We are taking steps to continue to modernize and secure our data, applications, and systems. We completed the first phase and restored many of the functions put on pause in May 2021. Now that the first phase is complete, work will resume at a slower pace but will speed up as new systems and applications are brought online. For more information and updates, please visit our Cybersecurity Modernization Initiative web page.
Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL/X-10)
(Site Profile/Docket Number 023)
Location: Oak Ridge, Tennessee
Also known as: Clinton Laboratories
Special Exposure Cohort Petition Information
The Special Exposure Cohort (SEC) is a unique category of employees established by the Act (42 CFR Part 83). Claims compensated under the SEC do not have to go through the dose reconstruction process. To qualify for compensation under the SEC, a covered employee must meet specific requirements (e.g., must have at least one of 22 “specified cancers,” and have worked for a specified time period at one of the SEC sites). Classes of employees and work sites can be considered for addition to the SEC through a NIOSH petition process. More information about the Special Exposure Cohort can be found on our Frequently Asked Questions page.
Open/Active SEC Petitions
To date, there are no open/active SEC petitions from Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL/X-10).
Class(es) Added to the SEC
All employees of the Department of Energy, its predecessor agencies, and their contractors and subcontractors who worked in any area at the Oak Ridge National Laboratory (X-10) in Oak Ridge, Tennessee, from June 17, 1943, through July 31, 1955, for a number of work days aggregating at least 250 work days, occurring either solely under this employment, or in combination with work days within the parameters established for one or more other classes of employees in the Special Exposure Cohort.
Note: This class was established by Petition 189.
Petitions Qualified for Evaluation
Below is a list of the petitions that qualified for evaluation. Select a petition on the list to view the table for that particular petition.
SEC Petitions Not Qualifying for Evaluation
There were six additional petitions received but did not qualify for evaluation. Five petitions did not meet the minimum petition requirements for evaluation and the other petition was withdrawn by the petitioner.
Worker Outreach Activities
Based on a recommendation from the Advisory Board to provide workers and site experts with opportunities to participate in developing the technical documents used in dose reconstruction, NIOSH established a Worker Outreach Program.
At Worker Outreach Meetings, current and former DOE and AWE employees have opportunities to obtain information about Site Profiles, Technical Basis Documents, and Technical Information Bulletins, and to provide information for consideration and possible use in dose reconstruction. This process is valuable to ensure that the technical documents used in dose reconstruction contain correct and useful information.
Worker Outreach Activities for the Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL/X-10):
April 5, 2005
Meeting with Security, Police, and Fire Professionals of America; International Guards Union of America
Final Minutes [58 KB (9 pages)] -
November 9, 2004
Meeting with Knoxville Building and Construction Trades Council, AFL-CIO
Final Minutes [32 KB (5 pages)] -
November 8, 2004
Meeting with Oak Ridge National Laboratory Atomic Trades and Labor Council
Final Minutes [39 KB (7 pages)]
Advisory Board Work Group on Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL/X-10)
This Work Group is responsible for a review of the Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL/X-10) Site Profile and a review of the Site Profile by the Board’s contractor (SC&A). The Work Group shall consider issues identified by SC&A concerning the Site Profile and shall assist NIOSH and SC&A in the resolution of such issues. The Work Group may recommend to the Board changes in the Site Profile as appropriate.
Work Group Members:
TBA (Chair)
Josie Beach
Arthur Frank, M.D., Ph.D.
Loretta R. Valerio
Meeting Information
June 30, 2021 Teleconference Meeting of the Advisory Board Work Group on Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL/X-10)
10:30 a.m. (Eastern Time)
Meeting Type: Teleconference; Public, No Comment PeriodVideoconference:
Meeting ID: 160 6763 3819
Passcode: ABRWH#01Teleconference:
Phone: +1 (646) 828-7666 (U.S. East Coast)Teleconference Phone
Phone: +1 (669) 254-5252 (U.S. West Coast)Teleconference Phone
Meeting ID: 160 6763 3819
Meeting Passcode: 98685439
Pre-Decisional Document Policy
Available Meeting Items:
Discussion/Background Papers:
January 8, 2021 -
June 3, 2020
Please Note: As part of the procedures and processes of the Advisory Board’s Work Groups, several kinds of pre-decisional documents may be developed. These pre-decisional documents, such as white papers, matrices, working drafts, etc., are distributed among Work Group members as research and background tools to facilitate discussion and deliberation. Although discussion during a public meeting may cover pre-decisional documents, these documents often are not further revised or finalized, and thus do not reflect the final determination or evaluation of the Advisory Board and its Work Groups. Additionally, some pre-decisional documents not otherwise posted on the website may contain sensitive information, which would require an interested party to obtain such documents by filing a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request with the ÐÇ¿ÕÓéÀÖ¹ÙÍø/ATSDR FOIA Office at [email protected].
