We are taking steps to continue to modernize and secure our data, applications, and systems. We completed the first phase and restored many of the functions put on pause in May 2021. Now that the first phase is complete, work will resume at a slower pace but will speed up as new systems and applications are brought online. For more information and updates, please visit our Cybersecurity Modernization Initiative web page.
Technical Information Bulletins (TIBs) — Alphabetical Listing
Technical Information Bulletins (TIBs) contain information on specific technical issues or procedures for estimating radiation exposure. They are used to add to or supplement Technical Basis Documents (also called TBDs) and Site Profiles. TIBs may be used for a specific work site or multiple work sites.
Do you know the title of the TIB you are looking for? If you know the title of the TIB, click on the letter below that corresponds to the first letter of the TIB’s title to move where the link and information for the TIB you are looking for is located on this page.
Active Technical Information Bulletins (TIBs)
Document Number: ORAUT-OTIB-0010 Rev-01
About this Document: Establishes the technical basis for a standard complex-wide correction factor for overestimating external doses measured with film badge dosimeters.
Revised: June 5, 2006
Revision includes: Revised document as a result of biennial review. Constitutes a total rewrite of document.
Document Number: ORAUT-OTIB-0008 Rev-01
About this Document: Establishes Technical Information Bulletin for Overestimating External Doses Measured with Thermoluminescent Dosimeters.
Revised: May 12, 2006
Revision Includes: Revised discussion of shallow dose interpretation for low energy photons.
Analysis of Coworker Bioassay Data for Internal Dose Assignment [387 KB (10 pages)]
Document Number: ORAUT-OTIB-0019 Rev-01
About this Document: Establishes the technical basis for the analysis of coworker bioassay data for internal dose assignment.
Revised: October 7, 2005
Revision Includes: Revision to update and expand current practices.
Application of Internal Doses Based on Claimant-Favorable Assumptions for Processing as Best Estimates–CANCELED
Document Number: ORAUT-OTIB-0033 Rev-00
Approved: April 20, 2005
Note: This document has been canceled. At the time ORAUT-OTIB-0033, Rev. 00 was issued, it was intended as an efficiency method for quickly processing best-estimate claims. This application of the document was rescinded shortly after issue but the document title continued to indicate it was for best estimates. Because ORAUT-OTIB-0033 addresses modifications to the use of ORAUT-OTIB-0018, all relevant sections of ORAUT-OTIB-0033 have been incorporated into ORAUT-OTIB-0018, Rev. 02. Previous versions of this document are located on this page under the Document Archive for Technical Information Bulletins (TIBs) section.
Document Number: ORAUT-OTIB-0014 Rev-00
About this Document: Establishes the technical basis for the assignment of environmental internal doses for employees not exposed to airborne radionuclides in the workplace.
Approved: June 22, 2004
Assignment of Missed Neutron Doses Based on Dosimeter Records [108 KB (6 pages)]
Document Number: ORAUT-OTIB-0023 Rev-01
About this Document: Establishes the technical basis to allow Dose Reconstructors (Health Physicists) to determine when it is appropriate to assign neutron doses to workers at DOE sites using the LOD/2 method.
Revised: May 14, 2008
Revision Includes: Incorporated comments from Advisory Board Work Group on Procedures and align with page change to IG-001. Added minor editorial changes for consistency with current requirements, including the addition of an Acronym and Abbreviations list, incorporating an Introduction section to include standard OTIB language, and updating section numbers. No further changes occurred as a result of formal internal review. Incorporates formal NIOSH review comments.
Bayesian Methods for Estimation of Unmonitored Y-12 External Penetrating Doses with a Time-Dependent Lognormal Model–CANCELED
Document Number: ORAUT-OTIB-0015
Note: This document has been canceled. Bayesian methods are no longer used for dose reconstructions. Therefore, information in ORAUT-OTIB-0015 Rev-00 is no longer relevant.
Best Estimate External Dose Reconstruction for Glovebox Workers [934 KB (16 pages)]
Note: This document was previously titled “Special External Dose Reconstruction Considerations for Glovebox Workers.”
Document Number: DCAS-TIB-0010 Rev-04
About this Document: Provides guidance on dose reconstructions for glovebox Discusses the special exposure characteristics that may be encountered by energy employees who work with gloveboxes and provides special dose correction factors or modifiers that should be applied to affected energy employee’s dose.
Revised: November 28, 2011
Revision Includes: Deleted MCNP analyses from appendices and minor grammatical and formatting changes.
Calculation of Dose from Intakes of Special Tritium Compounds [337 KB (13 pages)]
Document Number: ORAUT-OTIB-0066 Rev-01
Revision Includes: Removed recommendation to use ORAUT-OTIB-0011 for assessing OBT. Added discussion on practical interpretation of urinalysis results following an intake of an SMT. Incorporates formal internal review comments. Constitutes a total rewrite of the document.
Revised: October 15, 2020
Document Number: ORAUT-OTIB-0043 Rev-00
About this Document: Establishes the technical basis for the characterization of occupational exposure to radium and radon progeny during recovery of uranium from phosphate materials.
Approved: January 6, 2006
Conversion of Committed Effective Dose to Annual Organ Dose [291 KB (7 pages)]
Document Number: ORAUT-OTIB-0093 Rev-00
About this Document: New document to convert committed effective dose to annual organ doses. Added clarification to statements regarding bounding estimates, the application to unmonitored workers, and site-specific dose assignment. Incorporates formal internal and NIOSH review comments.
Approved: October 16, 2023
Document Number: ORAUT-OTIB-0092 Rev-00
About this Document: New document to describe a method for estimation of the amount of underreported neutron dose as measured by nuclear track emulsion, Type A film. Expanded Purpose section to better explain methodology and application, updated analyses to incorporate latest revision of ISO 8529-1, part 1, interpolated the film response and DE functions into the energy bin structure of TRS 403, and expanded discussion on benchmarking process. Incorporates formal internal and NIOSH review comments.
Approved: February 22, 2024
Coworker External Dosimetry Data for the Y-12 National Security Complex [457 KB (35 pages)]
Document Number: ORAUT-OTIB-0064 Rev-02
Revision Includes: Updates Section 6.1 and adds update of previous ORAUT-OTIB-0047, Rev 00 as Attachment A. No sections were deleted. No changes occurred as a result of formal internal review. Incorporates formal NIOSH review comments. Constitutes a total rewrite of the document.
Revised: April 29, 2013
Default Assumptions and Methods for Atomic Weapons Employer Dose Reconstructions [638 KB (70 pages)]
Document Number: Battelle-TIB-5000 Rev-00
About this Document: Establishes the assumptions and methods to be used for dose reconstructions from certain AWE sites.
Approved: April 2, 2007
Dissolution Models for Insoluble Plutonium-238 — CANCELED
Document Number: ORAUT-OTIB-0083 Rev-00
Approved: April 12, 2013
Note: This document has been canceled. This document has been superseded by DCAS-RPT-005 Rev 00, Alternative Dissolution Models for Insoluble Pu-238.
Dose Reconstruction Cancer Data Requirements [35 KB (6 pages)]
Document Number: OCAS-TIB-005 Rev-00
About this Document: Establishes Energy Employee cancer data requirements for NIOSH DCAS Claimant Tracking System (NOCTS) database and dose reconstruction.
Approved: September 5, 2003
Document Number: ORAUT-OTIB-0070 Rev-01
About this Document: Establishes a process for estimating dose to workers at AWE Facilities during residual radioactivity periods.
Revised: March 5, 2012
Revision Includes: Revises the source term depletion rate from 0.01 day-1 to 0.00067 day-1, removes NUREG-1400 source term approach, and deletes Attachment B. References updated. Incorporates formal internal and NIOSH review comments. Constitutes a total rewrite of the document.
Dose Reconstruction for Occupational Medical X-ray Procedures [2.5 MB (140 pages)]
(Previously titled, “Dose Reconstruction from Occupationally Related Diagnostic X-ray Procedures”)Document Number: ORAUT-OTIB-0006 Rev-06
Revised: September 27, 2019
Revision Includes: Revision initiated to incorporate ICD-10 codes. Additional clarification of citation for information to address SC&A comments. Incorporates formal internal and NIOSH review comments. Constitutes a total rewrite of the document.
Dose Reconstruction Method for Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia [233 KB (12 pages)]
Document Number: ORAUT-OTIB-0082 Rev-01
About this Document: Describes the use of the Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia model and provides guidance to dose reconstructors on its application.
Revised: April 29, 2021
Revision Includes: Revision initiated to reflect changes made to ORAUT-OTIB-0049. Incorporates formal internal and NIOSH review comments. Constitutes a total rewrite of the document.
Document Number: ORAUT-OTIB-0051 Rev-00
About this Document: Describes the effect of threshold energy and angular response of NTA film on missed neutron dose at the Oak Ridge Y-12 facility.
Approved: May 15, 2006
Estimating Doses for Plutonium Strongly Retained in the Lung [373 KB (18 pages)]
Document Number: ORAUT-OTIB-0049 Rev-02
Revised: September 1, 2020
Revision Includes: Revision initiated to specify the new model to be used for reconstructing intakes and doses of type super S plutonium. This model consists of the International Commission on Radiological Protection Publication 130 human respiratory tract model coupled with the Publication 67 systemic model. Incorporates formal internal and NIOSH review comments. Constitutes a total rewrite of the document.
Estimating the Maximum Plausible Dose to Workers at Atomic Weapons Employer Facilities-CANCELED
Document Number: ORAUT-OTIB-0004 Rev-03 PC-2
Note: This document is no longer needed for dose reconstructions. Information in this document has been superseded by other approved methodologies.
Estimation of Ingestion Intakes [898 KB (5 pages)]
Document Number: OCAS-TIB-009 Rev-00
About this Document: Provides guidance to be used for estimating intakes of radioactive material through ingestion.
Approved: April 13, 2004
Document Number: ORAUT-OTIB-0024 Rev-01
Revised: October 8, 2020
Revision Includes: Updates neutron flux from uranium and thorium compounds that contain low atomic number components using Monte Carlo calculation methods.
Note: This document was renamed from "Estimation of Neutron Dose Rates from Alpha-Neutron Reactions in Uranium and Thorium Compounds" to "Estimation of Neutron Flux and Neutron Dose Rates from Alpha-Neutron Reactions in Uranium and Thorium Compounds." The revised title provides a more complete description of the contents.
Estimation of Radium-226 Activity in the Body from Breath Radon-222 Measurements [131 KB (5 pages)]
Document Number: ORAUT-OTIB-0025 Rev-00
About this Document: Establishes the technical basis for converting radon breath analysis results to radium whole body activities.
Approved: April 5, 2005
Document Number: ORAUT-OTIB-0077 Rev-00
About this Document: Provides information to allow dose reconstructors to assign doses that are based on site coworker data to workers who were employed at Area IV and associated sites and for whom there are no or limited monitoring data. For convenience, this TIB refers to these workers as Santa Susana Field Laboratory (SSFL) workers regardless of employment location and employer.
Approved: August 3, 2009
External Coworker Dosimetry Data for the Fernald Environmental Management Project–CANCELED
Document Number: ORAUT-OTIB-0073 Rev-00
Note: This document has been canceled. There is no longer a need to keep this information in a stand-alone document. The information contained in this document has been incorporated into ORAUT-TKBS-0017-6 Rev 01, Feed Materials Production Center – Occupational External Dose. Previous versions of this document are located on this page under the Document Archive for Technical Information Bulletins (TIBs) section.
External Coworker Dosimetry Data for the Hanford Site–CANCELED
Document Number: ORAUT-OTIB-0030
Note: This document has been canceled. There is no longer a need to keep this information in a stand-alone document. The information contained in this document has been incorporated into the Hanford External Technical Basis Document – ORAUT-TKBS-0006-6 Rev 04. Previous versions of this document are located on this page under the Document Archive for Technical Information Bulletins (TIBs) section.
External Coworker Dosimetry Data for the K-25 Site [136 KB (11 pages)]
Document Number: ORAUT-OTIB-0026 Rev-00 PC-2
About this Document: Establishes the technical basis to allow Dose Reconstructors (Health Physicists) to assign doses to certain workers at the K-25 site who have no or limited monitoring data, based on site coworker data.
Page Change Revision: November 15, 2006
Page Change Revision Includes: Approved page change revision due to release of OTIB-0052. Updates required language on page 4 in Section 1.0. Lists ORAUT-OTIB-0052 Rev 00 as a reference on page 6 in Section 5.0. Removes Section 8.0 on page 10, changes title and inserts on page 11. No further changes occurred as a result of formal internal and NIOSH review. No sections were deleted. This revision results in an increase in assigned dose and a PER is required.
