Note: Baker Brothers, Bliss & Laughlin Steel, and Simonds Saw and Steel Company work sites were previously discussed by the TBD 6000 Work Group, but are not currently under discussion.
Meeting information (including agendas and transcripts) for this Work Group are on the individual work site pages listed above and the Advisory Board and Public Meetings pages.
Work Group Members:
Paul L. Ziemer, Ph.D. (Chair)
Henry A. Anderson, M.D.
Josie Beach
Meeting Information:
February 14, 2024
Teleconference Meeting of the Advisory Board’s TBD 6000 Work GroupTime/Location:
1:00 p.m. (Eastern Time)
Meeting Type: Teleconference; Public, No Comment Period
Meeting ID: 160 6763 3819
Passcode: ABRWH#01Teleconference:
Phone: +1 (646) 828-7666 (U.S. East)Teleconference Phone
Phone: +1 (669) 254-5252 (U.S. West)Teleconference PhoneMeeting ID: 160 6763 3819
Passcode: 98685439One Tap Mobile:
Pre-Decisional Document Policy
Available Meeting Items:
April 23, 2014
Teleconference Meeting on the Advisory Board’s Work Group on TBD 6000Time/Location:
10:30 a.m. Eastern Standard Time (EST)
Meeting Type: Teleconference; Public, No Comment PeriodTeleconference: +1-866-659-0537
Participant Code: 9933701Available Meeting Items:
Discussion Papers:
January 16, 2014
Teleconference Meeting of the Advisory Board’s Work Group on TBD 6000Time/Location:
10:00 a.m. (Eastern time)
Meeting Type: Teleconference; Public, No Comment PeriodTeleconference: +1-866-659-0537
Participant Code: 9933701Available Meeting Items:
Agenda [10 KB (1 page)]Revised January 9, 2014
Discussion Papers:
SC&A Draft: Issue Resolution Matrix for SC&A Findings on Appendix BB to TBD-6000 [364 KB (30 pages)]January 15, 2014
SC&A Memo: Update of Doses from External Exposure at General Steel Industries (GSI) [315 KB (8 pages)]January 12, 2014
SC&A Draft: Issue Resolution Matrix for SC&A Findings on Petition Evaluation Report for Joslyn SEC Petition 00200 [304 KB (6 pages)]December 18, 2013
June 20, 2013
Teleconference Meeting of the Advisory Board’s Work Group on TBD 6000Time/Location:
10:30 a.m. Eastern Standard Time (EST)
Meeting Type: Teleconference; Public, No Comment PeriodTeleconference: +1-866-659-0537
Participant Code: 9933701Available Meeting Items:
Discussion Papers:
Teleconference Meeting of the Advisory Board’s Work Group on TBD 6000Time/Location:
10:30 a.m. Eastern Standard Time (EST)
Meeting Type: Teleconference; Public, No Comment PeriodTeleconference: +1-866-659-0537
Participant Code: 9933701Available Meeting Items:
Discussion Papers:
SC&A Presentation: Comparison of Updated NIOSH and SC&A Exposure Assessments at GSI [641 KB (13 pages)]
April 26, 2013 -
NIOSH/DCAS: Simonds Saw and Steel Site Profile Review Issues Matrix [81 KB (12 pages)]
April 23, 2013 -
NIOSH/DCAS White Paper: Issues Raised in February 21, 2013 Work Group Meeting [95 KB (9 pages)]
April 2013 -
SC&A Memo: Review of NIOSH Estimates of External Exposures at GSI [35 KB (3 pages)]
April 24, 2013 -
SC&A Memo: Review of NIOSH Estimates of External Exposures at GSI [102 KB (6 pages)]
April 23, 2013 -
NIOSH/DCAS: Cleanup after Uranium Operations at Baker Brothers, Toledo, Ohio [95 KB (4 pages)]
April 2, 2013 -
SC&A Draft: Review of the Joslyn Manufacturing and Supply Company Petition Evaluation Report for Special Exposure Cohort (SEC) Petition 00200 [235 KB (39 pages)]
Contract No. 200-2009-28555
SCA-TR-SEC 2013-0069
March 28, 2013
Please Note: As part of the procedures and processes of the Advisory Board’s Work Groups, several kinds of pre-decisional documents may be developed. These pre-decisional documents, such as white papers, matrices, working drafts, etc., are distributed among Work Group members as research and background tools to facilitate discussion and deliberation. Although discussion during a public meeting may cover pre-decisional documents, these documents often are not further revised or finalized, and thus do not reflect the final determination or evaluation of the Advisory Board and its Work Groups. Additionally, some pre-decisional documents not otherwise posted on the website may contain sensitive information, which would require an interested party to obtain such documents by filing a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request with the ÐÇ¿ÕÓéÀÖ¹ÙÍø/ATSDR FOIA Office at [email protected].
Technical Documents
If the energy employee’s personal radiation information is incomplete, NIOSH will use other sources to estimate the radiation dose. This may involve using technical documents called Site Profiles, Technical Basis Documents, and Technical Information Bulletins.