Technical Documents
If the energy employee’s personal radiation information is incomplete, NIOSH will use other sources to estimate the radiation dose. This may involve using technical documents called Site Profiles, Technical Basis Documents, and Technical Information Bulletins.
Site Profile
Introduction [38 KB (7 pages)]
Approved August 11, 2004 -
Site Description [1.2 MB (79 pages)]
Revised August 17, 2007Revision Includes: Initiated to add Attributions and Annotations section. Added references and made editorial changes. Incorporates formal internal review comments.
Occupational Medical Dose [315 KB (29 pages)]
Revised October 1, 2007Revision Includes: Initiated to include Attribution and Annotation section. Incorporates formal internal review comments most of which were editorial and pertained to more than the added Attributions and Annotations section. Table 3-6 had the factor of two removed that was applied to the organ dose values for the ovaries, testes, and uterus. Incorporates formal NIOSH review comments.
Occupational Environmental Dose [233 KB (41 pages)]
Approved May 7, 2004 -
Occupational Internal Dose [1 MB (73 pages)]
February 8, 2013Revision Includes: Adds new SEC designation to Section 5.1.3 and incorporates definitions and directions for dose reconstruction for claims that are excluded from the 1943 through July 31, 1955, Special Exposure Cohort. Removed Section 5.4 and Attachment B from the text and Table of Contents. Incorporates formal internal and NIOSH review comments.
Occupational External Dose [688 KB (92 pages)]
Revised September 10, 2007Revision Includes: Initiated to include Attributions and Annotations, Purpose, and Scope sections, and additional references. Made editorial changes. Incorporates formal internal and NIOSH review comments.
Technical Information Bulletins
External Coworker Dosimetry Data for the X-10 Site [208 KB (12 pages)]
Document Number: ORAUT-OTIB-0021 Rev-01
Revised: November 7, 2006
Revision Includes: Approved Revision 01 due to release of ORAUT-OTIB-0052, Rev. 00. Per new document requirements, added a table of contents. This revision results in an increase in assigned dose and a PER is required. This revision also documents minor corrections to Table 2 that do not require a PER.
Internal Dosimetry Co-Exposure Data for Oak Ridge National Laboratory [957 KB (35 pages)]
Document Number: ORAUT-OTIB-0034 Rev-04
About this Document: Establishes the technical basis to provide information to allow Dose Reconstructors (Health Physicists) to assign doses to workers at the X-10 site who have no or limited monitoring data, based on site coworker data.
Revised: September 1, 2020
Revision Includes: Revision initiated to include adding the potential and intake rates for type SS plutonium. Incorporates formal internal and NIOSH review comments. Constitutes a total rewrite of the document.
Note: Title changed from "Internal Dosimetry Coworker Data for X-10" to "Internal Dosimetry Co-Exposure Data for Oak Ridge National Laboratory" for consistency with the Department of Energy site name and to accurately describe the coworker model as a co-exposure model. Previous versions of the is document are located on this page under the Document Archive for Technical Information Bulletins (TIBs) section.
Advisory Board and NIOSH Discussions on Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL/X-10)
The documents listed under this section were prepared by the Advisory Board on Radiation and Worker Health (or their technical support contractor) or NIOSH. Some of the items listed below are working documents and were developed for discussion purposes only. The documents represent preliminary positions taken on technical issues. Draft, preliminary, interim, and white paper documents are not final positions unless specifically marked as such.