External Coworker Dosimetry Data for the Paducah Gaseous Diffusion Plant–CANCELED
Document Number: ORAUT-OTIB-0031 Rev-00 PC-2
Note: This document was canceled. There is no longer a need to keep information in this stand-alone document. The information about the methods contained in this document has been incorporated into ORAUT-TKBS-0019-6 Rev 04, Paducah Gaseous Diffusion Plant – Occupational External Dose. Previous versions of this document are located on this page under the Document Archive for Technical Information Bulletins (TIBs) section.
External Coworker Dosimetry Data for the Portsmouth Gaseous Diffusion Plant [164 KB (10 pages)]
Document Number: ORAUT-OTIB-0040 Rev-00 PC-1
About this Document: Allows dose reconstructors to assign doses to Portsmouth Gaseous Diffusion Plant workers who have no or limited monitoring data, based on site coworker data.
Page Change Revision: November 7, 2006
Page Change Revision Includes: Approved page change revision due to release of ORAUT-OTIB-0052 Rev 00. Updates required language on page 4 in Section 1.0. References ORAUT-OTIB-0052 Rev 00 on page 6 in Section 5.0. Completes Section 8.0 on page 9. No changes occurred as a result of formal internal review. This revision results in an increase in assigned dose and a PER is required.
External Coworker Dosimetry Data for the Rocky Flats Plant-CANCELED
Document Number: ORAUT-OTIB-0058
Note: This document has been canceled. There is no longer a need to keep this information in a stand-alone document. The information contained in this document has been incorporated into the Rocky Flats Plant Site Profile section: Occupational External Dose. Previous versions of this document are located on this page under the Document Archive for Technical Information Bulletins (TIBs) section.
Document Number: ORAUT-OTIB-0072 Rev-00
About this Document: Provides information to allow dose reconstructors to assign doses at the Sandia National Laboratories in Albuquerque, New Mexico to certain workers who have no or limited monitoring data, based on site coworker data. No changes occurred as a result of formal internal and NIOSH review.
Approved: September 26, 2008
External Coworker Dosimetry Data for the Savannah River Site [137 KB (10 pages)]
Document Number: ORAUT-OTIB-0032 Rev-00 PC-1
About this Document: Provides information to allow Dose Reconstructors (Health Physicists) to assign doses to Savannah River Site workers who have no or limited monitoring data, based on site coworker data.
Page Change Revision: November 7, 2006
Page Change Revision Includes: Page change revision due to release of ORAUT-OTIB- 0052 Rev 00. Updates required language on page 4 in Section 1.0. References ORAUT-OTIB-0052 Rev 00 on page 6 in Section 5.0. Completes Section 8.0 on page 8. Revises title of Table 3 on page 10. No changes occurred as a result of formal internal review. This revision results in an increase in assigned dose and a PER is required.
External Coworker Dosimetry Data for the X-10 Site [208 KB (12 pages)]
Document Number: ORAUT-OTIB-0021 Rev-01
About this Document: Establishes the technical basis to provide information to allow Dose Reconstructors (Health Physicists) to assign doses to workers at the X-10 site who have no or limited monitoring data, based on site coworker data.
Revised: November 7, 2006
Revision Includes: Approved Revision 01 due to release of ORAUT-OTIB-0052, Rev. 00. Per new document requirements, added a table of contents. This revision results in an increase in assigned dose and a PER is required. This revision also documents minor corrections to Table 2 that do not require a PER. No further changes occurred as a result of formal internal review. Incorporates NIOSH formal review comments.
External Dose Reconstruction [624 KB (29 pages)]
Document Number: ORAUT-OTIB-0088, Rev. 02
About this Document: Revision initiated to provide additional guidance regarding the potential need to use ICRP 60 weighting factors with neutron missed dose after the ICRP 60 implementation dates for sites in the DOE complex. Incorporates formal internal and NIOSH review comments Constitutes a total rewrite of the document.
Revised: June 11, 2021
Document Number: ORAUT-OTIB-0057 Rev-00
About this Document: To be used for external radiation dose estimates for individuals near the 1958 criticality accident at the Oak Ridge Y-12 plant.
Revised: May 15, 2006
External Radiation Monitoring at the Y-12 Facility During the 1948-1949 Period–CANCELED
Document Number: ORAUT-OTIB-0047 Rev-00
Note: This document has been canceled. There is no longer a need to keep this Technical Information Bulletin as a stand-alone document. The information about the methods contained in this document has been incorporated into ORAUT-OTIB-0064 Rev. 02, Coworker External Dosimetry Data for the Y-12 National Security Complex. Previous versions of this document are located on this page under the Document Archive for Technical Information Bulletins (TIBs) section.
Extremity Doses for Mound Exposures to Plutonium-238 [303 KB (14 pages)]
Document Number: ORAU-OTIB-0087, Rev. 00
About this Document: Calculates extremity to whole-body ratios for work performed at Mound for work with Pu-238. Incorporates formal internal and NIOSH review comments.
Approved: September 18, 2017
Document Number: ORAUT-OTIB-0054 Rev-04
About this Document: Provides guidance on the assignment of radionuclide-specific intakes of mixed fission and activation products when air sampling or urinalysis data associated with reactors or reactor fuels are available only as gross or total beta activity or gross or total gamma activity.
Revised: August 27, 2015
Revision Includes: Corrects typographical errors in Tables B-1 and G-4. Corrects the elemental release fractions given in Table B-1 for arsenic, bromine, iodine, potassium, sodium, phosphorus, and sulfur were corrected from 0.05 to 0.50. In Table G-4 the column headings for the data for the N Reactor 1 (N Rx 1) and N Reactor 2 (N Rx 2) cases by reformatting to fit the Attachment G tables to one page each. They had been mislabeled as FFTF 1 and FFTF 2.
Document Number: ORAUT-OTIB-0079 Rev. 02
About this Document: Implements new DCAS guidance based on recent NIOSH interpretation of EEOICPA statue language. Incorporates formal internal and NIOSH review comments.
Revised: June 15, 2017
Revision Includes: Incorporates new information, references, and updated list of facilities that performed X-rays off the site at non-covered facilities. BWXT and PNNL added to Table 3-1 with information regarding procedures performed at non-covered facilities. No information was added to Table 3-2 concerning covered dates. However, the dates for PNNL was reduced to reflect the addition of information in Table 3-1. Incorporates formal internal review comments. Constitutes a total rewrite of the document.
Guidance on Wound Modeling for Internal Dose Reconstruction [110 KB (9 pages)]
Document Number: ORAUT-OTIB-0022 Rev-00
About this Document: Establishes the technical basis provide information and guidance to Dose Reconstructors (Health Physicists) regarding the best estimate of internal dose from a contaminated wound.
Approved: November 18, 2005
Document Number: ORAUT-OTIB-0076, Rev. 0
About this Document: Details how to evaluate chest counts, whole-body counts, and various types of urine samples after intakes of 232Th.
Approved: July 10, 2014
Document Number: ORAUT-OTIB-0044 Rev-01
Revised: April 29, 2013
About this Document: Provides information on the Y-12 film badge for the monitoring of neutron radiation. This document was previously an ORAU report converted to ORAUT-OTIB-0045 Rev 01. Revisions include formatting, editorial changes, addition of required language on page 6 in Section 1.0, and a complete rewrite of Section 3.0. New information was added on sources of neutron exposure at the Y-12 site in Table 3.1 of Section 3.0 and a large number of new references were added. Attachment B was also added which provides supporting data on neutron doses to Y-12 workers during the film badge period from another recent study. Incorporates formal internal and NIOSH review comments. Constitutes a total rewrite of the document.
Document Number: ORAUT-OTIB-0045 Rev-01
Revised: November 30, 2009
About this Document: Provides information on the Y-12 film badge for the monitoring of neutron radiation. This document was previously an ORAU report converted to ORAUT-OTIB-0045 Rev 01. Revisions include formatting, editorial changes, addition of required language on page 6 in Section 1.0, and a complete rewrite of Section 3.0. New information was added on sources of neutron exposure at the Y-12 site in Table 3.1 of Section 3.0 and a large number of new references were added. Attachment B was also added which provides supporting data on neutron doses to Y-12 workers during the film badge period from another recent study. Incorporates formal internal and NIOSH review comments. Constitutes a total rewrite of the document.
Document Number: ORAUT-OTIB-0046 Rev-00
About this Document: Provides background information on the Y-12 external dosimetry program related to film badge monitoring of beta radiation. Incorporates formal internal and NIOSH review comments. Attributions and Annotations section added. Added references and made editorial changes. No further changes occurred as a result of formal internal and NIOSH review of the Attributions and Annotations section. There is no change to the assigned dose and no PER is required.
Approved: June 22, 2007
Document Number: ORAUT-OTIB-0080 Rev-01
About this Document: Provides internal coworker data for Santa Susana Field Laboratory and the De Soto Avenue Facility workers.
Revised: September 1, 2020
Revision Includes: Adds the potential and intake rates for type SS plutonium. Incorporates formal internal and NIOSH review comments. Constitutes a total rewrite of the document.
Note: This document was previously titled “Internal Coworker Dosimetry Data for Area IV of the Santa Susana Field Laboratory and the De Soto Avenue Facility.” It was changed to accurately describe the coworker model as a co-exposure model. Previous versions of the is document are located on this page under the Document Archive for Technical Information Bulletins (TIBs) section.
Internal Coworker Dosimetry Data for Nuclear Metals, Inc. [215 KB (22 pages)]
Document Number: ORAU-TIB-0084 Rev-00
About this Document: Provide internal coworker data for Nuclear Metals, Inc. workers. Incorporates formal internal and NIOSH review comments.
Approved: November 15, 2013
Internal Dosimetry Co-Exposure Data for the Savannah River Site [6.9 MB (287 pages)]
Document Number: ORAUT-OTIB-0081, Rev. 05
About this Document: Provides internal coworker data for the Savannah River Site.
Revised: September 1, 2020
Revision Includes: Adds the intake rates for type SS plutonium, uses the ORAUT-RPRT-0096 multiple imputation method for americium bioassay data, updates americium and thorium intake rates, and references ORAUT-RPRT-0070 for thorium intake rates. Incorporates formal internal and NIOSH review comments. Constitutes a total rewrite of the document.
Note: The title of this document was changed from "Internal Coworker Dosimetry Data for the Savannah River Site (SRS)" to "Internal Dosimetry Co-Exposure Data for the Savannah River Site" on September 1, 2020, to accurately describe the coworker model as a co-exposure model. Previous versions of this document are located on this page under the Document Archive for Technical Information Bulletins (TIBs) section.
Internal Dose Overestimates for Facilities with Air Sampling Programs [515 KB (32 pages)]
Document Number: ORAUT-OTIB-0018 Rev-02
About this Document: Establishes the technical basis to provide information for internal dose overestimates for facilities with air sampling programs.
Revised: July 1, 2022
Revision Includes: Revised to incorporate current DOE derived air concentration values per 10 CFR Part 835, address Advisory Board on Radiation and Worker Health findings, and incorporate ORAUT-OTIB-0033. Recycled uranium contaminant ratios were replaced by the requirement to use site-specific values. Applicability and limitations sections were expanded to be more clear. Incorporates formal internal and NIOSH review comments. Constitutes a total rewrite of the document.
Internal Dose Reconstruction [795 KB (52 pages)]
Document Number: ORAUT-OTIB-0060 Rev-02
About this Document: Addresses comments from the Procedures Review Subcommittee and to provide additional guidance and information to the dose reconstructors on current methods. Incorporates formal internal and NIOSH review comments. Constitutes a total rewrite of the document.
Approved: April 20, 2018
Internal Dosimetry Coworker Data for the Feed Materials Production Center-CANCELED
Formerly titled “Internal Dosimetry Coworker Data for the Fernald Environmental Management Project”Note: There is no longer a need to keep this information in a stand-alone document. The information contained in this document has been incorporated into ORAUT-TKBS-0017-5 Rev 01, Feed Materials Production Center – Occupational Internal Dose. Previous versions of this document are located on this page under the Document Archive for Technical Information Bulletins (TIBs) section.
Internal Dosimetry Coworker Data for the Hanford Site–CANCELED
Document Number: ORAUT-OTIB-0039 Rev-01
Note: There is no longer a need to keep this information in a stand-alone document. The information contained in this document has been incorporated into the Hanford Internal Technical Basis Document – ORAUT-TKBS-0006-5 Rev 03.
Internal Dosimetry Coworker Data for K-25 [246 KB (19 pages)]
Document Number: ORAUT-OTIB-0035 Rev-00 PC-1
About this Document: Establishes the technical basis for assignment of K-25 internal doses based on coworker bioassay data.
Page Change Revision: July 21, 2006
Page Change Revision Includes: Approved page change revision to add updated language to Section 1.0 on pages 5 and 6. Details were added to page 6 in Section 2.0. The date in Section 5.1 and in Table 5.1 on page 8 was changed from 1948 to 1945. Attachment C, Estimate of Intake Rates for 1945-1947 was added to pages 18 and 19. Incorporates internal and NIOSH formal review comments on pages 6, 7, 8, and 9 in Sections 2.0, 4.0, 5.1, and 5.2 respectively. No sections were deleted.