Site Profile
Site Profile for Atomic Weapons Employers that Worked Uranium Metals [944 KB (55 pages)]
Revised June 17, 2011
Previously titled “Site Profile for Atomic Weapons Employers that Worked Uranium and Thorium Metals”
About this Document: This document provides an exposure matrix for workers at AWE facilities that performed metal-working operations with uranium metal. Over 110 facilities performed these operations, and this document intends to provide guidance for dose reconstruction at any of these facilities. The main body of this document, in Sections 2-6, includes general discussions of operations and exposure conditions at these facilities. Following the main body of this document is a collection of appendices, with one appendix for each AWE site that performed metal-working operations. Each appendix contains site-specific information that can be used for dose reconstruction. For those sites where this information is insufficient or totally lacking, the dose reconstructor must use information in the main body of the Site Profile.
Revision Includes: Incorporates review comments. Added external beta dose from surface contamination. Expanded discussion in section 3.3.1. Additional editorial changes and typographical error corrections.
Appendix J — Joslyn Manufacturing and Supply Company [352 KB (10 pages)]
Approved October 7, 2014
Advisory Board and NIOSH Discussions on Joslyn Manufacturing and Supply Co. Documents
The Joslyn Manufacturing and Supply Co. discussion papers listed below are working documents prepared by NIOSH or its contractor for use in discussions with the Advisory Board on Radiation and Worker Health or its Working Groups or Subcommittees. Draft, preliminary, interim, and white paper documents are not final NIOSH or Advisory Board (or their technical support and review contractors) positions unless specifically marked as such. These documents represent preliminary positions taken on technical issues prepared by NIOSH or its contractor.
The discussion papers have been reviewed to identify and redact any information that is protected by the Privacy Act 5 USC §552a and have been cleared for distribution.
Advisory Board Presentation: TBD 6000 Work Group Update: Joslyn Manufacturing and Supply Co. [244 KB (11 pages)]
Presentation at the April 17, 2024, Teleconference Meeting of the Advisory Board on Radiation and Worker Health -
NIOSH/DCAS Presentation: Joslyn Manufacturing and Supply Co. Update [621 KB (27 pages)]
Presentation at the February 14, 2024, Teleconference Meeting of the Advisory Board’s TBD 6000 Work Group -
SC&A Presentation: Evaluation of Uranium Processing Days for Joslyn Manufacturing: SCA-TR-SP2015-0050, Rev. 0 [895 KB (23 pages)]
Presentation at the February 14, 2024, Teleconference Meeting of the Advisory Board’s TBD 6000 Work Group -
SC&A Draft: Issue Resolution Matrix for SC&A Findings on Appendix J to TBD-6000 [231 KB (9 pages)]
July 6, 2015 -
SC&A Draft: Review of “Site Profiles for Atomic Weapons Employers that Worked Uranium Metals: Appendix J-Joslyn,” Rev. 0 [616 KB (33 pages)]
Contract Number 211-2014-58081
May 12, 2015 -
NIOSH/DCAS White Paper: Determination of External Dose from Thorium Metal Machining – A TBD-6000 Approach, Rev. 0 [80 KB (4 pages)]
April 17, 2014 -
NIOSH/DCAS White Paper: Dose Reconstruction Methods for Joslyn Manufacturing and Supply Co., Rev. 0 [250 KB (20 pages)]
April 17, 2014 -
NIOSH/DCAS White Paper: Justification for the use of Surrogate data at Joslyn Manufacturing and Supply Co. [97 KB (9 pages)]
April 15, 2014 -
Advisory Board Presentation from the January 28, 2014, Meeting of the Advisory Board on Radiation and Worker Health: TBD 6000 Work Group Recommendations to the ABRWH Regarding Joslyn Manufacturing and Supply Co. Special Exposure Cohort Petition Evaluation Report SEC-00200 Addendum
NIOSH/DCAS Presentation for the January 28, 2014, Meeting of the Advisory Board on Radiation and Worker Health: Joslyn Manufacturing and Supply Co. SEC Petition Evaluation Report Addendum, Petition 200
SC&A Draft: Issue Resolution Matrix for SC&A Findings on Petition Evaluation Report for Joslyn SEC Petition 00200 [304 KB (6 pages)]
December 18, 2013 -
SC&A Draft: Supplementary Comments on Revision 01 of Battelle-TBD-6000, Rev. 0 [428 KB (34 pages)]
Contract No. 200-2009-28555
May 13, 2013 -
SC&A Draft: Review of the Joslyn Manufacturing and Supply Company Petition Evaluation Report for Special Exposure Cohort (SEC) Petition 00200 [235 KB (39 pages)]
Contract No. 200-2009-28555
SCA-TR-SEC 2013-0069
March 28, 2013 -
NIOSH: Joslyn Manufacturing and Supply Co. SEC Petition–SEC-00200 (Full Color Version) [383 KB (30 pages)]
December 2012 -
NIOSH: Joslyn Manufacturing and Supply Co. SEC Petition–SEC-00200 (Black & White Version) [760 KB (30 pages)]
December 2012
Public Comments on Joslyn Manufacturing and Supply Co. Documents
How to Submit Comments
Comments on Joslyn Manufacturing and Supply Co. Documents can be submitted to the NIOSH Docket Officer electronically by email at [email protected] or printed comments can be mailed to:
NIOSH Docket Office
Robert A. Taft Laboratories, MS-C34
1090 Tusculum Avenue
Cincinnati, OH 45226
Please include the Site Profile/Docket Number (256) on all comments.
Comments Received
At this time, no comments have been submitted.