The documents below have been reviewed to identify and redact any information that is protected by the Privacy Act 5 USC §552a and has been cleared for distribution.
SC&A Draft: SC&A’s Evaluation of ORAUT-OTIB-0049, Revision 02, “Estimating Doses for Plutonium Strongly Retained in the Lung” [1.3 MB (39 pages)]
Contract No. 75D30119C04183
Document No. SCA-TR-2021-PR049, Revision 0
October 7, 2021 -
SC&A Draft: SC&A’S Evaluation Of ORAUT-OTIB-0088, Revision 01, “External Dose Reconstruction” [296 KB (9 pages)]
Contract No. 75D30119C04183
Document No. SCA-TR-2021-PR088, Revision 0
September 3, 2021 -
Advisory Board: Update – Oak Ridge National Laboratory (X-10) Work Group [124 KB (18 pages)]
Presentation at the August 18-19, 2021, Teleconference Meeting of the Advisory Board on Radiation and Worker Health -
SC&A: Review of NIOSH Response to SC&A Comments on ORAUT-RPRT-0090 [707 KB (61 pages)]
Presentation at the June 30, 2021, Teleconference Meeting of the Advisory Board Work Group on Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL/X-10) -
January 8, 2021 -
Presentation at the December 8-9, 2020, Teleconference Meeting of the Advisory Board on Radiation and Worker Health -
June 3, 2020 -
Advisory Board: ORAUT-OTIB-0034 Internal Dosimetry Coworker Data for X-10 [171 KB (12 pages)]
Presentation at the August 21, 2019, Meeting of the Advisory Board on Radiation and Worker Health -
Advisory Board: ORAUT-OTIB-0034 Internal Dosimetry Coworker Data for X-10 Report from the Subcommittee for Procedure Reviews (SCPR) [159 KB (12 pages)]
Presentation for the April 11, 2018, Meeting of the Advisory Board on Radiation and Worker Health -
SC&A: Issues Resolution Matrix for ORAUT-OTIB-0034, Revision 01, “Internal Dosimetry Coworker Data for X-10” [355 KB (5 pages)]
March 26, 2018 -
SC&A Memo: Responses to 17th Set Blind Remaining Issues [55 KB (2 pages)]
November 24, 2015 -
SC&A Draft: Blind Dose Reconstruction of Case #[REDACTED] from the Y-12 National Security Complex and the X-10 Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Rev. 0 [4 MB (122 pages)]
Contract No. 200-2009-28555
February 24, 2014 -
NIOSH Presentation: Oak Ridge National Laboratory SEC Petition (83.14) [2 MB (58 pages)]
September 18, 2012 -
Draft: Oak Ridge National Laboratory Site Profile Review [622 KB (116 pages)]
Contract No. 200-2004-03805
Task Order No. 1
September 29, 2006
Public Comments on Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL/X-10) Documents
How to Submit Comments
Comments on Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL/X-10) Documents can be submitted to the NIOSH Docket Officer electronically by email at [email protected] or printed comments can be mailed to:
NIOSH Docket Office
Robert A. Taft Laboratories, MS-C34
1090 Tusculum Avenue
Cincinnati, OH 45226
Please include the Site Profile/Docket Number (023) on all comments.
Comments Received:
Comments from David Barncord: ORNL Site Profile Comments [82 KB (2 pages)]
Comments from a Private Citizen: Worker Compensation Program [103 KB (2 pages)]
Document Archive for Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL/X-10)
Site Profile Document Archive
Section 2: Site Description
Revised August 30, 2006 [1 MB (80 pages)]
Revision Includes: Constitutes a total rewrite as a result of biennial review. Text was revised to reflect recent construction and other site changes. In addition, the revision added guidance in Section 2.2.55 that maintenance workers should be evaluated using coworker data when appropriate, in response to comments received from the Worker Outreach Meeting with the Oak Ridge Atomic Trades and Labor Council on November 8, 2004. No further changes occurred as a result of internal formal review. Incorporates NIOSH formal review comments. This revision results in no change to the assigned dose.