Internal Dosimetry Coworker Data for Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory [315 KB (23 pages)]
Document Number: ORAUT-OTIB-0065 Rev-00
About this document: TIB for assignment of LLNL internal doses based on coworker bioassay data.
Approved: February 16, 2007
Internal Dosimetry Co-Exposure Data for Los Alamos National Laboratory [1.8 MB (113 pages)]
Document Number: ORAUT-OTIB-0062 Rev-01
About this Document: Provides information for internal dosimetry coworker data for Los Alamos National Laboratory. Incorporates formal internal and NIOSH review comments. Analysis of plutonium-239 and cesium-137 lung counts updated and new guidance added for Type Super S plutonium-239.
Revised: September 1, 2020
Revision Includes: Revision initiated to include the intake rates for type SS plutonium. Incorporates formal internal and NIOSH review comments. Constitutes a total rewrite of the document.
Note: Title changed from "Internal Dosimetry Coworker Data for Los Alamos National Laboratory" to "Internal Dosimetry Co-Exposure Data for Los Alamos National Laboratory" to accurately describe the coworker model as a co-exposure model. Previous versions of the is document are located on this page under the Document Archive for Technical Information Bulletins (TIBs) section.
Internal Dosimetry Co-Exposure Data for the Mound Plant [2 MB (60 pages)]
Document Number: ORAUT-OTIB-0061 Rev-04
About this Document: Assigns Mound internal doses based on coworker bioassay data.
Revised: September 1, 2020
Revision Includes: Revision initiated to include adding the potential and intake rates for type SS plutonium. No changes needed as a result of formal internal review. Incorporates formal NIOSH review comments. Constitutes a total rewrite of the document.
Note: Title was changed from "Internal Dosimetry Coworker Data for the Mound Site" to "Internal Dosimetry Co-Exposure Data for the Mound Plant" for consistency with DOE site name and accurately describe the coworker model as a co-exposure model. Previous versions of the is document are located on this page under the Document Archive for Technical Information Bulletins (TIBs) section.
Internal Dosimetry Coworker Data for Paducah Gaseous Diffusion Plant–CANCELED
Document Number: ORAUT-OTIB-0037 Rev-00
Note: This document was canceled. There is no longer a need to keep information in this stand-alone document. The information about methods contained in this document has been incorporated into ORAUT-TKBS-0019-5 Rev 03, Paducah Gaseous Diffusion Plant – Occupational Internal Dose. Previous versions of this document are located on this page under the Document Archive for Technical Information Bulletins (TIBs) section.
Internal Dosimetry Coworker Data for Portsmouth Gaseous Diffusion Plant [197 KB (16 pages)]
Document Number: ORAUT-OTIB-0036 Rev-00
About this Document:Establishes the technical basis for assignment of Portsmouth Gaseous Diffusion Plant internal doses based on coworker bioassay data.
Approved: July 29, 2005
Internal Dosimetry Coworker Data for Rocky Flats Environmental Technology Site–CANCELED
Document Number: ORAUT-OTIB-0038
Note: This document has been canceled. There is no longer a need to keep this information in a stand-alone document. The information contained in this document has been incorporated into the Rocky Flats Plant Site Profile section: Occupational Internal Dose. Previous versions of this document are located on this page under the Document Archive for Technical Information Bulletins (TIBs) section.
Internal Dosimetry Co-Exposure Data for Oak Ridge National Laboratory [957 KB (35 pages)]
Document Number: ORAUT-OTIB-0034 Rev-04
About this Document: Establishes the technical basis to assign X-10 internal doses based on coworker bioassay data.
Revised: September 1, 2020
Revision Includes: Revision initiated to include adding the potential and intake rates for type SS plutonium. Incorporates formal internal and NIOSH review comments. Constitutes a total rewrite of the document.
Note: Title changed from "Internal Dosimetry Coworker Data for X-10" to "Internal Dosimetry Co-Exposure Data for Oak Ridge National Laboratory" for consistency with the Department of Energy site name and to accurately describe the coworker model as a co-exposure model. Previous versions of the is document are located on this page under the Document Archive for Technical Information Bulletins (TIBs) section.
Document Number: ORAUT-OTIB-0005 Rev-06
About this Document: Establishes the technical basis for clarifying IMBA organ and IREP model selection.
Revised: September 27, 2019
Revision Includes: Revision initiated to transition from the ICD-9 code system to the ICD-10 code system. Incorporates internal and NIOSH review comments. Constitutes a total rewrite of the document.
Interpretation of Dosimetry Data for Assignment of Shallow Dose [392 KB (26 pages)]
Document Number: ORAUT-OTIB-0017 Rev-01
About this Document: Establishes the technical basis for the interpretation of dosimetry data for assignment of shallow dose.
Revised: October 11, 2005
Revision Includes: Guidance on non-uniform skin exposures and exposures of the breast, testes, and other organs impacted by shallow doses.
Interpretation of External Dosimetry Records at the Savannah River Site (SRS) [17 KB (3 pages)]
Document Number: OCAS-TIB-006 Rev-02
About this Document: Provides guidance on the Interpretation of External Dosimetry Records at the Savannah River Site.
Revised: October 4, 2007
Revision Includes: Clarification of applicability per SC&A comments. This revision replaces guidance found in the SRS Site Profile dated April 5, 2005.
IREP Requirements for Multiple Cancers [18 KB (3 pages)]
Document Number: OCAS-TIB-003 Rev-00
About this Document: Establishes the requirements for cases involving multiple primary cancers.
Approved: April 30, 2003
Los Alamos National Laboratory Bioassay Repository Database [414 KB (37 pages)]
Document Number: ORAUT-OTIB-0063 Rev-00
About this Document: Approved new Technical Information Bulletin for Los Alamos National Laboratory Bioassay Data Project. Incorporates formal internal and NIOSH review comments.
Approved: August 24, 2009
Lung Dose Conversion Factors for Radon WLM [126 KB (13 pages)]
Document Number: DCAS-TIB-0011 Rev-05
About this Document: Provides the conversion factors for calculating organ dose from Rn-222, Rn-220 and Rn-219 decay products measured in working level months (WLM).
Revised: June 28, 2018
Revision Includes: Added conversion factors for organs outside the respiratory tract. Minor editorial changes to text. Changes to document format. Changed title to better match content
Maximum Internal Dose Estimates for Certain DOE Complex Claims
Document Number: ORAUT-OTIB-0002
Note: This TIB is no longer used in dose reconstruction.
Maximum Internal Dose Estimates for Savannah River Site (SRS) Claims–CANCELED
Document Number: ORAUT-OTIB-0001 Rev-00
About this Document: Describes the maximum internal dose estimates for Savannah River Site (SRS) claims.
Approved: July 15, 2003
Note: This document has been canceled. Site-specific hypothetical intakes are no longer assigned. ORAUT-OTIB-0018, “Internal Dose Overestimates for Facilities with Air Sampling Programs”, or co-exposure values when available, will be used in its place. Previous versions of this document are located on this page under the Document Archive for Technical Information Bulletins (TIBs) section.
Monte Carlo Methods for Dose Uncertainty Calculations–CANCELED
Document Number: ORAUT-OTIB-0012 Rev-00
About this Document: Establishes the technical basis for Monte Carlo Methods for dose uncertainty calculations.
Approved: February 14, 2005
Note: This document was canceled. This efficiency methodology for Monte Carlo calculations is no longer used in dose reconstructions. Previous versions of this document are located on this page under the Document Archive for Technical Information Bulletins (TIBs) section.
Neutron Exposures at the Savannah River Site [35 KB (6 pages)]
Document Number: OCAS-TIB-007 Rev-01
About this Document: Provides guidance on when neutrons exposure should be included in SRS dose reconstructions.
Revised: October 15, 2007
Revision Includes: Clarification of locations, occupations, and time periods for which this TIB applies.
Occupational Dose from Elevated Ambient Levels of External Radiation–CANCELED
Document Number: ORAUT-OTIB-0007
Note: This document has been canceled. The information contained in this document has been incorporated into Occupational Onsite Ambient Dose Reconstruction for DOE Sites (ORAUT-PROC-0060).
Parameters to Consider When Processing Claims for Construction Trade Workers [428 KB (36 pages)]
Document Number: ORAUT-OTIB-0052 Rev-02
Revised: July 24, 2014
Revision Includes: Adds language to Purpose, Scope, Section 7.0, and Section 8.0 to clarify applicability of the document to construction trade workers who could have worked for prime M&O contractors at DOE sites. Incorporates formal internal and NIOSH review comments.
Document Number: ORAUT-OTIB-0074 Rev-00
About this Document: New Technical Information Bulletin that provides bounding estimates of potential missed radiation doses to weapons assemblers who worked in the dry room of Building 9204-2 at the Oak Ridge Y-12 Plant during the period from 1958 to 1990.
Approved: March 13, 2009
Rocky Flats Internal Dosimetry Coworker Extension–CANCELED
Document Number: OCAS-TIB-014 Rev-00
About this Document: Extends TIB 38: Internal Dosimetry Coworker Data for Rocky Flats Environmental Technology Site. In order to extend the analysis beyond 1988, data was obtained from the Rocky Flats site’s HIS-20 database. The purpose of this TIB is to extend the previous TIB 38 utilizing the same methodology.
Approved: December 7, 2006
Note: This document has been canceled. Information incorporated into ORAUT-TKBS-0011-5 Rev 02.
Savannah River Site Tritium Dose Assignment–CANCELED
Document Number: ORAUT-OTIB-0003 Rev-00
About this Document: Provides guidance on the assignment of tritium dose for dose reconstructions at the Savannah River Site.
Approved: June 29, 2004
Note: This document was canceled. The information contained in this document can now be found in: Technical Information Bulletin: Tritium Calculated and Missed Dose Estimates
Note: Document was previously titled “Special External Dose Reconstruction Considerations for Mallinckrodt Workers.”
Document Number: DCAS-TIB-0013 Rev-01
Revision Includes: Incorporates SC&A comments; reorganized procedure format; included dose reconstruction instructions for the application of geometric correction factors to the upper and lower torso; added information to clarify the bounding parameters associated with the Attila computation; NIOSH internal comments including procedure title change and applicability to other uranium facilities.
Approved: November 23, 2010
Document Number: OCAS-TIB-0012 Rev-01
About this Document: Re-evaluates target organ selection for lymphatic/hematopoietic cancers.
Approved: February 10, 2006
Special External Dose Reconstruction Considerations for Glovebox Workers (TIB 10)
Note: The document title was changed. Please see: “Best Estimate External Dose Reconstruction for Glovebox Workers.”
Special External Dose Reconstruction Considerations for Mallinckrodt Workers (OCAS TIB 13)
Note: The document title was changed. Please see: “Selected Geometric Exposure Scenario Considerations for External Dose Reconstruction at Uranium Facilities.”
Supplementary External Dose Information for Rocky Flats–CANCELED
Document Number: ORAUT-OTIB-0027
Note: This document has been canceled. There is no longer a need to keep this information in a stand-alone document. The information contained in this document has been incorporated into the Rocky Flats Plant Site Profile section: Occupational External Dose.
Document Number: ORAUT-OTIB-0055 Rev-00
About this Document: Establishes a broader technical basis to convert from recorded neutron dose to dose equivalent using the ICRP Publication 60 radiation weighting factors (ICRP 1991).
Approved: June 5, 2006
Document Number: ORAUT-OTIB-0009 Rev-01
About this Document: Establishes the technical basis in support of INEEL Technical Basis Document Section 6. Re-analysis of Hankins MTR Bonner Sphere Surveys.
Revised: December 13, 2006
Revision Includes: Revised as a result of biennial review. Adds Introduction with required language and a Purpose section. Per new document requirements, added a Table of Contents. Constitutes a total rewrite of document. Incorporates internal and NIOSH formal review comments. This revision results in no change to the assigned dose and no PER is required.
Tritium Calculated and Missed Dose Estimates [102 KB (9 pages)]
Document Number: ORAUT-OTIB-0011 Rev-00
About this Document: Establishes the technical basis to document tritium calculated and missed dose estimates methodology.
Approved: June 29, 2004
Tritium Calculations with IMBA [670 KB (4 pages)]
Document Number: OCAS-TIB-002 Rev-00
About this Document: Provides guidance on the use of IMBA to calculate tritium doses. This guidance is applicable to IMBA Expert OCAS-Edition (Task I) and IMBA Expert USDOE-Edition Phase I.
