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BRFSS Combined Landline and Cell Phone Weighted Response Rates by State, 2011

State Landline
Cell Phone
Weighted AAPOR
Cooperation Rate (COOP2)3
Weighted AAPOR
Response Rate (RR4)4
  N N % %
AL 6576 1113 69.67 41.55
AK 3213 330 80.05 60.53
AZ 5784 705 61.81 40.15
AR 4298 441 68.05 49.71
CA 16087 1917 52.61 35.40
CO 12333 1279 84.43 61.18
CT 6002 827 69.27 35.46
DE 4130 647 79.55 45.10
DC 4032 528 70.32 40.51
FL 10586 1813 67.11 42.05
GA 9023 937 80.74 49.92
HI 6337 1269 72.16 44.38
ID 5494 583 70.89 53.57
IL 4775 700 76.66 49.72
IN 7357 1138 63.10 43.51
IA 6010 1344 78.61 61.40
KS 17250 3462 73.75 51.14
KY 9697 1197 83.44 57.10
LA 9969 957 72.41 50.01
ME 12070 1173 73.58 51.65
MD 9461 656 81.29 50.31
MA 20492 1836 73.84 40.98
MI 9308 1741 77.78 50.60
MN 10315 5086 82.22 51.88
MS 7226 1681 73.54 48.49
MO 5292 1113 78.94 52.81
MT 8579 1686 80.36 61.41
NE 20382 5034 80.62 60.89
NV 4492 1001 74.41 41.58
NH 5526 836 70.85 41.56
NJ 14086 1297 76.17 43.07
NM 7700 1717 77.97 57.53
NY 6120 1615 63.33 33.77
NC 10497 1053 72.48 50.11
ND 4519 787 68.28 48.12
OH 8800 1148 72.54 45.49
OK 7564 959 77.09 52.57
OR 4905 1342 78.25 42.18
PA 9428 2081 62.26 36.56
RI 5850 683 68.53 39.77
SC 10577 2371 78.92 55.11
SD 7253 1006 82.29 64.14
TN 5741 173 72.70 53.99
TX 13189 1784 68.32 44.77
UT 10155 2514 81.72 55.20
VT 6534 562 75.72 49.85
VA 5598 1007 76.44 43.90
WA 14000 772 67.14 44.25
WV 4435 847 82.10 48.92
WI 4634 668 74.43 55.14
WY 5418 1452 71.37 51.59
GU 1638 249 75.44 52.62
PR 4471 2142 90.17 61.70
VI 2535 N/A 69,48 54.33
Total 437,743 71,259    
Median * 7,253 1,113 73.84 49.72
Minimum * 3,213 173 52.61 33.77
Maximum * 20,492 5,086 84.43 64.14

* The Median, Minimum, and Maximum values do not include Guam (GU), Puerto Rico (PR), or the U.S. Virgin Islands (VI).

1 Additional technical details are provided in the 2011 Summary Data Quality Report (

2The BRFSS has adopted new weighting procedures in order to accommodate the inclusion of new variables, including the type of phones owned by respondents. Details are provided in the June 8, 2012 issue of the Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report (MMWR), which highlights weighting effects on trend lines ().

3The AAPOR Cooperation Rate #2 is the number of complete and partial complete interviews divided by the number of interviews (complete plus partial) plus the number of non-interviews that involve the identification of and contact with an eligible respondent (refusal and break-offs plus other) ().

4The AAPOR Response Rate Formula #4 is the number of respondents who completed the survey as a proportion of all eligible and likely-eligible persons ().

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