Section 3: Occupational Medical Dose section
Page Change Revision July 21, 2006 [230 KB (27 pages)]
Page Change Revision Includes: Approved page change revision initiated to incorporate recent direction from NIOSH to include details for the definition of a DOE facility on page 5 in Section 3.1. Adds Purpose and Scope sections on page 6. Revised to delete the uterus as a surrogate organ to the ovaries on page 15 in Section 3.5 and on page 24 in Table 3-7 in Section 3.4. Makes corrections in Table 3-5 on pages 20 and 21 and in Table 3-6 on pages 22 and 23 in Section 3.6. Incorporates NIOSH formal review comments. No sections were deleted.
Revised October 29, 2004 [224 KB (26 pages)]
Revision Includes: Revised to remove 25% timing error correction from ESE and organ dose values from PA chest exams between 1964 and 1990.
Site Profile: Occupational Medical Dose section [226 KB (27 pages)]
Approved April 20, 2004
Section 5: Occupational Internal Dose
Revised October 1, 2007 [2 MB (74 pages)]
Revision Includes: Initiated to include Attributions and Annotations, Purpose and Scope sections. Revised Section 5.4. Made editorial changes. No further changes occurred as a result of formal internal review. Incorporates formal NIOSH review comments
Page Change Revision May 30, 2006 [1 MB (70 pages)]
Revision Includes: Update required language in the Introduction on page 8 in Section 5.1. Adds Section 5.4 on pages 28 and 29 on using air monitoring data to assign best estimates of internal dose for unmonitored ORNL workers during the 1944-1947 period. Makes reference changes on pages 30 and 32 in the Reference Section. Adds Attachment 5B, on pages 67, 68, 69, and 70, which gives the technical justification for this protocol. No changes occurred as a result of internal formal review. Incorporates NIOSH formal review comments. No sections were deleted.
Section 6: Occupational External Dose
Technical Information Bulletins (TIBs) Document Archive
External Coworker Dosimetry Data for the X-10 Site [71 KB (8 pages)]
Document Number: ORAUT-OTIB-0021 Rev-00
About this Document: Provides information to allow ORAU Team dose reconstructors to assign doses to workers at the X-10 site who have no or limited monitoring data, based on site coworker data. I
Approved: December 29, 2004
Internal Dosimetry Coworker Data for X-10
Note: Title changed from "Internal Dosimetry Coworker Data for X-10" to "Internal Dosimetry Co-Exposure Data for Oak Ridge National Laboratory" on September 1, 2020, for consistency with the Department of Energy site name and to accurately describe the coworker model as a co-exposure model. Previous versions of the is document are located on this page under the Document Archive for Technical Information Bulletins (TIBs) section.
Internal Dosimetry Coworker Data for X-10 [649 KB (37 pages)]
Document Number: ORAUT-OTIB-0034 Rev-03
Revised: May 5, 2014
Revisions Include: Removes the inclusion of the Pilot Plant in Section 4.3.5 and Section 5.2, 1st bullet. Updates references. Incorporates formal internal and NIOSH review comments.
Internal Dosimetry Coworker Data for X-10 [606 KB (37 pages)]
Document Number: ORAUT-OTIB-0034 Rev-02
Revised: January 21, 2014
Revision Includes: Revision to modify Sections 4.3.5, 5.1, and 5.2 to reference OTIB-0054 rather than provide fission products ratios based on environmental monitoring records. Clarification added that Type S strontium should only be applied if exposure to strontium titanate is assumed. In addition, guidance on when to assign the 95th percentile intake rates was added.
Internal Dosimetry Coworker Data for X-10 [618 KB (39 pages)]
Document Number: ORAUT-OTIB-0034 Rev-01
Revised: April 23, 2013
Revision Includes: Plutonium modeling updated to include best estimate intakes for Type S material. 95th-percentile intakes added for all nuclides. Attachment A data tables expanded to include information on the number of samples and employees used in the statistical analysis.
Internal Dosimetry Coworker Data for X-10 [580 KB (29 pages)]
Document Number: ORAUT-OTIB-0034 Rev-00
About this Document: Establishes the technical basis to assign X-10 internal doses based on coworker bioassay data.
Approved: December 13, 2005