Approved: April 22, 2003
Use of Claimant Datasets for Coworker Modeling [19.96 MB (154 pages)]
Document Number: ORAUT-OTIB-0075 Rev-01
About this Document: New Technical Information Bulletin that presents the results of a study of Y-12 Plant worker and claimant data to determine the feasibility of using claimant data in place of complete coworker data for reconstruction of doses at sites that do not have complete coworker data. Includes Mound and SRS datasets. Incorporates formal internal and NIOSH review comments.
Revised: June 17, 2016
Revision Includes: Revised document to incorporate time-weighted OPOS bioassay data and update lists of claimants.
Use of Coworker Dosimetry Data for External Dose Assignment [76 KB (9 pages)]
Document Number: ORAUT-OTIB-0020 Rev-03
About this Document: Establishes the technical basis to provide general information to Dose Reconstructors (Health Physicists) to assign doses to workers at DOE sites who have no or limited monitoring data, based on site coworker external dosimetry data.
Revised: November 14, 2011
Revision Includes: Comparison of the K-25 coworker data to maximum likelihood estimates was removed from Section 6.0 in response to Quality of Science (10-year review) comments. No changes occurred as a result of formal internal and NIOSH review.
Use of ICRP 66 to Calculate Respiratory Tract Doses [29 KB (6 pages)]
Document Number: OCAS-TIB-008 Rev-01
About this Document: Provides guidance on the use of ICRP 66 to calculate respiratory tract doses.
Revised: October 4, 2007
Revision Includes: Revision in response to review by the Advisory Board to clarify instructions and add reference to ICRP 100.
Use of Rocky Flats Neutron Dose Reconstruction Project Data in Dose Reconstructions–CANCELED
Document Number: ORAUT-OTIB-0050
Note: This document has been canceled. There is no longer a need to keep this information in a stand-alone document. The information contained in this document has been incorporated into the Rocky Flats Plant Site Profile section: Occupational External Dose.
Validation of DCAL Annual Dose Coefficients [487 KB (22 pages)]
Document Number: ORAUT-OTIB-0028 Rev-02
About this Document: Establishes the technical basis for the validation of thorium dose conversion factors to be used for internal dose assessment.
Revised: July 28, 2008
Revision Includes: Revision to document all dose calculations with the DCAL computer program. No further changes occurred as a result of formal internal and NIOSH review. Constitutes a total rewrite of the document.
Worker Outreach Activities
Based on a recommendation from the Advisory Board to provide workers and site experts with opportunities to participate in developing the technical documents used in dose reconstruction, NIOSH established a Worker Outreach Program.
At Worker Outreach Meetings, current and former DOE and AWE employees have opportunities to obtain information about Site Profiles, Technical Basis Documents, and Technical Information Bulletins, and to provide information for consideration and possible use in dose reconstruction. This process is valuable to ensure that the technical documents used in dose reconstruction contain correct and useful information.
Below are the Worker Outreach Activities for TIBs:
At the current time, no worker outreach activities specific to any TIB have been scheduled.
Worker Outreach meeting information for a specific work site and the minutes from the meetings can be found on the individual site pages. To view all information for a specific work site for which OCAS has developed information, please visit our List of Work Sites page. The information found on the individual work sites pages can include: technical documents (Site Profiles, Technical Basis Documents, Technical Information Bulletins), worker outreach information and final minutes, Special Exposure Cohort information, and public comments.
Public Comments on TIBs
How to Submit Comments
Comments on TIBs can be submitted to the NIOSH Docket Officer electronically by e-mail at [email protected] or printed comments can be mailed to NIOSH Docket Office, Robert A. Taft Laboratories, MS-C34, 1090 Tusculum Avenue, Cincinnati, OH 45226. Please include the Site Profile Number (019) on all comments.
Comments Received
Comments from Richard Miller (GAP): OTIB-004 [29 KB (1 page)]
(Estimating the Maximum Plausible Dose to Workers at Atomic Weapons Employer Facilities–TIB 4)
Advisory Board on Radiation and Worker Health Comments on TIBs
The Advisory Board conducts reviews of various NIOSH Technical Information Bulletins (TIBs) used in dose reconstruction. The Board’s technical support contractor assists in the review process. The purpose of the reviews is to assess the scientific and technical quality of the dose reconstruction process and methods outlined in the TIB. These reviews can be found on the Advisory Board: Reports from the Technical Support Contractor page of our website.
When the reviews are complete and all issues have been resolved, the Board prepares a brief summary of the resolutions. The summaries help the public understand the results of the technical reviews. These summaries can be found on the Advisory Board: Technical Review Summaries from the Technical Support Contractor page.
Document Archive for Technical Information Bulletins (TIBs)
Do you know the title of the previous version of the TIB you are looking for? If you know the title of the TIB, click on the letter below that corresponds to the first letter of the TIB’s title to move where the link and information for the TIB you are looking for is located on this page.
A Standard Complex-Wide Conversion/Correction Factor for Overestimating External Doses Measured with Thermoluminescent Dosimeter (TIB 8)
Approved November 7, 2003 [180 KB (20 pages)]
Document Number: ORAUT-OTIB-0008 Rev-00
A Standard Complex-Wide Correction Factor for Overestimating External Doses Measured with Film Badge Dosimeters (TIB 10)
Approved January 12, 2004 [149 KB (11 pages)]
Document Number: ORAUT-OTIB-0010 Rev-00
Application of Internal Doses Based on Claimant-Favorable Assumptions for Processing as Best Estimates
Approved April 20, 2005 [58 KB (9 pages)]
Document Number: ORAUT-OTIB-0033 Rev-00
Note: This document has been canceled. At the time ORAUT-OTIB-0033, Rev. 00 was issued, it was intended as an efficiency method for quickly processing best-estimate claims. This application of the document was rescinded shortly after issue but the document title continued to indicate it was for best estimates. Because ORAUT-OTIB-0033 addresses modifications to the use of ORAUT-OTIB-0018, all relevant sections of ORAUT-OTIB-0033 have been incorporated into ORAUT-OTIB-0018, Rev. 02.
Analysis of Coworker Bioassay Data for Internal Dose Assignment (TIB 19)
Approved December 29, 2004 [137 KB (6 pages)]
Document Number: ORAUT-OTIB-0019 Rev-00
Assignment of Missed Neutron Doses Based on Dosimeter Records (TIB 23)
Approved: March 7, 2005 [29 KB (4 pages)]
Document Number: ORAUT-OTIB-0023 Rev-00
Bayesian Methods for Estimation of Unmonitored Y-12 External Penetrating Doses with a Time-Dependent Lognormal Model (TIB 15)–CANCELED
Note: This document has been canceled. Bayesian methods are no longer used for dose reconstructions. Therefore, information in ORAUT-OTIB-0015 Rev-00 is no longer relevant.
Approved September 9, 2004 [206 KB (11 pages)]
Document Number: ORAUT-OTIB-0015 Rev-00
About this Document: Establishes the technical basis for the Bayesian Methods for estimation of unmonitored Y-12 external penetrating doses with a time-dependent lognormal model.
Best Estimate External Dose Reconstruction for Glovebox Workers (TIB 10)
Note: Document was previously titled “Special External Dose Reconstruction Consideration for Glovebox Workers.”
Revised June 18, 2010 [1.5 MB (36 pages)]
Document Number: DCAS-TIB-0010 Rev-03
About this Document: Provides guidance on dose reconstructions for glovebox Discusses the special exposure characteristics that may be encountered by energy employees who work with gloveboxes and provides special dose correction factors or modifiers that should be applied to affected energy employee’s dose.
Revised: June 18, 2010
Revision Includes: Expanded purpose section; clarified the use of ATTILA for geometric analysis only; standardized tables and graphs; and discussed organs affected by the process. Document number changed to reflect official name change from OCAS to DCAS. Incorporated SC&A review comments.
Revised December 30, 2005 [1.5 MB (14 pages)]
Document Number: OCAS-TIB-0010 Rev-02
Revision Includes: Title change–this document was previously titled: “Special External Dose Reconstruction Consideration for Glovebox Workers.” It has been modified to provide best estimate approach.
Revised May 18, 2005 [294 KB (11 pages)]
Document Number: OCAS-TIB-0010 Rev-01
Revision Includes: Updated document to provide methodology and guidance on applying correction factors to glove box workers for over and under estimation of dose.
Approved January 14, 2005 [290 KB (10 pages)]
Document Number: OCAS-TIB-0010 Rev-00
Calculation of Dose from Intakes of Special Tritium Compounds (TIB 66)
Approved April 26, 2007 [170 KB (14 pages)]
Document Number: ORAUT-OTIB-0066 Rev-00
Approved: April 26, 2007
About this Document: Provides guidance for the calculation of best estimates of the annual organ doses for intakes of tritium bound to organic compounds (organically bound tritium; OBT) and tritium in a metal matrix (stable metal tritide; SMT).
Coworker External Dosimetry Data for the Y-12 National Security Complex (TIB 64)
Revised December 18, 2009 [431 KB (21 pages)]
Document Number: ORAUT-OTIB-0064 Rev-01
Revised: December 18, 2009
Revision Includes: Revision to modify Sections 4.0 and 5.0 to be consistent with current practices of applying coworker data. Table 7-1c and references to Tables 7-1a, 7-1b, and 7-1c were added in Section 7.0. Table 7-1c includes the 95th- and 50th-percentile annual doses derived from Table 7-1a. Adds details for Table 7-1c in Section 7.0. In Section 7.0, Table 7-2 was updated to include 1947 to 1949. Incorporates formal and NIOSH review comments. Updated Attributions and Annotations. Updated references. No sections were deleted.
Approved: August 3, 2009 [288 KB (21 pages)]
Document Number: ORAUT-OTIB-0064 Rev-00
About this Document: Provides background information on the Y-12 coworker external dosimetry data and includes tables with annual values that may be used in the process of assigning doses for unmonitored years of employment.
Dissolution Models for Insoluble Plutonium-238 (TIB 83)
Approved April 12, 2013 [788 KB (46 pages)]
Document Number: ORAUT-OTIB-0083 Rev-00
About this Document: Consolidates information about insoluble Pu-238 that is relevant to dose reconstruction at several sites into one document. Incorporates formal internal and NIOSH review comments.
Dose Reconstruction During Residual Radioactivity Periods at Atomic Weapons Employer Facilities (TIB 70)
Approved March 10, 2008 [349 KB (26 pages)]
Document Number: ORAUT-OTIB-0070 Rev-00
About this Document: Establishes a process for estimating dose to workers at AWE Facilities during residual radioactivity periods.
Dose Reconstruction from Occupationally Related Diagnostic X-ray Procedures (TIB 6)
Revised August 13, 2018 [3.7 MB (114 pages)]
Document Number: ORAUT-OTIB-0006 Rev-05
Revision Includes: Adds guidance for organ to be used based on ICD-9 code in Attachment B. Renumbers figures, tables, and equations. Changes part thickness in Table 3-1 for anterior-posterior and posterior-anterior projections to 24 cm, except the cervical spine. Adds dose for bone surface anterior-posterior lordotic in Table B-7 for 1971 to 1985. Corrects Table B-10 entrance skin dose through 1970 for anterior-posterior and lateral lumbar spine to account for proper backscatter factor. Corrects Table B-11 through 1970 for anterior-posterior and lateral projections that assigned 100% or 10% entrance skin dose to reflect changes in Table B-10. Corrects Table B-11 lateral lumbar spine through 1970 for back torso: buttocks (iliac crest and below) to include E-02. Corrects Table B-13 fourth column title to left posterior oblique thoracic spine. Corrected Table B-1 to B-3 anterior-posterior lordotic chest dose conversion factors and added footnote. Updates latest references and SRDB numbers in the Reference Section. Incorporates formal internal and NIOSH review comments. Swaps Attachments A and B. Rearranges Tables in Attachment B and renumbers to match text callout order. Constitutes a total rewrite of the document.
Revised June 20, 2011 [1 MB (61 pages)]
Document Number: ORAUT-OTIB-0006 Rev-04
Revision Includes: Adds organ dose data from lordotic and oblique chest X-rays, chest fluoroscopy, thoracic and cervical spine X-rays, and skin doses for all procedures. Lists additional references in the Reference Section. Incorporates formal internal and NIOSH review comments. Also addresses an additional NIOSH comment. Constitutes a total rewrite of the document.
Revised December 21, 2005 [583 KB (46 pages)]
Document Number: ORAUT-OTIB-0006 Rev-03 PC-1
Page Change Revision Includes: Page change initiated to incorporate recent direction from NIOSH to include DOL review comments on page 8. Deletes two obsolete paragraphs on page 8 in Section 1.0. Corrects table number reference on page 20 in Section 4.0. No sections were deleted.
Revised August 2, 2005 [564 KB (46 pages)]
Document Number: ORAUT-OTIB-0006 Rev-03
Revision Includes: Revision to add photofluorography use table and lumbar spine X-rays. Deleted footnote b and adjusted footnote references in Table7-6.
Revised December 29, 2003 [223 KB (26 pages)]
Document Number: ORAUT-OTIB-0006 Rev-02
Revision Includes: Revision that includes information to re-instate the ability for the document to cover exposures pre-1970.
Revised December 8, 2003 [155 KB (21 pages)]
Document Number: ORAUT-OTIB-0006 Rev-01
Revision Includes: Revision that limits the use of this document to post 1970.
Approved November 14, 2003 [163 KB (23 pages)]
Document Number: ORAUT-OTIB-0006 Rev-00
Dose Reconstruction Method for Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia (TIB 82)
Approved December 4, 2012 [133 KB (12 pages)]
Document Number: ORAUT-OTIB-0082 Rev-00
About this Document: Describes the use of the Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia model and provides guidance to dose reconstructors on its application.
Revised December 20, 2012 [127 KB (12 pages)]
Document Number: ORAUT-OTIB-0082 Rev-00 PC-1
Revision Includes: Initiated to Section 4.3 to add clarification regarding the use of OTIB-0017 and a description of the blended electron DCF to be used for assigning dose due to electrons.
Estimating Doses for Plutonium Strongly Retained in the Lung (TIB 49)
November 29, 2010 [676 KB (60 pages)]
Document Number: ORAUT-OTIB-0049 Rev-01 PC-2
Page change revision includes: Corrects errors in Table 4-7 on page 16 in Section 4.1 and associated text. Revises labels for Figures C-1, C-2 and C-3 on pages 42 and 43 in Attachment C. No sections were deleted. No changes occurred as a result of formal internal and NIOSH review.
September 26, 2008 [1 MB (60 pages)]
Document Number: ORAUT-OTIB-0049 Rev-01 PC-1
Page change revision includes: Revised to add fecal sample information in Section 4.1.4 on page 16 and Attachment E on pages 58-60. Updates NIOSH required language on page 8 in Section 1.0. Corrected acronym on page 21 in Section 6.0. No sections were deleted. No further changes occurred as a result of formal internal and NIOSH review.
December 18, 2007 [868 KB (56 pages)]
Document Number: ORAUT-OTIB-0049 Rev-01
Revision includes: Incorporates guidance on the application of Super S adjustment factors to coworker-derived intakes. No further changes occurred as a result of formal internal review. Incorporates NIOSH formal review comments.
Approved: February 6, 2007 [581 KB (52 pages)]
Document Number: ORAUT-OTIB-0049 Rev-00
About this Document: Provides information for a model for estimating doses for highly insoluble plutonium. Incorporates internal and NIOSH formal review comments. Incorporates Attributions and Annotations section. There is an increase in assigned dose and a PER is required.
Estimating the Maximum Plausible Dose to Workers at Atomic Weapons Employer Facilities (TIB 4) – canceled
Note: This document is no longer needed for dose reconstructions. Information in this document has been superseded by other approved methodologies.
Page Change Revision December 6, 2006 [285 KB (25 pages)]
Document Number: ORAUT-OTIB-0004 Rev-03 PC-2
Page Change Revision Includes: Removes Westinghouse Atomic Power Development Plant from Table B-1 in Attachment B on page 25, because their radiological activities included more than metallic uranium work. Updated required language in Purpose section on page 5. No further changes occurred as a result of internal formal review. Incorporated NIOSH formal review comment. This revision may result in an increase in assigned dose to Westinghouse Atomic Power Development Plant cases and a PER is required for Westinghouse Atomic Power Development Plant cases previously completed using this document.
Page Change Revision November 18, 2005 [196 KB (24 pages)]
Document Number: ORAUT-OTIB-0004 Rev-03 PC-1
Page Change Revision Includes: Approved page change revision to correct enriched uranium intake numbers in Table 3-5 (page 12).
Revised August 12, 2005 [258 KB (25 pages)]
Document Number: ORAUT-OTIB-0004 Rev-03
Revision Includes: Updates Appendix A, List of Applicable Facilities, and adds wording to clarify the application of the document. Allows for expansion to other facility types; includes estimate of industrial source exposures based on analyses of 1960-1980 commercial doses; deletes applicability (at this time) to U-recovery with phosphoric acid; adds type S assumption; used activity rather than mass air concentrations for calculations; uses different specific activity assumption for consistency with IMBA; uses OCAS-TIB-009 ingestion scenario; adds consideration of urinalysis; adds RU and EU assumptions; updates MCNP ingot doses; modifies ingot external dose assumptions; modifies external dose contamination calculation by accounting for isotopic fractions to consider effect of EU; removes external organ doses, but provides separate analyses (concern from Task 5 that reconstruction methods subject to their program should not be in Site Profile – the line is still blurry); added nonpenetrating dose assumptions; added photofluorography assumption prior to 1962. Corrected Table 3-8, first row to acute. Addressed OCAS comments: explicitly stated exception to default radiography doses could be made on a case-by-case basis, limited Appendix A industrial exposures to covered periods, and changed Appendix A industrial dose estimates back to linear (versus exponential) fit of data.
Revised December 4, 2003 [166 KB (13 pages)]
Document Number: ORAUT-OTIB-0004 Rev-02
Revision Includes: Adds remainder dose to Table 4.
Revised November 25, 2003 [164 KB (13 pages)]
Document Number: ORAUT-OTIB-0004 Rev-01
Revision Includes: Incorporates changes to correct errors on pages 4 and 10. TIB incorrectly referred to Absorption Type in ingestion discussion.
Approved November 20, 2003 [162 KB (13 pages)]
Document Number: ORAUT-OTIB-0004 Rev-00
About this Document: Establishes the technical basis for a process for estimating the maximum plausible dose to workers at selected AWE Facilities.
Document Number: ORAUT-OTIB-0024 Rev-00
About this Document: Provides estimation of neutron doses from uranium and thorium compounds that contain low atomic number components.
Approved: April 7, 2005
Note: This document was renamed from "Estimation of Neutron Dose Rates from Alpha-Neutron Reactions in Uranium and Thorium Compounds" to "Estimation of Neutron Flux and Neutron Dose Rates from Alpha-Neutron Reactions in Uranium and Thorium Compounds" on October 8, 2020. The revised title provides a more complete description of the contents.
External Coworker Dosimetry Data for the Fernald Environmental Management Project–CANCELED
Note: This document has been canceled. There is no longer a need to keep this information in a stand-alone document. The information contained in this document has been incorporated into ORAUT-TKBS-0017-6 Rev 01, Feed Materials Production Center – Occupational External Dose.
Approved September 22, 2008 [147 KB (12 pages)]
Document Number: ORAUT-OTIB-0073 Rev-00
About this Document: Provides information to allow dose reconstructors to assign doses at the Fernald Environmental Management Project to certain workers who have no or limited monitoring data, based on site coworker data.
External Coworker Dosimetry Data for the Hanford Site (TIB 30)–CANCELED
Note: This document has been canceled. There is no longer a need to keep this information in a stand-alone document. The information contained in this document has been incorporated into the Hanford External Technical Basis Document – ORAUT-TKBS-0006-6 Rev 04.
Page Change Revision November 7, 2006 [51 KB (10 pages)]
Document Number: ORAUT-OTIB-0030 Rev-00 PC-1
About this Document: Establishes the technical basis to provide information to allow Dose Reconstructors (Health Physicists) to assign doses to certain workers at the Hanford site who have no or limited monitoring data, based on site coworker data.
Page Change Revision Includes: Page change revision due to release of ORAUT-OTIB-0052 Rev 00. Updates required language on page 3 in Section 1.0. Lists ORAUT-OTIB-0052 Rev 00 as a reference on page 5 in Section 5.0. Rewrites item 5 on page 7 in Section 7. Completes Section 8.0 on page 8. Adds Table 3 to page 10 in Section 8.0. Incorporates formal internal review comments. Per new document requirements, added a Table of Contents. This revision results in an increase in assigned dose and a PER is required.
Approved March 23, 2005 [39 KB (8 pages)]
Document Number: ORAUT-OTIB-0030 Rev-00
External Coworker Dosimetry Data for the K-25 Site (TIB 26)
Revised July 29, 2005 [122 KB (10 pages)]
Document Number: ORAUT-OTIB-0026 Rev-00 PC-1
Revision Includes: Page change incorporates recent direction from NIOSH regarding the calculation and use of coworker doses to pages 7, 8, 9, and 10. Text was modified in Sections 6.0 and 7.0. No sections were deleted.
Approved May 31, 2005 [125 KB (10 pages)]
Document Number: ORAUT-OTIB-0026 Rev-00
External Coworker Dosimetry Data for the Paducah Gaseous Diffusion Plant (TIB 31)–CANCELED
Note: This document was canceled. There is no longer a need to keep information in this stand-alone document. The information about the methods contained in this document has been incorporated into ORAUT-TKBS-0019-6 Rev 04, Paducah Gaseous Diffusion Plant – Occupational External Dose.
Page Change Revision November 7, 2006 [138 KB (12 pages)]
Document Number: ORAUT-OTIB-0031 Rev-00 PC-2
Page Change Revision Includes: Page change revision due to release of ORAUT-OTIB- 0052 Rev 00. Updates required language on page 4 in Section 1.0. References ORAUT-OTIB-0052 Rev 00 on page 6 in Section 5.0. Completes Section 8.0 on page 9. Completes Table 3 title on page 11. No further changes occurred as a result of NIOSH formal review. This revision results in an increase in assigned dose and a PER is required.
Page Change Revision August 15, 2005 [125 KB (11 pages)]
Document Number: ORAUT-OTIB-0031 Rev-00 PC-1
Page Change Revision Includes: Page change incorporates recent direction from NIOSH regarding the calculation and use of coworker doses to pages 8 and 10. Text was modified in Sections 7.0 and 8.0. No sections were deleted.
Approved May 19, 2005 [130 KB (11 pages)]
Document Number: ORAUT-OTIB-0031 Rev-00
About this Document: Establishes the technical basis to provide information to allow Dose Reconstructors (Health Physicists) to assign doses at the Paducah Gaseous Diffusion Plant to certain workers who have no or limited monitoring data, based on site coworker data.
External Coworker Dosimetry Data for the Portsmouth Gaseous Diffusion Plant (TIB 40)
Approved July 29, 2005 [121 KB (10 pages)]
Document Number: ORAUT-OTIB-0040 Rev-00
External Coworker Dosimetry Data for the Rocky Flats Plant (TIB 58)
Note: This document has been canceled. There is no longer a need to keep this information in a stand-alone document. The information contained in this document has been incorporated into the Rocky Flats Plant Site Profile section: Occupational External Dose.
Page Change Revision March 29, 2007 [90 KB (16 pages)]
Document Number: ORAUT-OTIB-0058 Rev-01 PC-1
Page Change Revision Includes: Corrects errors in the steps on pages 9 and 10 of Section 7.0. Step 3 was combined with Step 4 in Rev 01. This resulted in a renumbering of the steps. Step 7 in Rev 01 was redundant and was deleted. Tables 7-3 and 7-6 were removed based on comments from NIOSH. In addition, data for 1969 and 1970 was updated based on an analysis of the HIS-20 dataset with readings of “zero” removed. No further changes occurred as a result of formal internal review. Recalculated coworker dose distributions for 1969-70 in Tables 7.1, 7.2, 7.3. 7.4 on pages 11, 12, 13, and 14. Attributions and Annotations Section was added on page 15. This revision results in no change to the assigned dose and no PER is required.
Revised January 8, 2007 [90 KB (17 pages)]
Document Number: ORAUT-OTIB-0058 Rev-01
Revision Includes: Approved Revision 01 due to the release of ORAUT-OTIB-0052 Rev 00
and comments received from NIOSH. Constitutes a total rewrite of the document. Incorporates internal formal review comments. Incorporates NIOSH formal review comments and additional information found regarding neutron to photon ratios for the period 1970-1976. Added Table 6-2. This revision results in an increase in assigned dose and a PER is required.
Approved May 12, 2006 [136 KB (13 pages)]
Document Number: ORAUT-OTIB-0058 Rev-00
About this Document: New Technical Information Bulletin to provide information to allow dose reconstructors to assign doses at the Rocky Flats Plant to certain workers who have no or limited monitoring data, based on site coworker data.
External Coworker Dosimetry Data for the Savannah River Site (TIB 32)
Approved May 31, 2005 [120 KB (9 pages)]
Document Number: ORAUT-OTIB-0032 Rev-00
External Coworker Dosimetry Data for the X-10 Site (TIB 21)
Approved December 29, 2004 [76 KB (8 pages)]
Document Number: ORAUT-OTIB-0021 Rev-00
External Dose Reconstruction
Revised October 21, 2019 [366 KB (26 pages)]
Document Number: ORAUT-OTIB-0088, Rev. 01
About this Document: Revision initiated to correct error in Attachment A, Method for Assigning Missed Dose when the Number of Null Results Is Unknown, and include a new attachment to provide dates when U.S. Department of Energy sites incorporated the recommendations of ICRP Publication 60 for neutron weighting factors. Incorporates formal internal and NIOSH review comments. Constitutes a total rewrite of the document.
Approved September 25, 2018 [564 KB (24 pages)]
Document Number: ORAUT-OTIB-0088, Rev. 00
About this Document: Converts ORAUT-PROC-0006, External Dose Reconstruction, to a technical information bulletin. Includes information on assignment of onsite ambient dose to facilitate cancellation of ORAUT-PROC-0060. Updates to current dose reconstruction approaches. Incorporates responses to the Advisory Board on Radiation and Worker Health Subcommittee on Procedures Reviews comments about ICD-9 codes. Incorporates formal internal and NIOSH review comments.
External Radiation Monitoring at the Y-12 Facility During the 1948-1949 Period
Document Number: ORAUT-OTIB-0047 Rev-00
About this Document: Summarizes 1948-1949 monitoring data for the Y-12 site.
Approved: September 20, 2005
Note: This document was canceled. There is no longer a need to keep this Technical Information Bulletin as a stand-alone document. The information about the methods contained in this document has been incorporated into ORAUT-OTIB-0064 Rev. 02, Coworker External Dosimetry Data for the Y-12 National Security Complex.
Fission and Activation Product Assignment for Internal Dose-Related Gross Beta and Gross Gamma Analyses (TIB 54)
Revised February 6, 2015 [1.5 MB (71 pages)]
Document Number: ORAUT-OTIB-0054 Rev-03
About this Document: Provides guidance on the assignment of radionuclide-specific intakes of mixed fission and activation products when air sampling or urinalysis data associated with reactors or reactor fuels are available only as gross or total beta activity or gross or total gamma activity.
Revision Includes: The ingestion intake values given in the last column of Table H-5 on page 71 were revised to account for the ratio of 250 work days to 365 calendar days. Updated reference to OTIB-0060 in the Reference Section and text.
Revised March 6, 2014 [1 MB (70 pages)]
Document Number: ORAUT-OTIB-0054 Rev-02
Revision Includes: Corrects an error with the Pm-147 intake fractions in Tables 7-3b and 7-3c. The values had mistakenly been entered as zeros. No changes occurred as a result of formal internal review.
Document Number: ORAUT-OTIB-0054 Rev-01
About this Document: Provides guidance on the assignment of radionuclide-specific intakes of mixed fission and activation products when air sampling or urinalysis data associated with reactors or reactor fuels are available only as gross or total beta activity or gross or total gamma activity. Standardizes the approaches to fission and activation product interpretation for dose reconstruction involving reactor-related source terms if site-specific guidance is not available.
Revised: June 13, 2013
Revision Includes: Total rewrite of the document to implement the following: a limiting reactor approach in place of averaging, an expanded range of reactor modeling parameters, more rigorous treatment of radionuclide ingrowth and decay and parent/progeny behavior, updated beta and gamma yield values, removal of the counting adjustment factors, and explicit consideration of changes in the beta and gamma activity of urine samples as a function of time between sample collection and counting. Additional changes were made in response to comments received from the Procedures Subcommittee and to provide clarifications with respect to methods and application of the results. Incorporates formal internal and NIOSH review comments.
Page Change Revision November 19, 2007 [1.6 MB (78 pages)]
Document Number: ORAUT-OTIB-0054 Rev-00 PC-1
Page change revision includes: Initiated to add Information regarding the distribution to be used in IREP in Section 8.0 on pages 29 and 30. This information is now covered in added Sections 8.1 and 8.2. Added reference on page 32. No sections were deleted. Incorporates formal internal and NIOSH review comments.
Approved May 11, 2007 [1.4 MB (77 pages)]
Document Number: ORAUT-OTIB-0054 Rev-00
About this Document: Provides guidance on the assignment of radionuclide-specific intakes of mixed fission and activation products when air sampling or urinalysis data associated with reactors or reactor fuels are available only as gross or total beta activity or gross or total gamma activity.
Guidance on Assigning Occupational X-Ray Dose Under EEOICPA for X-Rays Administered Off Site
Revised March 18, 2016 [572 KB (16 pages)]
Document Number: ORAUT-OTIB-0079 Rev-01
Revision Includes: Incorporates new information, references, and updated list of facilities that had X-rays performed off the site. Three sites moved from Table 1 (off-site) to Table 2 (on-site), resulting in the addition of X-ray dose (Hanford, Portsmouth, and Extrusion Plant (from 1996-2006). Incorporates formal internal review comments. No review comments were received as a result of formal NIOSH review. Constitutes a total rewrite of the document.
Approved January 3, 2011 [113 KB (13 pages)]
Document Number: ORAUT-OTIB-0079 Rev-00
About this Document: Implements new DCAS guidance based on recent NIOSH interpretation of EEOICPA statute language. Incorporates formal internal and NIOSH review comments.
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Document Number: ORAUT-OTIB-0080 Rev-00
About this Document: Provides internal coworker data for SSFL workers.
Approved: March 14, 2014
Note: This document was renamed from "Internal Coworker Dosimetry Data for Area IV of the Santa Susana Field Laboratory and the De Soto Avenue Facility" to “Internal Co-Exposure Dosimetry Data for Area IV of the Santa Susana Field Laboratory and the De Soto Avenue Facility” on September 1, 2020, to accurately describe the coworker model as a co-exposure model.
Internal Coworker Dosimetry Data for the Savannah River Site (TIB 81)
Note: The title of this document was changed to “Internal Dosimetry Co-Exposure Data for the Savannah River Site” on September 1, 2020, to accurately describe the coworker model as a co-exposure model.
Internal Coworker Dosimetry Data for the Savannah River Site (SRS) [5 MB (258 pages)]
Document Number: ORAUT-OTIB-0081, Rev. 04
About this Document: Provides internal coworker data for the Savannah River Site.
Revised: March 13, 2019
Revision Includes: Revision initiated to address the coworker study implementation guide requirements for plutonium, uranium, neptunium, cesium, cobalt, and mixed fission products. Adds executive summary. Incorporates formal internal and NIOSH review comments. Constitutes a total rewrite of the document.
Internal Coworker Dosimetry Data for the Savannah River Site (SRS) [1.8 MB (94 pages)]
Document Number: ORAUT-OTIB-0081 Rev-03
About this Document: Provides internal coworker data for the Savannah River Site.
Revised: November 22, 2016
Revision Includes: Addresses the coworker study Implementation Guide requirements for americium, thorium, and tritium. Incorporates formal internal and NIOSH review comments. Constitutes a total rewrite of the document.
Internal Coworker Dosimetry Data for the Savannah River Site (SRS) [1.08 MB (96 pages)]
Document Number: ORAUT-OTIB-0081 Rev-02
About this Document: Provides internal coworker data for the Savannah River Site.
Revised: December 16, 2013
Revision Includes: Adds dose reconstruction guidance for radionuclide assignment in response to an Advisory Board request. Text added in Section 5.0 and a new Table 5-1 added. Intake rates for Cm and Cf added for the pre-1995 time period. Incorporates formal internal and NIOSH review comments.
Internal Coworker Dosimetry Data for the Savannah River Site (SRS) [979 KB (83 pages)]
Document Number: ORAUT-OTIB-0081 Rev-01
About this Document: Provides internal coworker data for the Savannah River Site.
Revised: April 1, 2013
Revision Includes: Corrects the values provided in Tables 5-6, Type S uranium intake rates for 1968 through 2007, 5-10, changed end date from 2006 to 2007, A-3, plutonium bioassay data for 1955 through 2007, and A-8, neptunium bioassay data for 1991 through 2007. Incorporates formal internal review comments. No changes were made as a result of formal NIOSH review. No sections were deleted.
Individual Dose Adjustment Procedure for Y-12 Dose Reconstruction (TIB 13) – canceled
Note: This document has been canceled. There is no longer a need to keep this information in a stand-alone document. The information about the methods contained in this document has been incorporated into ORAUT-OTIB-0064 Rev 01, Coworker External Dosimetry Data for the Y-12 National Security Complex.
September 9, 2004 [148 KB (9 pages)]
Document Number: ORAUT-OTIB-0013 Rev-00
About this Document: Describes an individual dose adjustment procedure that can be used as part of the dose reconstruction for certain workers at the Y-12 Plant.
Internal Dose Overestimates for Facilities with Air Sampling Program (TIB 18)
Revised August 9, 2005 [668 KB (35 pages)]
Document Number: ORAUT-OTIB-0018 Rev-01
Revision Includes: To 1) incorporate into Table 4-3 Nb-95 type S and Tc- 99 type F beta choice and replace RU with U-234 alpha choice, 2) add Table 7-2 which provides excretion values for uranium and radiostrontium below which the default intakes was still valid, 3) add special air concentration values for LANL into Table 4-1,4) correct error in the ingestion intake formula #4. Text was added or modified in Sections 1.0 through 5.0, 7.0, and Attachment A. No entire Sections were deleted.
Approved March 18, 2005 [578 KB (27 pages)]
Document Number: ORAUT-OTIB-0018 Rev-00
Internal Dose Reconstruction
Revised September 8, 2014 [283 KB (34 pages)]
Document Number: ORAUT-OTIB-0060 Rev-01
About this Document: Brings the document up to date with current practice and provides additional guidance to dose reconstructors. Incorporates formal internal and NIOSH review comments. Constitutes a total rewrite of the document.
Approved: February 6, 2007 [222 KB (24 pages)]
Document Number: ORAUT-OTIB-0060 Rev-00
About this Document: Provides guidance in the performance of internal dose reconstructions. It incorporates the requirements of ORAUT-PROC-0003, Internal Dose Reconstruction, which will be canceled. Incorporates internal formal and NIOSH review comments. Incorporates additional NIOSH review comments. There is no change in the assigned dose and no PER required.
Internal Dosimetry Coworker Data for the Fernald Environmental Management Project (TIB 78)
Revised August 19, 2015 [701 KB (23 pages)]
Formerly titled “Internal Dosimetry Coworker Data for the Fernald Environmental Management Project”Document Number: ORAUT-OTIB-0078 Rev-03
About this Document: Provides coworker data for the Fernald Environmental Management Project workers.
Revised: August 19, 2015
Revision Includes: Incorporates the latest time-weighted one person–one statistic modeling techniques from ORAUT-RPRT-0053, Revision 02, Analysis of Stratified Coworker Datasets. The enrichment assumption used prior to 1957 has been changed to 1% enriched uranium. Renamed the document to Internal Dosimetry Coworker Data for the Feed Materials Production Center.
Revised December 12, 2012 [302 KB (23 pages)]
Document Number: ORAUT-OTIB-0078 Rev-02
About this Document: Provides coworker data for the Fernald Environmental Management Project workers.
Revision Includes: Incorporates code “50” bioassay results into the modeling and utilize the latest one person–one sample modeling techniques per ORAUT-RPRT-0053, Analysis of Stratified Coworker Datasets in response to an Advisory Board Work Group issue. Incorporates formal internal and NIOSH review comments. Constitutes a total rewrite of the document.
Revised June 3, 2010 [459 KB (27 pages)]
Document Number: ORAUT-OTIB-0078 Rev-01
Revision Includes: Incorporates the option for dose reconstructors to use 95th percentile intake rates in response to an Advisory Board Work Group issue. No changes occurred as a result of formal internal review. Incorporates NIOSH review comments.
Approved: August 31, 2009 [358 KB (27 pages)]
Document Number: ORAUT-OTIB-0078 Rev-00
About this Document: Provides coworker data for the Fernald Environmental Management Project workers.
Internal Dosimetry Coworker Data for the Hanford Site (TIB 39)–CANCELED
Note: There is no longer a need to keep this information in a stand-alone document. The information contained in this document has been incorporated into the Hanford Internal Technical Basis Document – ORAUT-TKBS-0006-5 Rev 03.
Revised October 1, 2007 [850 KB (55 pages)]
Document Number: ORAUT-OTIB-0039 Rev-01
About this Document: Establishes the technical basis for assignment of Hanford internal doses based on coworker bioassay data.
Revision Includes: Initiated to add Section 7.0, Attributions and Annotations and corresponding citations throughout the text. Also updated Sections 5.3,, 6.1 and Attachment A regarding Type S plutonium to provide best estimate intake values. Incorporates formal internal and NIOSH review comments.
Page Change Revision: January 31, 2007 [843 KB (55 pages)]
Document Number: ORAUT-OTIB-0039 Rev-00 PC-2
About this Document: Establishes the technical basis for assignment of Hanford internal doses based on coworker bioassay data.
Page Change Revision Includes: Approved page change revision. Revised to change thorium intakes based on assumption of equal “mass” as uranium; changed equilibrium conditions with progeny in the thorium chain based on new calculations and included statement of significance of Th-230 to be consistent with the current Hanford internal dosimetry TBD. Changes occurred on pages 33, 34, and 35. In Table 6-9 on page 35, in Section 6.7, corrected error in fission product intake in 1944-47 and adjusted I-131 intakes to be consistent with the Hanford Internal Dosimetry TBD. Made corrections to Table A-1 on page 38 in Attachment A. Incorporates internal and NIOSH formal review comments. The discussion and tables in Section 6.8 about radionuclides not measured in this study was removed. It is addressed in ORAUT-TKBS-0006-5. The pages affected by these changes are 23, 28, 30, and 32. This revision results in a reduction in assigned dose and no PER is required. No sections were deleted. Section 6.0: added Pu mixture statement consistent with Table in Section 5.1. Section 6.2: replaced sentence indicating all uranium exposure meant thorium exposure and referenced the Hanford internal dosimetry TBD for buildings and periods of thorium exposure. Clarified that thorium at PUREX would be Type M. In Table 6-4, corrected Type S intake for 1962-70 to 60.0 pCi/d; corrected PUREX type M intake to 0.957 based on type F. Added footnotes. Removed Table 6-5 on impurities in RU and referenced the TBD.
Page Change Revision January 6, 2006 [456 KB (54 pages)]
Document Number: ORAUT-OTIB-0039 Rev-00 PC-1
Page Change Revision Includes: Corrects errors in units in Table 5-10 (page 27), Table 5-14 (page 28), Table 6-8 (page 33) and 6-10 (page 34). Corrects a value error in Table 6-9 (311.9 instead of 300 in the fifth column, page 33). Provides new guidance on how to assign radionuclides to unmonitored workers based on worker location, consistent with Hanford internal dosimetry TBD (Section 6.8, page 35). Corrects errors in Table 6-13 on page 36. No sections were deleted.
Approved October 28, 2005 [455 KB (54 pages)]
Document Number: ORAUT-OTIB-0039 Rev-00
Internal Dosimetry Coworker Data for K-25 (TIB 35)
Approved August 9, 2005 [224 KB (15 pages)]
Document Number: ORAUT-OTIB-0035 Rev-00
Internal Dosimetry Coworker Data for Los Alamos National Laboratory
Note: Title changed from "Internal Dosimetry Coworker Data for Los Alamos National Laboratory" to "Internal Dosimetry Co-Exposure Data for Los Alamos National Laboratory" on September 1, 2020, to accurately describe the coworker model as a co-exposure model.
Approved: October 15, 2009 [942 KB (104 pages)]
Document Number: ORAUT-OTIB-0062 Rev-00
About this Document: Provides information for internal dosimetry coworker data for Los Alamos National Laboratory. Incorporates formal internal and NIOSH review comments. Analysis of plutonium-239 and cesium-137 lung counts updated and new guidance added for Type Super S plutonium-239.
Internal Dosimetry Coworker Data for the Mound Site (TIB 61)
Note: Title was changed from "Internal Dosimetry Coworker Data for the Mound Site" to "Internal Dosimetry Co-Exposure Data for the Mound Plant" on September, 1, 2020, for consistency with DOE site name and accurately describe the coworker model as a co-exposure model.
Revised: August 14, 2018 [2.2 MB (53 pages)]
Document Number: ORAUT-OTIB-0061 Rev-03
Revision Includes: Incorporates an evaluation of MHI absorption type for 238Pu. Sections 4.1.2, 4.2.2, 4.3.2, 5.1.2, and Attachment A revised. Incorporates formal internal and NIOSH review comments. Constitutes a total rewrite of the document.
Revised: April 13, 2012 [736 KB (41 pages)]
Document Number: ORAUT-OTIB-0061 Rev-02
Revision Includes: Revision to extend intake assignments for plutonium from 1990 to 2002 and add evaluation of tritium for 1981 through 2005. Incorporates formal internal and NIOSH review comments. Constitutes a total rewrite of the document.
Revised: February 17, 2011 [632 KB (37 pages)]
Document Number: ORAUT-OTIB-0061 Rev-01
Revision Includes: Revision to change modeling of intakes of Type S plutonium to provide best-estimate intakes. Deleted previous underestimating intakes and instructions for dose reconstructors to perform case-specific intake modeling. Added 95th-percentile intake rates for all radionuclides. Constitutes a total rewrite or the document. Incorporates formal internal and NIOSH review comments.
Approved June 22, 2007 [333 KB (30 pages)]
Document Number: ORAUT-OTIB-0061 Rev-00
About this Document: Assigns Mound internal doses based on coworker bioassay data.
Internal Dosimetry Coworker Data for Paducah Gaseous Diffusion Plant (TIB 37)–CANCELED
Note: This document was canceled. There is no longer a need to keep information in this stand-alone document. The information about methods contained in this document has been incorporated into ORAUT-TKBS-0019-5 Rev 03, Paducah Gaseous Diffusion Plant – Occupational Internal Dose.
Approved September 20, 2005 [191 KB (15 pages)]
Document Number: ORAUT-OTIB-0037 Rev-00
About this Document: Establishes the technical basis for assignment of Paducah Gaseous Diffusion Plant internal doses based on coworker bioassay data.
Internal Dosimetry Coworker Data for Rocky Flats Environmental Technology Site (TIB 38)–CANCELED
Note: This document has been canceled. There is no longer a need to keep this information in a stand-alone document. The information contained in this document has been incorporated into the Rocky Flats Plant Site Profile section: Occupational Internal Dose.
Approved August 3, 2006 [285 KB (35 pages)]
Document Number: ORAUT-OTIB-0038 Rev-00
About this Document: New Technical Information Bulletin for assigning Rocky Flats Environmental Technology Site internal doses based on coworker bioassay data.
Internal Dosimetry Coworker Data for X-10
Note: Title changed from "Internal Dosimetry Coworker Data for X-10" to "Internal Dosimetry Co-Exposure Data for Oak Ridge National Laboratory" on September 1, 2020, for consistency with the Department of Energy site name and to accurately describe the coworker model as a co-exposure model.
Revised May 5, 2014 [649 KB (37 pages)]
Document Number: ORAUT-OTIB-0034 Rev-03
Revisions Include: Removes the inclusion of the Pilot Plant in Section 4.3.5 and Section 5.2, 1st bullet. Updates references. Incorporates formal internal and NIOSH review comments.
Revised January 21, 2014 [606 KB (37 pages)]
Document Number: ORAUT-OTIB-0034 Rev-02
Revision Includes: Revision to modify Sections 4.3.5, 5.1, and 5.2 to reference OTIB-0054 rather than provide fission products ratios based on environmental monitoring records. Clarification added that Type S strontium should only be applied if exposure to strontium titanate is assumed. In addition, guidance on when to assign the 95th percentile intake rates was added.
Revised April 23, 2013 [618 KB (39 pages)]
Document Number: ORAUT-OTIB-0034 Rev-01
Revision Includes: Plutonium modeling updated to include best estimate intakes for Type S material. 95th-percentile intakes added for all nuclides. Attachment A data tables expanded to include information on the number of samples and employees used in the statistical analysis.
Approved December 13, 2005 [581 KB (29 pages)]
Document Number: ORAUT-OTIB-0034 Rev-00
About this Document: Establishes the technical basis to assign X-10 internal doses based on coworker bioassay data.
Internal Dosimetry Coworker Data for Y-12 (TIB 29)–CANCELED
Note: This document has been canceled. There is no longer a need to keep this information in a stand-alone document. The information contained in this document has been incorporated into the Y-12 National Security Complex – Occupational Internal Dose Technical Basis Document, ORAUT-TKBS-0014-5 Rev 03.
Approved: April 5, 2005 [308 KB (25 pages)]
Document Number: ORAUT-OTIB-0029 Rev-00
About this Document: TIB for assignment of Y-12 internal doses based on coworker bioassay data.
Internal Dosimetry Organ, External Dosimetry Organ, and IREP Model Selection by ICD-9 Code (TIB 5)
Revised December 20, 2012 [529 KB (42 pages)]
Document Number: ORAUT-OTIB-0005 Rev-05
Revision Includes: Adds Chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL) as radiogenic cancer – Section 4.11, Table 3-1 (ICD-9 code 204.1 series), footnote “d” to Table 3-1. Added clarification to Sec 4.9 on comparisons of ULI and LLI. Update Table 3-1 to add 5th digit in ICD-9 codes for 173, add clarification to Sec 4.7 for same. Update 150.1 and 150.9 to clarify that stomach is not appropriate for either code since location is either thoracic or unspecified and add discussion of “nec” and “nos” to Sec 4.8. Added discussion of ICD-9 code 199 in Section 3.2. Incorporates formal internal and NIOSH review comments.
Revised April 18, 2011 [483 KB (39 pages)]
Document Number: ORAUT-OTIB-0005 Rev-04
Revision Includes: Changes external organ for ICD-9 codes 194.1 and 194.5 to Thyroid only (rather than Thyroid/Remainder), adds BCC as an IREP model option for ICD-9 code 232, changes internal organ from Medical Review to Skin for 238.2, add SCC as an IREP model option for 238.2, updates footnote “e” to include ICD-9 code 238.2 and BCC, update the internal organ from “Medical Review” to a specific organ of interest for 236.91 (Kidney), 238.0 (Bone surface), 238.3 (Breast), 239.2 (Bone surface or Skin depending on cancer type). Additional change to 238.0 and 239.2(bone) based on formal internal review comments – both changed to bone surface for internal and external organs. Additional change to add SCC as viable IREP model for 239.2 (skin) based on formal NIOSH review.
Revised February 26, 2010 [482 KB (40 pages)]
Document Number: ORAUT-OTIB-0005 Rev-03
Revision Includes: Adds discussion of ICD-9 vs. ICD-9-CM in Background section, adds codes into Table 3-1 and 3-2 that cross-reference to ICD-9-CM codes, adds clarification for skin cancer codes, updates organ selection for ICD-9 codes 155 and 156, adds clarification that this OTIB is not applicable for x-ray procedures. No sections were deleted. Incorporates formal internal and NIOSH review comments. Constitutes a total rewrite of the document.
Page Change Revision February 10, 2006 [468 KB (36 pages)]
Document Number: ORAUT-OTIB-0005 Rev-02 PC-1
Page Change Revision Includes: Updates Table 3-1 (pages 15 – 22) in Section 3.2 to reflect guidance in OCAS TIB-012 Rev 1 (internal and external organs for ICD-9 series 200 through 204 changed from “Reserved” to the specified organ) and changes OCAS-TIB-012 issue date and revision number in reference section (page 33). No sections were deleted.
Revised December 2, 2005 [459 KB (33 pages)]
Document Number: ORAUT-OTIB-0005 Rev-02
Revision Includes: Adds information for ICD-9 codes 289.7 and 289.9, clarifies handling adenocarcinoma of the distal (lower third) esophagus, corrects external organ for ICD-9 codes 233.4 and 236.5, updates correct model selections for various cancers (to reflect guidance in OCAS TIB-012, except as directed by OCAS to mark many 200-204 organs as “Reserved”), adds likely primary cancer selection for secondary cancers. Changes references to “IMBA organ” to “Internal Dosimetry organ.”
Page Change Revision October 29, 2004 [422 KB (20 pages)]
Document Number: ORAUT-OTIB-0005 Rev-01 PC-3
Page Change Revision Includes: IMBA model correction for ICD-9 code 189.2, 189.3, and 189.4 (changed to highest non-met organ/tissue on page 9), added footnote number 5 to Table 1 for ICD-9 code 232 on page 18. Changed DOL documentation to NIOSH Referral Summary Document (NRSD) on page 20.
Page Change Revision May 7, 2004 [381 KB (19 pages)]
Document Number: ORAUT-OTIB-0005 Rev-01 PC-2
Page Change Revision Includes: IMBA and External model correction for ICD-9 code 231.8 (changed to med review on page 15), IMBA model correction for ICD-9 codes 235.8 and 235.9 (changed to med review on page 16), External model correction for ICD-9 code 185 (changed to bladder on page 8).
Page Change Revision March 8, 2004 [377 KB (19 pages)]
Document Number: ORAUT-OTIB-0005 Rev-01 PC-1
Page Change Revision Includes: IREP model correction for ICD-9 code 238.7 (added Bone model), remove IMBA/External/IREP model info from header rows for ICD-9 codes 194 and 205.
Revised January 23, 2004 [368 KB (19 pages)]
Document Number: ORAUT-OTIB-0005 Rev-01
Revision Includes: Incorporates applicable external dosimetry organ selection.
Approved November 3, 2003 [305 KB (24 pages)]
Document Number: ORAUT-OTIB-0005 Rev-00
About this Document: Establishes the technical basis for clarifying IMBA organ and IREP model selection.
Interpretation of Dosimetry Data for Assignment of Shallow Dose (TIB 17)
Approved January 19, 2005 [99 KB (14 pages)]
Document Number: ORAUT-OTIB-0017 Rev-00
Interpretation of External Dosimetry Records at Savannah River Site (SRS) (TIB 6)
Revised February 20, 2004 [16 KB (3 pages)]
Document Number: OCAS-TIB-006 Rev-01
Revision Includes: Revised discussion of shallow dose interpretation for low energy photons.
Approved September 8, 2003 [683 KB (6 pages)]
Document Number: OCAS-TIB-006 Rev-00
Lung Dose Conversion Factor for Thoron WLM (TIB 11)
Revised May 1, 2013 [255 KB (10 pages)]
Document Number: OCAS-TIB-0011 Rev-04
Revision Includes: Added conversion factor for Radon 222 lung dose.
Revised January 28, 2008 [56 KB (9 pages)]
Document Number: OCAS-TIB-0011 Rev-03
Revision Includes: Correction factors added for Radon 219 and calculation errors corrected. Minor editorial changes to text.
January 13, 2006 [36 KB (8 pages)]
Document Number: OCAS-TIB-0011 Rev-02
Revision Includes: Correction factors added for ET1 and ET2 regions for Radon 222.
Revised April 15, 2005 [924 KB (7 pages)]
Document Number: OCAS-TIB-0011 Rev-01
Revision Includes: Correction factors added for ET1 and ET2 regions.
Approved March 16, 2005 [44 KB (7 pages)]
Document Number: OCAS-TIB-0011 Rev-00
Maximum Internal Dose Estimates for Certain DOE Complex Claims (TIB 2)
Note: This TIB is no longer used in dose reconstruction.
Page Change Revision February 7, 2007 [220 KB (18 pages)]
Document Number: ORAUT-OTIB-0002 Rev-02
About this Document: Establishes the technical basis for determining maximum internal dose estimates for certain DOE complex claims.
Page Change Revision Includes: Revised for biennial review. Constitutes a total rewrite of the document. Formatting and terminology changes were made to make the document consistent with current practices. Attachment A and associated references from Rev. 01 were deleted as they are no longer used. No changes occurred as a result of formal internal review. Incorporates NIOSH formal review comments. This revision results in no change to the assigned dose and no PER is required.
Page Change Revisions May 7, 2004 [218 KB (20 pages)]
Document Number: ORAUT-OTIB-0002 Rev-01 PC-2
Page Change Revision Includes: Lists additional organs to Table 3.1.1-4 on page 8. Adds information on page 9 regarding conditions to determine the potential for internal exposure – for covered employee’s initial hire date after 1952 and not participating in a bioassay program prior to 1970 and the covered employees initial hire date prior to 1970 with an evaluation of working conditions.
Page Change Revision January 28, 2004 [215 KB (20 pages)]
Document Number: ORAUT-OTIB-0002 Rev-01 PC-1
Page Change Revision Includes: Added information on pages 8 and 9 regarding the employee’s initial hire date after 1969 and revised hire date for Hanford employees. Deleted the following information: The covered employee’s initial hire date was 1970 or later. For Hanford employees, the covered employee’s initial hire date was 1953 or later. See Attachment B for discussion.
Revised January 10, 2004 [205 KB (19 pages)]
Document Number: ORAUT-OTIB-0002 Rev-01
Revision Includes: Incorporates the allowance for the application of this TIB to claimants who were monitored and who did have detectable activity (“positive”) in their samples; the evaluation of those sample results will ensure that the method used results in the highest POC.
Approved November 7, 2003 [137 KB (15 pages)]
Document Number: ORAUT-OTIB-0002 Rev-00
Maximum Internal Dose Estimates for Savannah River Site (SRS) Claims–CANCELED [155 KB (14 pages)]
Document Number: ORAUT-OTIB-0001 Rev-00
About this Document: Describes the maximum internal dose estimates for Savannah River Site (SRS) claims.
Approved: July 15, 2003
Note: This document has been canceled. Site-specific hypothetical intakes are no longer assigned. ORAUT-OTIB-0018, “Internal Dose Overestimates for Facilities with Air Sampling Programs”, or co-exposure values when available, will be used in its place.
Monte Carlo Methods for Dose Uncertainty Calculations–CANCELED [861 KB (65 pages)]
Document Number: ORAUT-OTIB-0012 Rev-00
About this Document: Establishes the technical basis for Monte Carlo Methods for dose uncertainty calculations.
Approved: February 14, 2005
Note: This document was canceled. This efficiency methodology for Monte Carlo calculations is no longer used in dose reconstructions.
Neutron Exposures at the Savannah River Site (TIB 7)
Approved: September 17, 2003 [536 KB (6 pages)]
Document Number: OCAS-TIB-007 Rev-00
Occupational Dose from Elevated Ambient Levels of External Radiation (TIB 7)–CANCELED
Note: This document has been canceled. The information contained in this document has been incorporated into Occupational Onsite Ambient Dose Reconstruction for DOE Sites (ORAUT-PROC-0060).
Approved: November 12, 2003 [79 KB (6 pages)]
Document Number: ORAUT-OTIB-0007 Rev-00
About this Document: Establishes the technical basis for establishing occupational dose from elevated ambient levels of external radiation.
Parameters to Consider When Processing Claims for Construction Trade Workers (TIB 52)
Parameters to Consider When Processing Claims for Construction Trade Workers [422 KB (40 pages)]
Document Number: ORAUT-OTIB-0052 Rev-01
Revised: February 17, 2011
Revision Includes: Clarifies the basis for certain assumptions and provides cautions regarding the limitations of the available data. Incorporates formal internal and NIOSH review comments. Constitutes a total rewrite of the document.
Draft: Review of ORAUT-OTIB-0052, Parameters to Consider When Processing Claims for Construction Trade Workers [127 KB (26 pages)]
Contract No. 200-2009-28555
SCA-TR-PR2011-0004, Rev. 0
Document No. SCA-TR-PR2011-0004
July 11, 2011
Page Change Revision: January 16, 2007 [338 KB (35 pages)]
Document Number: ORAUT-OTIB-0052 Rev-00 PC-1
Page Change Revision Includes: Sections 8.2, 8.3, and 8.4 on pages 32 and 33 revised in order to provide consistent guidance for dose reconstruction. No sections were deleted. Incorporates internal formal review comments. No changes were needed as a result of NIOSH formal review. This revision does not result in an increase of dose and no PER is required.
Approved August 31, 2006 [329 KB (35 pages)]
Document Number: ORAUT-OTIB-0052 Rev-00
About this Document: New document to describe the parameters to consider when processing claims for construction trade workers.
Rocky Flats Internal Dosimetry Coworker Extension–CANCELED
Note: This document has been canceled.This document has been canceled. Information incorporated into ORAUT-TKBS-0011-5 Rev 02.
Approved December 7, 2006 [109 KB (17 pages)]
Document Number: OCAS-TIB-014 Rev-00
About this Document: Extends TIB 38: Internal Dosimetry Coworker Data for Rocky Flats Environmental Technology Site. In order to extend the analysis beyond 1988, data was obtained from the Rocky Flats site’s HIS-20 database. The purpose of this TIB is to extend the previous TIB 38 utilizing the same methodology.
Savannah River Site Tritium Dose Assignment–CANCELED (ORAU TIB 3)
Note: This document has been canceled. The information contained in this document can now be found in ORAUT-OTIB-0011 Rev-00: Tritium Calculated and Missed Dose Estimates.
Approved October 3, 2003 [79 KB (6 pages)]
Document Number: ORAUT-OTIB-0003 Rev-00
About this Document: Provides guidance on the assignment of tritium dose for dose reconstructions at the Savannah River Site.
Selected Geometric Exposure Scenario Considerations for External Dose Reconstruction at Uranium Facilities (OCAS TIB 13)
Note: Document was previously entitled “Special External Dose Reconstruction Considerations for Mallinckrodt Workers.”
Special External Dose Reconstruction Considerations for Mallinckrodt Workers [760 KB (10 pages)]
Document Number: OCAS-TIB-0013 Rev-00
About this Document: Provides guidance on the application of geometry-based dose correction factors to external dosimetry badge data for Mallinckrodt workers in particular job classifications
Approved: October 26, 2005
Selection of internal and external dosimetry target organs for lymphatic/hematopoietic cancers (TIB 12)
Approved August 15, 2005 [72 KB (14 pages)]
Document Number: OCAS-TIB-012 Rev-00
Special External Dose Reconstruction Considerations for Glovebox Workers (TIB 10)
Note: The document title was changed. Please see: “Best Estimate External Dose Reconstruction for Glovebox Workers.”Top of Page
Special External Dose Reconstruction Considerations for Mallinckrodt Workers (OCAS TIB 13)
Note: The document title was changed. Please see: “Selected Geometric Exposure Scenario Considerations for External Dose Reconstruction at Uranium Facilities.”Top of Page
Supplementary External Dose Information for Rocky Flats (TIB 27)–CANCELED
Note: This document has been canceled. There is no longer a need to keep this information in a stand-alone document.The information contained in this document has been incorporated into the Rocky Flats Plant Site Profile section: Occupational External Dose.
Approved May 19, 2005 [53 KB (9 pages)]
Document Number: ORAUT-OTIB-0027 Rev-00
About this Document: Establishes the technical basis for supplementary external dose information for Rocky Flats Plant.
Technical Information Bulletin in Support of INEEL Technical Basis Document Section 6: Reanalysis of Hankins MTR Bonner Sphere Surveys (TIB 9)
Approved March 17, 2004 [227 KB (9 pages)]
Document Number: ORAUT-OTIB-0009 Rev-00
Use of Claimant Datasets for Coworker Modeling (TIB 75)
Use of Claimant Datasets for Coworker Modeling [5.6 MB (161 pages)]
Document Number: ORAUT-OTIB-0075 Rev-00
About this Document: New Technical Information Bulletin that presents the results of a study of Y-12 Plant worker and claimant data to determine the feasibility of using claimant data in place of complete coworker data for reconstruction of doses at sites that do not have complete coworker data. Includes Mound and SRS datasets. Incorporates formal internal and NIOSH review comments.
Approved: May 25, 2009
Use of Coworker Dosimetry Data for External Dose Assignment (TIB 20)
Use of Coworker Dosimetry Data for External Dose Assignment [121 KB (9 pages)]
Document Number: ORAUT-OTIB-0020 Rev-02
About this Document: Establishes the technical basis to provide general information to Dose Reconstructors (Health Physicists) to assign doses to workers at DOE sites who have no or limited monitoring data, based on site coworker external dosimetry data.
Revised: December 4, 2008
Revision Includes: Approved revision that cancels changes from draft revisions 01 PC-1-A and 01 PC-1-B. Section 3.0 was revised to include language developed during the review of this TIB by the Advisory Board Work Group on Procedures. Section 7.0, Attributions and Annotations was added. Editorial changes include an update of Section 1.0, Purpose, and movement of Section 6.0, References, to the end of the document with consequent renumbering of following sections. References updated as necessary. Incorporates formal internal and NIOSH review comments.
Revised October 7, 2005 [116 KB (8 pages)]
Document Number: ORAUT-OTIB-0020 Rev-01
Revision Includes: Provides clarifications and updates to reflect recent OCAS guidance.
Approved December 29, 2004 [44 KB (6 pages)]
Document Number: ORAUT-OTIB-0020 Rev-00
Use of ICRP 66 to Calculate Respiratory Tract Doses (TIB 8)
Approved September 29, 2003 [83 KB (5 pages)]
Document Number: OCAS-TIB-008 Rev-00
Use of Rocky Flats Neutron Dose Reconstruction Project Data in Dose Reconstructions (TIB 50)–CANCELED
Note: This document has been canceled. There is no longer a need to keep this information in a stand-alone document. The information contained in this document has been incorporated into the Rocky Flats Plant Site Profile section: Occupational External Dose.
Approved December 13, 2005 [127 KB (10 pages)]
Document Number: ORAUT-OTIB-0050 Rev-00
About this Document: Establishes the technical basis to establish guidance for the use of Rocky Flats Neutron Dose Reconstruction Project data in dose reconstructions.
Validation of Thorium Annual Dose Conversion Factors (TIB 28)
Page Change Revision December 8, 2006 [43 KB (7 pages)]
Document Number: ORAUT-OTIB-0028 Rev-01 PC-1
Page Change Revision Includes: Corrects value in Table 3-2 on page 6 in Section 3.0 and adds a reference on page 7. No changes occurred as a result of formal internal and NIOSH review. There is no change to the assigned dose and no PER is required.
Revised March 7, 2005 [36 KB (7 pages)]
Document Number: ORAUT-OTIB-0028 Rev-01
Revision Includes: Revised to add Th-228 values.
Approved February 14, 2005 [56 KB (6 pages)]
Document Number: ORAUT-OTIB-0028 Rev-00